Title: What are the Myths of Better Fuel Economy?
1What are the Myths of Better Fuel Economy?
2Improving gas mileage is a great way to save fuel
and money.
3Better fuel economy of the car is good for the
4Several methods are followed for improving the
fuel economy of a car.
5In reality, some of these methods are incorrect
or myth.
6Below points define the common misconception of
fuel economy.
7Starting engine consume more fuel
8Modern fuel engines start efficiently when they
are warmed up.
9But idling consume as much as a half-gallon of
gas per hour.
10Premium fuel improves gas mileage
11If your car was not designed for premium fuel,
then don't put in the car.
12If your car knocks with regular fuel, then use it
for good fuel mileage.
13Small cars provide better gas mileage
14Good gas mileage is not particularly exclusive to
small cars.
15So, find the cars that meet your driving needs
with better fuel mileage.
16Manual transmission provides better fuel economy
17Efficiency of automatic transmissions has
improved over time.
18Automatic cars get the same or better fuel
economy than manual.
19Fuel economy decreases with the car age
20Fuel economy improves over the first several
years of ownership.
21With proper maintenance, cars can retain a high
level of efficiency for many years.
22When your car has less fuel efficiency, consult
with a mechanic.
23Without thinking these unusual things in mind,
diagnose the issues behind it.
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