Basic SQL Commands - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basic SQL Commands


DDL and DML Commands in SQL server – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Updated: 12 October 2015
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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Basic SQL Commands

  • Structured Query Language

Mr. Bimal Kumar Ray Dept of IST Ravenshaw
An Introduction to SQL
  • Structured Query Language, which is a computer
    language for storing, manipulating and retrieving
    data in relational database.
  • SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards
    Institute) standard but there are many different
    versions of the SQL language.
  • SQL is used to communicate with database.
  • SQL are used to perform tasks such as create,
    alter, drop, insert, update and delete etc.
  • SQL can execute queries against a database.
  • SQL can retrieve data from a database.
  • SQL can create new tables, view, index, trigger
    and cursor etc in a database.

An Introduction to SQL
  • When a user wants to get some information from a
    database file, he can issue a QUERY.
  • A query is a user request to retrieve data or
    information with a certain condition.
  • SQL is a query language that allows user to
    specify the conditions.
  • The user specifies a certain condition.
  • The program will go through all the records in
    the database file and select those records that
    satisfy (searching) the condition.
  • The result of the query will then be stored in
    form of a table.

Overview of SQL
  • Allows users to access data in relational
    database management systems.
  • Allows users to describe the data.
  • Allows users to define the data in database and
    manipulate that data.
  • Allows users to create view, stored procedure,
    functions in a database
  • Allows users to create and drop databases and

Overview of SQL
  • SQL is the standard (4GL) language used to
    manipulate and retrieve data from these
    relational databases.
  • SQL enables a programmer or database
    administrator to do the following
  • Modify a database's structure
  • Query a database for information
  • Update the information of a database
  • Add user permissions on databases or tables
  • Change system security settings

Overview of SQL
  • 1. Data Definition Language (DDL) is the part of
    SQL that allows a database user to create and
    restructure database object.
  • CREATE Creates a database, new table, a view of
    a table, index, cursor and trigger or other
    object in database.
  • ALTER Modifies an existing database object,
    such as a table,view and index etc.
  • DROP Deletes an entire table, a view of a table
    or other object in the database.
  • RENAME Used to renaming table, view etc
  • TRUNCATE Used to delete record permanente of a

Overview of SQL
  • 2. Data Manipulation Language (DML) is the part
    of SQL used to manipulate data within objects of
    a relational database.
  • INSERT used to insert a record on the table.
  • UPDATE modification of records in the table.
  • DELETE used to remove records in the table.
  • 3. Data Query Language (DQL) A query language is
    a language in which a user requests information
    from a table.
  • SELECT used to retrieve certain records from one
    or more table.

Overview of SQL
  • 4. Data Control Language (DCL) SQL allow you to
  • control access to data within the database. DCL
  • used to create objects related to user access and
  • control the distribution of privileges amoung
  • GRANT is used to grant both system-level and
    object-level privileges to an exting database
    user accounts.
  • REVOKE To removes privileges that have been
    granted to database users.
  • 5. Transaction Control Language (TCL) commands
    are used to manage transactions in database.These
    are used to manage the changes made by
    DML Statement.
  • COMMIT Used to permanently save any database
  • ROLLBACK Used restores the database to last
    commited state.
  • SAVEPOINT Used to temporarily save a

Popular SQL Implementations
  • Structured Query Language is a special-purpose
  • Programming language designed for managing data
  • in a relational database management system
  • or for stream processing in a relational data
  • management system (RDSMS).
  • implementations are SQL, SQL Server, Oracle,
  • SQL Plus, PL/SQL, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL.
  • According to DB-Engines, the most popular systems
    are Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server,
    PostgreSQL and IBM DB2

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  • ODBC is a functional library designed to provide
    a common
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
    to under database systems.
  • ODBC driver uses the Standard SQLServer
    components for communicating from a client
    application to the database server.
  • ODBC driver manager is a very thin layer that
    manages the
  • communications between the application
    and any ODBC drivers
  • with which the application works.
  • ODBC driver is a single DLL that responds to all
    calls the application makes to the ODBC API.
  • The driver communicates with the server through
    the SQL Server
  • Net-Libraries using the SQL Server
    application-level protocol called Tabular Data
    Stream (TDS).

