Title: sripathikethumd
1Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a common digestive condition affecting
about 10-15 of the entire population. Symptoms
include abdominal pain, changes in the appearance
or frequency of bowel movements and excessive gas
and bloating. In the past, doctors called IBS
colitis, mucous colitis, spastic colon, nervous
colon, and spastic bowel.
2Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation
(IBS-C) is a type of IBS where abdominal pain or
bloating is associated with constipation.
Generally, constipation is when stools dont pass
often enough (less than 3 times per week). Having
hard stools or having a feeling of incomplete
bowel movement are also signs of constipation.
3There is no lab test or imaging study that can
confirm a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.
The diagnosis is based on a set of diagnostic
criteria (Rome criteria) and by excluding other
causes of the symptoms. As per the Rome criteria
the most important requirement for the diagnosis
would be abdominal pain and change in bowel
habits. If the patients meet the diagnostic
criteria and if they dont have any red
flag/alarm signs or symptoms to suggest
another diagnosis, for example weight loss,
bleeding, new onset of symptoms in a person who
is over 50, then you may not need extensive
testing before the diagnosis of IBS.