Title: lysteddomaqn
I came across your domain portfolio at
http//www.brandzam.com. Hope you do not mind me
contacting you. I wanted to introduce our new
domain marketplace http//www.lysted.com. I
understand that you have similar marketplace at
your end. But you can consider as additional
channel for sales. For portfolio owners like you,
we have great feature to upload domains (through
csv file). Since you have logos already, you can
upload the logo or we can upload them for you. At
Lysted.com, we focus on 4 big areas that are
important to a portfolio owner - Sell - Buy
-Connect - Manage
YOU as domain owner Decide the price Decide and
manage your keywords/ business categories Decide
who to connect to through Domain circles Design
your logo or upload your logo Manage your
inquiries Even decide the display position of
your domain Additionally, There are no listing
fees, very low commission rates (10 - 15) No
exclusivity, you can sell your name anywhere you
like, and you do not have to pay us We give you
tools to market your name, create your own social
media campaigns We provide all the search data of
the site We provide all the great tools for you
to manage your portfolio and to have a successful
sale We actively market your names - you can
check out our Twitter profile at
http//www.twitter.com/lysteddomains Here is the
link to the knowledge database http//www.lysted.c
om/knowledge-base.php?tseller I would be more
than glad to get you started on the site should
you need any assistance or if you have any
questions. Best Ranju http//www.lysted.com
Twitter http//www.lysted.com/lysteddomains
2Ranju Account Manager http//www.lysted.com info_at_l
vsted.com Twitter http//www.twitter.com/lvsteddo