Title: Microsoft SQL Server vs Oracle: Differences To Know
1Microsoft SQL Server vs Oracle Differences To
2There are various kinds of Relational Database
Management Systems (RDBMS) like Microsoft Access,
Sybase, and MySQL, for the two most popular and
widely used are Oracle and My SQL Server. Even
though there are many resemblances between the
two systems, there are also several of key
differences. In this article, you will be taking
a look at a lot in particular, in the areas of
what their command language, management of
transaction control and their company of database
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The prime difference between the two RDBMS is
about the language they use. Both the systems
use a version of SQL, or SQL, M SQL server uses
Transact SQL, or T-SQL. It is considered as an
extension of SQL originally developed by
Sybase and used by Microsoft. PL/Sql or
Programmed Language/ Sql is used by
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4Transaction Control
A huge difference between Oracle and MS SQL
Server is transaction control. The articles
reason for a transaction can be considered as
a group of tasks or operations and it is a single
unit. For example, an assortment of SQL
queries changing records that all must be
modified at the same time, and if failed to
update any single set will lead to failure of
records being updated.
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5Organization of Database Objects
RDBMS organizes database objects is the last
difference over here but MS SQL Server
arranges all things, like tables, views, and
techniques, by database names. Users are fixed to
a login which is provided accesses to the
particular database and its objects.
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