  • Data Definition Language (DDL) DDL is the part
    of SQL that allows a database user to create and
    restructure database object.
  • The storage structure and access methods used by
    the database system are specified by a set of
    defitions in a special type of DDL called a data
    storage and defition language.
  • How To Create Database
  • Creates a new database and the files used to
    store the database, or attaches a database from
    the files of a previously created database.
  •  Syntax CREATE DATABASE ltdatabase namegt
  • Example CREATE DATABASE baba

  • Reports information about a specified database or
    all databases.
  • sp_helpdb reports on all databases in
  • Syntax sp_helpdb ltdatabase namegt
  • Example SP_HELPDB baba
  • How To Renaming Database
  • SP_RENAMEDB Changes the name of a database.
  • Syntax sp_renamedb 'old_name' , 'new_name'
  • This example changes the name of the baba
    database to babaswami.
  • Example sp_renamedb baba', babaswami'
  • Example EXEC sp_renamedb babaswami',

  • How To Open Database
  • USE STATEMENT The SQL USE statement is used to
    select any existing database in SQL schema. then
    before starting your operation, you would need to
    select a database where all the operations would
    be performed.
  • Syntax USE ltDatabaseNamegt
  • Example USE IST
  • How To Dropping Database
  • Removes one or more user databases from an
    instance of SQL Database server.
  • For used in Drop statement for remove a existing

  • Data is collection of information strored in a
    database as
  • one of several different data types.
  • Data types are used to provide rules for data for
  • columns.
  • A data type deals with the way values are stored
    in a column as far as the length allocated for a
    column and values such as alphanumeric,
    numeric,date and time data are allowed.
  • Char(n) Fixed length character string, with
    user-specified length n.
  • Varchar(n) Variable length character strings,
    with user-specified maximum
    length n.
  • Int Integer (a finite subset of the integers
    that is machine-dependent).
  • Real/double/decimal Floating point and
    double-precision floating point numbers, with
    machine-dependent precision.
  • Float(n) Floating point number, with
    user-specified precision of at least n digits.
  • Date Dates, containing a (4 digit) year, month
    and date(yy-mm-dd)
  • Time Time of day, in hours, minutes and

  • Table in SQL
  • A table is a database object used to store data.
  • The data in a table is organized in rows and
  • Each row in a table represents a unique record
    and each column
  • represents an attribute.
  • The column names within a table must be unique,
    but the same
  • column name can be used in different tables
    within a database.
  • Naming Rules for Table and Columns
  • Table names and column names must begin with a
    letter and can be 1-30 characters long.
  • Names must contain only characters (A-Z, a-z,0-9
    and underscore)
  • Names must not duplicate the of another object.
  • Name must not be an SQL keywords and data type.

  • How to Create a Table in SQL
  • Creating a basic table involves naming the table
    and defining its
  • columns and each column's data type.
  • The SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create
    a new table.
  • Syntax CREATE TABLE lttablenamegt
    (Fieldname1 datatype (size),Fieldname2
    datatype (size), Fieldname3 datatype
  • CREATE TABLE is the keyword telling the database
    system what you want to do. In this case, you
    want to create a new table.
  • Then in brackets comes the list defining each
    column in the table and what sort of data type it
  • Example Create table student ( stroll varchar
    (10) primary key, sname char (20) not null,
    sdept text, sage int, sfees float )

  • This command is used to describe all information
    for database objects.
  • Syntax Sp_Help lttable namegt
  • Example for Sp_Help Student
  • To returns all the information details for
    columns on database tabels.
  • Syntax Sp_columns ltTable Namegt Example
    Sp_columns student
  • How to Modifying the Table
  • A table can be modified though the use of the
    ALTER TABLE command after
  • that tables creation. You can add columns, drop
    columns, change column
  • definitions, add and drop constraints.
  • To Adding another one or more Columns for
    Existing Table
  • To add another column in a exists table alter
    statement is used.
  • Syntax Alter Table lttable_namegt Add
    ltcolumn_name data type(size)gt
  • Example Alter Table student Add sphone int

  • Modifying Existing Columns
  • To modifying existing columns of a table.
  • The length of a column can be increased to the
    maximun length of the given data type.
  • The length of a column can be decreased only if
    the largest values for that column in the table
  • is less than or equal to the new length of the
  • The number of digits for a number datatype can
    always be increased.
  • Syntax Alter Table ltTable_namegt Alter Column
  • lt oldfieldname
  • Example Alter Table student alter column sphone

