Title: 15+ .Net Libraries You Must Know About
115 .Net Libíaíies You Must Know About
Back when Windows was the only incumbent of the
programming world, any developer used the
Microsoft .NET Framework for their desktop and
web development needs. But as other platforms
gained popularity and people started using
different devices and technologies, we all felt a
great need for a cross-platform, open-source
solution on .NET runtime. Thats when .NET core
was created to help programmers build and run
apps across different operating systems and
devices. Whats great is that programmers could
use the same expertise to work with .NET core
libraries, compilers, and application
frameworks. Besides being open-source and
platform-independent, developers enjoy using .NET
core libraries because they are lightweight,
require less coding, support many languages, and
offer full command- line support. If youre not
familiar with .NET core libraries, you can start
by checking out our list. Swashbuckle We'll begin
with Swashbuckle, a well-known open-source
framework for creating API guides for ASP.NET
Core apps. It's a common tool to define OpenAPI
specs for different models and controllers,
helping users offer dynamic, browser-based docs
with little work. Plus, it provides several
customization features, like putting XML comments
in written documents, changing operation tags and
terms, and changing the design of the UI. Polly
2Polly is an open-source framework that provides
patterns and building blocks for application
fault tolerance and resilience. Thanks to the
Retry Policy, Polly allows developers to try
again a rejected request that was caused by an
error or a sudden or bad result of a
code. Besides retry policies, this .NET library
supports circuit breaking to avoid consecutive
failures by stopping requests to a server with
problems. You may use Polly to create apps that
can survive the unpredictability of distributed
networks and give users greater
satisfaction. Auto Mapper AutoMapper is a basic
option that can change object types, serving as a
convention-based mapper. The most notable
advantage of utilizing AutoMapper in your work is
simpler code, which requires fewer lines to
exchange data across various objects. This
simpler code can also simplify and streamline the
development process, as object mapping requires
less effort and coding. With other libraries, you
must go over every mapping spot, execute the
update, and test all scenarios to change the
mapping. But AutoMapper allows you to focus only
on one spot and develop unit tests for
validation. SaaSKit As the name suggests, SaasKit
is a lightweight library for creating SaaS
programs. With SaasKit, we may quickly develop
multi-tenant programs utilizing OWIN. SaasKit is
a collection of NuGet bundles that contribute to
cutting boilerplate code and simplifying typical
tasks while developing SaaS programs. It also
interfaces with other libraries, so the initial
setup is simple. Also, it is extremely strong,
reliable, and performs nicely across multi-tenant
and single-tenant scenarios. Diagnostics.Healthche
cks Services, planned operations, sockets,
efficiency indicators, and file space are just a
few elements that you can check with
Diagnostics.HealthChecks. If these criteria are
satisfied, it also offers ways to send email
warnings. This tool would be beneficial in the
circumstances involving ongoing integration when
it is essential to inform users when failure is
likely. By using HealthChecks, you may alert
monitoring tools to check potential issues so you
can identify and solve them before they cause any
severe damage. Mallkit MallKit is a popular
option that allows users to send files, provide
opinions, receive feedback, and exchange data
through .NET Core apps. It links the.NET Core
program to an offsite SMTP server and lets
clients interact through email. Also, because it
utilizes TLS or SSL-based asymmetric
cryptographic algorithms, it creates an ideal
space to transmit large volumes of email
safely. Cache Manager
3CacheManager is a free and open-source library
built in C for Microsoft. NET. It works well
with many cache providers and has numerous
sophisticated functions. The primary goal of
the CacheManager library is to help developers
navigate any easy or complicated scenario where
caching is needed. Its actually a popular tool
among developers because it offers multiple-layer
implementation while saving the .NET core
developer from writing long code
lines. Dapper Dapper is a well-known .NET Core
mapping package that focuses on the mapping of
computer languages to databases. It offers great
efficiency, speed, and customization as a shared
ORM library. To implement it, first create an
IDbConnection object, and then build a request
for CRUD functions. After you have completed
every phase, Dapper begins operating inside the
ASP.NET Core app. Ocelot Most Ocelot users
use.NET and have microservices that require just
one means of access to their network. It can
still work on any platform supported by ASP.NET
Core and be interoperable with everything that
runs on HTTP. You may combine several APIs under
one entry point using Ocelot, improving user
access and offering a uniform API surface. Ocelot
interacts nicely with other.NET systems and works
well with different protocols. NLog NLog is one
of the most common logging packages available. In
addition to being free, it offers a simple and
extensible API for logging communications from
.NET apps, helping programmers quickly monitor
and find problems in their code. A .NET core
developer may use NLog to log signals to many
spots, like files, email, and others.
