Title: Flores Tours - Let's Plan Your Tour
1Flores Tours - Let's Plan Your Tour
The Flores Island is the part of beautiful Komodo
National Park. The island is known for its scenic
beauty and beautiful landscape. The visitors are
amassed with the rich diversity of flora and
fauna of the island. If you are planning to visit
the place via boasts or waterways, try to book
the vehicle from a reputed trip agent.
The people of the area are amicable and helpful.
Here people speak different local dialects.
However, for the help of visitors many tour
agents have learned English or other foreign
languages. While at Flores, you can opt for the
Flores overland tour which can help you in
uncovering the hidden local gems. Here are some
of the must-visit places in the island
4 Visit the Wae Rebo village
Wae Rebo is an exciting place to visit for solo
travelers. The community is located in the remote
part of the Indonesian island. The village is
situated in the Manggarai area of the island. The
site is located in the lap of natures, surrounded
by greenery. While here you won't be disturbed by
the technology and other aspects of modern
living. The village showcases the culture and
heritage of Indonesia.
5Last Chance to See Komodo Dragon
The visit to Flores would be incomplete without
witnessing the Komodo dragon in its natural
habitat. These reptiles are found in a large
number at the Komodo National Park. Here you can
see the animal in its natural surroundings.
Besides, exploring the wildlife, you can also
engage in the local culture and meet the
residents of the islands. The people are amicable
and hardworking.
6Snorkeling at Manta Point
7Address Komodo Wanderlust Tour city-Labuan Bajo,
State-East Nusa Tenggara, Jln. Opseter Maun,
Lamtoro,86754 Call us 62 821 4773 5054 Email
us Info_at_komodowanderlusttour.com Website
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