  • To Renaming a Columns
  • To changes the column of field names for the
    database object.
  • Syntax
  • Sp_rename ltTablename.oldfield_namegt, ltnew
    field_namegt, column
  • ExampleSp_rename student.st_roll, ROLLNO,
  • To Renaming a Table
  • To changes the TABLE names for the database
  • Syntax Sp_rename ltold table namegt, ltnew table
  • Example Sp_rename student, ist_student
  • To Dropping a Column
  • The SQL DROP COLUMN statement is used to remove a
    table definition and columns permission
    specifications for that table.
  • Syntax Alter Table ltTable_namegt Drop Column lt
    column namegt
  • Example Alter Table student Drop Column

  • Truncating a Table
  • it is used to remove all records from a table
    and to release the storgage
  • space used by that table. You can not rollback
    records removal.
  • Syntax Truncate Table lttable_namegt
  • Example Truncate Table student
  • Dropping a Table
  • Dropping a table is actually one of the easiest
    things to do. When the
  • RESTRICT option is used and the table is
    referenced by a view or
  • constraint, the drop statement returns an error.
    When the CASCADE
  • option is used, the drop successds and
    referencing views and
  • constrainsts are dropped.
  • Syntax Drop Table lttable_namegt RESTRICT or
  • Example Drop Table student

  • Primary Key
  • Primary key is the method, which uniquely
    identifies each row in a table.
  • It is a column or group column that enforce
    entity integrity by ensuring that each instance
    of the entity is unique.
  • Every table must have a primary key.
  • Only one primary key can exist per table.
  • The primary key shouldnt allow any change or
  • The column in a primary key constraint cannot be

  • Foreign Key
  • A foreign key helps in maintaining referential
    integrity among specified table with the primary
  • A foreign key of one table has to be a primary
    key of some other table.
  • A primary key of same table or another table can
    be declared as foreign key.
  • All the values listed in a foreign key column are
    tested in the corresponding primary key column.
  • Ensure referential integreity by ensuring the
    value on the foreign key column is a valid
    primary key value.
  • It maintains the link between two tables or more.

  • What is Null Value?
  • A NULL value in a table is a value in a field
    that appears to be blank, which means a field
    with a NULL value is a field with no value.
  • Columns of any data type can contain null values,
    unless the column was defined as NOT NULL or as
    primary key when the column was created.
  • A field with a NULL value is one that has been
    left blank during record creation.
  • A null is not the same as zero or a blank space.
  • A null is value that is unavilable, unassigned,
    unknown or inapplicable.

  • How to Insert Data Values in to the Tables
  • After creating table the values are to be
    inserted in to the table.
  • The SQL INSERT INTO Statement is used to add new
    rows of
  • data to a table in the database.There are two
    basic syntaxes of
  • INSERT INTO statement as follows
  • Syntax INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME (column1,
  • column2,columnN) VALUES (value1,
  • insert into table_name values (value1,value2,value
  • Use the INSERT command to insert a new row of
    data into an
  • existing table. In a table maximum 1024 column 7
    8092 bytes is
  • allowed per row.
  • Example INSERT INTO student VALUES
    (14dis001 ,Aani,kataka,20, 5000)

  • Use the UPDATE command to update one or more
    columns in an existing row of data in a table.
  • The update statement is used to modify one or
    more rows of data in a single table.
  • The table owner has the rights to update the rows
    can transfer this right to another user.
  • For different values where clause according to
    our need.
  • For fixing a constant value no where clause is
    used since it sets a default value to the
    specific column.
  • A table can also be updated with an arithmetic
  • If the updated values violate the data type, on
    that column, the update fails the changes are
    rolled back.

  • If you are updating a single row and you know the
    value of the primary key for the row you wish to
    update, specify the value using the optional
    WHERE clause to improve the performance of the
    update command.
  • If there is more than one primary key column, the
    values must be specified in order, separated by
    commas and in parentheses. Columns that have
    string values must be enclosed in single quotes.
  • SYNTAX UPDATE lttable_namegt SET column_name
  • expression,... WHERE col-name condition

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