Title: Bethel Murdoch Presbyterian Church
1Bethel Murdoch Presbyterian Church
- First annual Church Committee Retreat
- Saturday, April 1, 2006
- Session 1 (1200 -100) Overview
- Session 2 (100-215) Committee responsibilities
- Session 3 (215-245) Planning process training
- Session 4 (245-345) Committee annual plan
- Wrap up (345-400)
3Session 1 (1200-100)
Purpose provide overview of why we are here
today and what we hope to accomplish
- Opening Prayer (Frank)
- Lunch (Melody)
- Overview of Presbyterian Church
governance/Session, Deacon, Trustee
responsibilities (Frank) - Overview of Leadership Committee Efforts (Dave)
- Congregational Life Survey results (Dave)
4Church governance
- The session is responsible for the mission and
government of the particular church. - The whole church is under the jurisdiction of the
- Elders are chosen by the people. Together with
ministers of the Word and Sacrament, they
exercise leadership, government, and discipline
and have responsibilities for the life of a
particular church as well as the church at large,
including ecumenical relationships.
- It is the duty of elders, individually and
jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and
life of the congregation committed to their
charge. Together with the pastor, they should
encourage the people in the worship and service
of God, equip and renew them for their tasks
within the church and for their mission in the
world, visit and comfort and care for the people,
with special attention to the poor, the sick, the
lonely, and those who are oppressed. They should
inform the pastor and session of those persons
and structures which may need special attention.
They should assist in worship. They should
cultivate their ability to teach the Bible and
may be authorized to supply places which are
without the regular ministry of the Word and
Sacrament. In specific circumstances and with
proper instruction, specific elders may be
authorized by the presbytery to administer the
Lords Supper in accord with G-11.0103. Those
duties which all Christians are bound to perform
by the law of love are especially incumbent upon
elders because of their calling to office and are
to be fulfilled by them as official
- It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to
minister to those who are in need, to the sick,
to the friendless, and to any who may be in
distress both within and beyond the community of
faith. They shall assume such other duties as may
be delegated to them from time to time by the
session, such as leading the people in worship
through prayers of intercession, reading the
Scriptures, presenting the gifts of the people,
and assisting with the Lords Supper.
- Overview of BMPC Trustees responsibilities
10Process Overview
11Leadership Committee
- Leadership Committee was tasked to provide
recommendations to session on a comprehensive
vision for the church, strategic goals, and tasks
to be accomplished to achieve those goals. - Other committees of session will be responsible
for implementation and accomplishment of the
tasks upon sessions approval.
12Background information to committee work
- Congregational Life Survey, committee members
sense of issues. - Growth is here- increasing complexity of church
activity - Change is required in some areas
- Need for spiritual growth/application
- Lots of enthusiasm, many good ideas, committed
membership - We are doing a lot of things right!
- Often ad hoc/unsynchronized/unfocused
- Sometimes unapproved/unexplained
- Need for intentional/deliberate/coordinated
action with Christ centered focus that fulfills
the values and goals of the church at all levels.
Ensure unity of effort
- New Committee System in place
- Needs fine tuning, synchronization
14What matters most
- Purpose of church fulfill Great Commandment and
Great Commission, Discipleship - Purpose of BMPC We Exist to Bring people to
Jesus, Educate them in God's truth, Teach them to
love God and each other, Heal the brokenhearted
through a loving family community, Enjoy God and
each other, Live worshipful lives. - Cultural values of BMPC Traditional, historic,
warm, welcoming, church family - Cannot be all things to all people must do what
we do best.
