Title: Heartburn
More than 15 million American experience
heartburn every single day. Up to 60 daily and
American experience heartburn at least once a
month. It is lot more common in elderly and
pregnant women.
2There is valve at the lower end of the esophagus
called lower esophageal sphincter or LES which
is like a gatekeeper to prevent any acid flowing
backwards into the esophagus from stomach. Acid
reflux occurs when LES opens too frequently or if
it is too loose. Another main reason for acid
reflux is obesity where increased pressure in the
abdomen overcomes the barrier between the stomach
and the esophagus.
3Heartburn is the most common symptom which is a
feeling of burning discomfort, right behind the
breast bone, that moves up toward the neck and
throat. Some may experience chest pain,
difficulty swallowing, frequent dry cough,
frequent need to clear the throat, bitter or sour
taste in the mouth.