Title: 5 Ways to Keep your Heart Healthy
15 Ways to Keep your Heart Healthy
2Get the healthiest heart by incorporating these
daily habits into your lifestyle
3Stay away from second-hand smoke at all times.
The risk of heart disease developing for people
exposed to second-hand smoke is about a third
percent higher than for people who are not.
4Fact There are about 7,300 lung cancer deaths
yearly and 34,000 premature deaths due to heart
disease caused by second-hand smoke.
5Dont sit down too long, ever.
No matter how much exercise you do, sitting down
too long is bad for your health. This is
suggested by research done in recent years.
6Fact Researchers found that when you sit down
too long, there is a related 147 increase in
cardiovascular events and a 90 increase in death
caused by cardiovascular events.
7Sleep right.
Sleep is essential. Those who lack sleep get a
higher cardiovascular disease risk regardless of
health habits or age.
8Fact A study of more than three thousand adults
ages forty-five or older found that people who
slept less than six nightly hours were double as
likely to have a heart attack as those that slept
6-8 hours each night.
9Floss your teeth each day.
One great indication of overall health is how
healthy your teeth are. Those that have gum or
periodontal disease have the same heart disease
risk factors.
10Dont eat trans fat.
- Everyone needs fat in the diet including
unsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats.
Trans fat, however, is another story. - Trans fat increases your risk of having a stroke
or developing heart disease.
11Keeping your heart healthy involves incorporating
a few daily habits that go a long way.
12If you want to know more about living a healthy
lifestyle, start by reading Dr Branyons blog
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