Sophisticated functions include filtering,
multilevel logging, and parallel logging to
several places. LiteDB When compared to SQL
databases, LiteDB runs up to 100 times quicker.
If you are familiar with SQL, LiteDB is ideal for
your future work because it is highly compatible
with SQL syntax. It's also compatible with
Microsoft.NET Core so that you can use it across
all major operating systems. LiteDB is an
additional option for your work if you plan to
have .NET on any system other than Windows or
don't want to use Java. Smidge Smidge is one of
the most lightweight .NET core libraries for
ASP.Net that manages, minifies, compresses, and
combines JavaScript and CSS files. Besides
debugging configurations, it offers many advanced
features such as Fluent syntax,
server/client-side caching, and compression. All
of these features make it a popular tool for
developing the framework of many
applications. Bcrypt.net For applications
designed to operate with passcodes, keys, and
other delicate data, the Bcrypt package offers
hashing and authentication techniques. It works
well with previous Unix crypt(3)
4executions, although it provides considerable
benefits in terms of both program speed and
memory utilization. Thanks to its flexible
algorithm, Bcrypt utilizes a collection of secret
constants designed by its creator based on an
updated form of Blowfish. Fluent
Email FluentEmail is a free package that allows
you to add emailing features to your software
instantly. It comes with ready-made layouts,
typically Razor, in addition, to support for
common email senders. The best way to utilize
FluentEmail is to identify the sender and the
mail template via standard .NET Dependency
Injection that can help you send emails in .NET
frameworks and support you across many
scenarios. Unit Conversion As an open-source .NET
library compatible with all major operating
systems, UnitConversion is a popular tool among
users who wish to quickly and seamlessly convert
between a wide range of measurement units. It
allows a developer or a .NET core development
company to utilize the Visual Studio platform and
the C language for processing and performing
mathematical calculations across values. You can
also use UnitConversion to adjust and control
units of measure in runtime. Fast
Report FastReport supports Object-Oriented
Development and is compatible with a variety of
databases. It is light and simple, making it one
of the most popular .NET core libraries
available. This tool assists developers in
creating apps that must include reporting
functionality. You may produce reports using
their procedures or properties there is no need
to code. Auto Complete Autocomplete is a free
JavaScript package for creating autocomplete
scenarios. The autocomplete scenario begins when
someone provides input, and this library finishes
their sentences by offering the whole phrase or
alternatives. This .Net library has become a
common feature in most, if not all, search
engines. On desktop and mobile devices, search
engines like Google, online retailers like eBay,
and even streaming platforms like YouTube offer
autocomplete features to users. Bottom Line So,
there you have it. Our list of the most popular
.NET core libraries ends here. If you're a Net
core developer, you can use all the libraries
mentioned above to create code in less time and
effort. Of course, there are many other .NET
libraries like Oracle, Cscore, NetOffice, and
SignalR that we did not mention for the sake of
brevity. But, in any case, if you plan on
achieving success through software development,
you need .NET core experts. If you don't, you can
always outsource your operations to a reliable
provider like The One
5Technologies, which has the expertise and
infrastructure to save money and time. To
better understand our services, don't hesitate to
contact us and let our experts answer all your