Title: Abu H Ali (2)
1Abu H. Ali
2Abu H. Ali, is a celebrated motivational speaker,
financial educator, certified and recognized top
producer for some of the worlds largest
insurance companies. Abu is the CEO of 2 major
corporations, 1st BanCorp Inc. (Private Client
Group) an Insurance Brokerage Marketing Firm and
Top Billin Records, Inc. Abu is the President of
MONEY MATTERS for Women of Color, Inc., a FREE
Financial Education Seminar Company and a Loan
Consultant for Next Generation Financial
Services, a division of 1st Mariner Bank.
Abu H. Ali
3For the people of Chicago who are contemplating
financial investments, Abu H. Ali is the ideal
finance educator to bank on. Being a certified
producer for a number of worlds leading
insurance companies, he is vastly admired for his
simplicity as well as his incredible leadership
skills. He is also a motivational speaker who has
inspired one and all.He has a compassionate
nature that instills love and respect in peoples
minds. With an experience of nearly twenty years,
he is a well established and highly esteemed
finance professional who is currently employed as
the Chief Executive Officer for 1st BanCorp Inc.
and Top Billin Records, Inc. He is also the
President of the wealth management firm MONEY
MATTERS for Women of Color, Inc., which offers
financial as well as retirement planning
Learn All About Wealth Management With Abu H. Ali
4Over the years, Abu has given advice and guidance
to numerous families nationwide such that they
have wisely invested over 100 million till now.
He finds immense mental pleasure in assisting
senior people with sound financial advice. He
helps them with their financial decisions so that
their earnings are improved and their taxes are
minimized without depleting their assets. This
helps them to lead a comfortable life after
retirement. He always encourages people, young
and old, to build up a secure future. Abu H.
Alis professional working style and strong work
ethics have helped him in achieving the success
he had aimed for. Owing to his superior knowledge
and thorough understanding gained through
experience, his name has been published in
various articles. Abu is requested quite often to
visit different public schools in order to advise
the senior teachers who are preparing for
retirement and coach the young students as a
human development youth consultant.
5Social Links
https//www.facebook.com/public/Abuh-Ali https//
www.youtube.com/watch?vHL3cz82CPWo https//twitt