Title: DPWH and Ulticon To Build First Long-distance Mountain Tunnel
1DPWH and Ulticon To Build First Long-distance
Mountain Tunnel
2The Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH), in partnership with Quadruple A
Contractor Ulticon Builders Incorporated (UBI),
spearheads the construction of Davao Citys 2.3KM
long-distance mountain tunnel.
3This four-lane mountain road tunnel is a first in
the country and touted as one of its most
innovative transportation projects. The tunnel
will be built along the mountains of Barangay
Magtuod. It is a part of a PhP 13 Billion 10.7KM
road a section known as Package I-1 of Davao
Citys 45.5KM Coastal Bypass Road. Targeted to
be completed in 3 years, it seeks to provide ease
of transportation between Barangay J.P Laurel in
Panabo and Barangay Sirawan in Davao through the
Pan-Philippine Highway Diversion Road. Travel
time is estimated to be shortened from 1 hour and
44 minutes to only 49 minutes.
4Davao City is expected to reap significant
economic benefits from this project. Not only
will the new road reduce travel time and cost for
both business owners and customers, but it will
also facilitate a more reliable, efficient, and
unobstructed transport of interregional goods and
services within the city. The new road will also
open an easier access to and from major ports in
Davao Gulf such as Davao International Container
Port and Sasa Port. Moreover, the project will
help the growth of the agro-industrial sector of
the city and its neighboring regions as Davao
City solidifies its role as the trade and
commerce hub in Mindanao.
5In parallel, the project provides social
benefits. For one, the shorter travel time and
easier access to and from barangays will
decongest urban centers, allowing a more
convenient, less stressful way of life for the
locals. Better urban management can also bridge
west and east communities obstructed by the
6Undoubtedly, the project conceptualization and
planning have not been an easy feat.
Nevertheless, the early stages of collaboration
have been productive because of reputable
international partners Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) and developers Shimizu
Corporation and Takenaka Civil Engineering
Construction Co. Ltd. JICA has led the process
for official development assistance (ODA) from
Japan to support capacity development components,
engineering designs, construction supervisions,
and financial estimates. As expected, Japans
advanced tunneling technologies will be deployed
for the project.
7Carlos Gonzalez, UBI President and Chairman of
the Board, underscores, It is an honor for
Ulticon to be a major player in the Coastal
Bypass Road Project that will usher in a major,
more dynamic socio-economic growth for Davao