Title: EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
1EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
2EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 All Assignments  For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com EDU 301 Week 2
Educational Learning Opportunity  EDU 301 Week 2
Basic Skills Diagnostic Practice Exam Â
3EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 2 Basic Skills Diagnostic Practice
Exam  For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 2 Basic Skills Diagnostic Practice
Exam Review the Basic Skills Access Instructions.
Complete the Basic Skills Diagnostic Practice
exam at the Teacher Test Prep website. Create a
screenshot document of
4EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 2 Educational Learning
Opportunity  For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com EDU 301 Week 2 Educational Learning
Opportunity Select an educational learning
opportunity with your instructors
approval Charter school
5EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 3 Personal Philosophy of Education
Paper  For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m Your personal educational philosophy Develop a
word cloud or other infographic to reflect your
personal philosophy of education. Imagine you
will use this infographic as a visual
representation of your teaching for parents.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files
6EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
 EDU 301 Week 3 Schools and Society  For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com EDU 301 Week 3
Schools and Society Imagine that you are a
teacher at an elementary school and you are
preparing a presentation for parent night.
7EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 4 Technology and the Teacher  For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com EDU 301
Week 4 Technology and the Teacher Resource
Technology Resource Library in the College of
Education Resources Create a list of five
technology tools you plan to use in the
classroom. Describe how these five tools can
influence instruction and learning. Explain how
you could use these tools to meet students needs
or increase teacher efficiency. Brie
8EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 4 Technology in the Classroom
Infographic  For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com EDU 301 Week 4 Technology in the
Classroom Infographic Resource Technology
Resource Library in the College of Education
9EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 5 Field Experience and Interview
Worksheet  For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com EDU 301 Week 5 Field Experience and
Interview Worksheet Resources University of
Phoenix Materials Field Experience and Interview
10EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 5 First Year Teacher Success  For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com EDU 301
Week 5 First Year Teacher Success Resource Assess
ment Activity First Year Teacher Success
11EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com
EDU 301 Week 5 Professional Responsibilities  For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com EDU 301
Week 5 Professional Responsibilities Create a 7-
to 10-slide presentation that includes the
following Explain the professional
responsibilities of a teacher and which of these
you will need to focus on to be effective.
12EDU 301 Education on your terms/snaptutorial.com