Title: Using Together We Served to Locate Veteran Friends
1Using Together We Served to Locate Veteran Friends
Source www.togetherweserved.com
2If youre looking for friends you served in the
US Army with back in Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm
or any other American conflict, Together We
Served is an invaluable resource.
Source www.togetherweserved.com
3- Sign up for the service - 430 thousand other Army
veterans have signed up.
Source www.togetherweserved.com
4- Enter your details - you can add your boot camp,
units, or duty stations to your service profile
to find others who served with you. You can even
find veterans from other force branches, like the
Air Force.
Source www.togetherweserved.com
5- Find your friends - finding Army service records
is a piece of cake with Together We Serveds
comprehensive search capability.
Source https//army.togetherweserved.com .
Information shared above is the personal opinion
of the author and not affiliated with the website.