15Tasks for BMPC
- Focus/coordinate efforts Christ centered (Great
Commission and Commandment, BETHEL mission,
BMPC culture - Rationally divide areas of work into lines of
effort, clarify their focus provide guidelines
for us to design our annual efforts - Not to displace individual acts of Christian
love! - If its a church event/program/activity, it needs
to work within the overall church effort - And be accountable to the congregation through
16Christian Education
- Christ centered
- Synchronized
- Utilizes time, talent more fully
- Opportunities for service
17Constraints, hazards and risks
- Member buy-in/commitment
- Budget
- Communications
- Disagreement between committees, people
anger/unrest - Unsynchronized efforts unfocused/BMPC not
working to full potential - Lack of focus wasted effort
- Lack of progress Loss of interest,
18Leadership Committee Paradigm
- Leadership committee defines
- Church vision (the Church universal and the BMPC)
- Lines of operations (major focal areas for the
work of the church towards overall goal) (Blue
Arrow) - A goal for each line of operation (nested
within overall goals) (Green Box) - Measurable effects that define whether or not
progress is being made toward the goal (Yellow
Programs, events and activities
Measurable Effects Congregational Life Survey
section used to measure whether we are making
progress towards goal
19The Great Commandment and Commission
- Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind. - All authority hath been given unto me in heaven
and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples
of all the nations, baptizing them into the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I commanded you and lo, I am with you
always, even unto the end of the world.
20BMPC Purpose
Purpose of BMPC We Exist to Bring people to
Jesus, Educate them in God's Truth, Teach them to
love God and each other, Heal the brokenhearted
through a loving family community, Enjoy God and
Each other, Live worshipful lives.
- Nested within goals of the Church
- Great Commandment, Great Commission, Requirement
for Discipleship
21BMPC STRATEGY Final Version
BMPC Purpose
Programs, events and activities
A nurturing Christian environment
Greater sense of belonging Increased involvement
Programs, events and activities
A spiritually fulfilling experience for each
individual and the congregation
WORSHIP LEAD Worship Committee
Increase in sense of meaningful worship
Programs, events and activities
Comprehensive education system that enhances
knowledge and personal faith
We Exist toBring people to Jesus, Educate them
in God's Truth, Teach them to love God and each
other, Heal the brokenhearted through a loving
family community, Enjoy God and Each other, Live
worshipful lives
Increase in personal spiritual growth Increase in
participation in CE
Programs, events and activities
Members serve and minister to the community and
the world
MISSIONLead Mission Committee
Increased participation in mission activities
BMPC and its members actively reach out to the
community, witness to the lost and bring people
to Christ
Programs, events and activities
OUTREACH LEAD Outreach Committee
Increased willingness to share faith Increase in
size of congregation
22Committee Goals(Adopted by Session)
- Fellowship A nurturing Christian environment
- Worship A spiritually fulfilling experience for
each individual and the congregation - CE Comprehensive education system that enhances
knowledge and personal faith - Mission Members serve and minister to the
community and the world - Outreach BMPC and its members actively reach out
to the community, witness to the lost and bring
people to Christ
- Session approved plan (Feb)
- Congregational life survey (BMPC redesign) for
baseline (Feb-Mar) - Aligned with goals to measure progress
- Committee retreat (Apr)
24Longterm Timeline
- Annual Congregational Life Survey (Aug-Sep)
- Annual retreat, with committees. Synchronized
with budget cycle. (Sep-Oct) - Budget requests (Nov)
- Session approves budget (Dec)
25Survey results
26Congregational Life Survey
- Not a report card! Baseline data
- Pulse of the congregation- guideline to inform
pastor, boards, committees - Where are we doing well? (sustain this)
- Where can we improve?
