Title: SOC 203 Week 1 DQ 1 The Sociological Imagination
1ASH SOC 203 Week 1 DQ 1 The Sociological
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-203-week-1-dq-1-the-sociological-imagination In
order to do understand and develop a sociological
imagination, we must be able to see  a social
problem from many perspectives. This is the goal
of our first discussion. For example, experts are
warning us about the dangers of obesity, a
problem for both individuals and society. While
some may suggest obesity is simply the result of
individual choices, how did so many people
suddenly begin to make such bad choices? Rather
than the result of individual choices, perhaps
obesity is the result of dietary options
available to our society. This might explain
variations in obesity rates from one geographic
region to another. Wealth distribution, health
care, and even the availability of food may also
explain differing rates of obesity. In short, to
those who have developed the sociological
imagination, a variety of factors are clearly
behind this epidemic of obesity. After reading
the assigned chapters in the textbook and
visiting the website, Overweight and obesity,
discuss each of the following points a. Using
the definition provided by the text, define how
obesity could be categorized as a social
problem. What are examples of individual and
societal factors leading to obesity? What are
the individual and social consequences of doing
nothing to address this problem? b. Theoretical
perspectives How would a conflict theorist
explain the problem of obesity? How would a
functionalist explain the problem of obesity?Â
How would a symbolic interactionist explain the
problem of obesity?Â
2 c. Based on your research, and personal
reflection on which theoretical perspective is
most like your own views, which theory does the
best job at explaining the causes of obesity?
Based on this analysis, explain why or why not
the issue of obesity should be addressed as a
social problem. Additional research, focusing on
scholarly sources, is expected. Websites can be
included in your research, and eventually
included in your list of references, although you
are expected to rely on authoritative sources.
You may also look ahead in your textbook, since
health issues are discussed in several
chapters. Â ? ? For more classes
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