Title: O. John Ma, MD From Portland, Oregon
John Ma, MD
Emergency Physician, Healthcare Consultant, and
2(No Transcript)
3O. John Ma, MD has multiple achievements
including clinical quality and patient safety,
Emergency care for Oregonians, Graduate Medical
Education, and Entrepreneurial Initiative.
4O. John Ma, MD has focused his research primarily
on the applications of ultrasound in diagnosing
injuries in trauma patients. O. John Ma, MD is
the recipient of four Teacher-of-the-Year awards
and the 2005 SAEM Excellence in Ultrasound
Education Award.
5O. John Ma, MD served as an Executive Chief of
five emergency departments. His responsibilities
included overseeing emergency department clinical
operations, ensuring the success of the research
and education missions, and setting the strategic
direction of the department.
6O. John Ma, MD was the CEO and Co-Founder of
Innovative, Disruptive, Emerging Applications in
Emergency Medicine (IDEA-EM).
7O. John Ma, MD has edited 20 reference textbooks
that have been published in over 10 languages,
which include Ma and Mateers Emergency
Ultrasound and Tinitnallis Emergency Medicine
To know more about him visit his official site