- Average scores by age group
- Congregational comments
- Will use same report in future
27Survey Response
- 100 surveys distributed
- 57 surveys returned
- 18-25 1
- 26-35 7
- 36-50 8
- 51-65 18
- 65 18
28Survey Results
29Session 2 (100-215)
Purpose Sort out who is responsible for what
- Committee Breakout (100-130)
- In your committee, brainstorm a list of what you
think your responsibilities are or should be-
events, programs, and etc - Please use butcher paper so we can post your
results - Whole group (130-215)
- Committees report out
- Deconflict responsibilities- who leads, who
supports - Identify overlap and gaps
30Fellowship Committee
- Phyllis, Mary and Dana volunteered to serve on
this new committee. - Goal A nurturing Christian environment
- Responsibilities
- Ice Cream socials
- Church dinners/breakfasts- Advent, Lenten, Maundy
Thursday, Easter, Church Anniversary, Veterans
day - Oeders Lake Vespers service
- Fall Hayride
- Issues
31Worship Committee
- Goal A spiritually fulfilling experience for
each individual and the congregation - Responsibilities
- Sunday Worship service, special services
- Confirmation, baptism, new members, weddings
- Music/Hymns/Choir/liturgy
- Greeters, Acolytes, ushers- training, scheduling
- Offering envelopes, flowers
- Feedback/guidance to pastor on services
- Bibles, hymnals, greeting pads, candles
- Issues
- Deacon/Trustee/Secretary responsibilities in
sanctuary - Sound system, certificates, supplies
32Christian Education Committee
- Goal Comprehensive education system that
enhances knowledge and personal faith - Responsibilities
- Sunday School- childrens, adults
- Vacation Bible School
- Adult Bible studies
- Evangelism training
- Childrens Christmas program
- Youth group (HS/college age)
- Easter egg hunt
- Halloween party
- Nursery care
- Issues
- Budget for CE- bi/monthly report
- More members
33Christian Education Committee
- Possibilities
- Childrens music program
- Childrens Bible study
- Junior Hi/intermediate age activities
- Seniors education, activities, large print
materials - Library
- Nursery education program
- Babysitting for special events
- Womens programming- Bible study, education,
social - Preschool/daycare
- More adult Bible studies
- Bibles for children
- Family calendar of events
- Monthly family fun night
34Mission Committee
- Goal Members serve and minister to the community
and the world - Responsibilities
- Local, national, global mission support
- One key event each month
- Scouts, etc
- Missionary in Guatemala
- Warren County Abuse Shelter
- Issues
- Participation-by personal invitation
- Survey of what gifts members have that they can
give or work during their free time - Events donations where we get our name out
more-dont be anonymous - How can we make it more personal so more people
feel connected to the mission? - What separates us from other groups that do
missions? Out of Christian love, not recognition
35Outreach Committee
- Goal BMPC and its members actively reach out to
the community, witness to the lost and bring
people to Christ - Responsibilities
- Reach out, marketing
- Website, newspaper ads, flyers, T-shirts,
banners, brochures, church sign - Issues
- Location- identifying where is Bethel-Murdoch
- Making outreach everyones job- bring a friend
Sunday - Matching what BMPC is to advertisements
- Bang for buck- is something worth it
- Church directory update
36Other Issues
- Address lists for newsletter
- Responsibilities of boards, secretary
- Publish a policy/procedures manual with all
committee/boards/employees responsibilities
37Session 3 215-245
Purpose Provide committees with common planning
- Planning process training
38Planning Process
39Process Steps
- Identify the goal
- Set deadline for achievement
- Identify obstacles needed to overcome
- Identify the groups of people with whom you need
to work - Identify the resources needed
- Develop a plan of action (with specific deadlines
for each step) (as many steps as needed) - List the benefits of achieving the goal
40Session 4 (245-345)
Purpose Provide committees with opportunity to
begin annual planning process and synchronize
- Committee Breakout (245-315)
- In your committee, brainstorm plans or refine
existing plans for events, programs, activities
through Dec 31, 2006 - Please use butcher paper so we can post your
results - Whole group (315-345)
- Committees report out
- Deconflict responsibilities- who leads, who
supports - Identify overlap and gaps-
41Wrap Up
- Next steps
- This church year
- Continue efforts in committee
- Prepare for repeating process in fall
- Next church year
- Comments
- Due outs
- Questions?
- Closing prayer