Title: What are the causes of dysphagia?
1The practice of medicine is one of the few
professions that gives a person the satisfaction
of caring for a patient who is ill and helping
them to recover their health. As a
Gastroenterologist, I thoroughly enjoy educating
my patients
2Dr. Kethu
personal connections
with his
patients by actively listening to
them and letting talk
them their
concerns. He feels that
they will provide more this
information in
manner than if he asks lot of questions. Dr.
Kethu has more than 20 years experience as a
physician academic private
in both the and He and
setting practice.
wants his their
3Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer
death in the US. Both men and women are at risk.
Colonoscopy is the gold standard test in
preventing colon cancer. As a top-rated
Gastroenterologist in Richardson, TX, Dr. Kethu
has extensive experience in the field of
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