Title: Cancer Center Charleston
1Cancer Center Charleston
2Charleston Hematology Oncology Associates is a
private practice of physicians specializing in
the diagnosis and treatment of Oncology and
Hematology. Services and treatments include
Medical Oncology, Hematology, Bone Densitometry,
Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Research. CHOA
physicians have trained at prestigious medical
schools and have developed a model for care that
maximizes patient and family convenience while
providing compassionate, comprehensive cancer
treatment in a comfortable environment.
3It is our mission at Charleston Hematology
Oncology Associates to improve the health and
quality of life for our patients with the most
state of the art cancer care, clinical research
and education. Through their intensive training,
heightened dedication and participation in
clinical research, our physicians and staff bring
you their years of experience, compassion and
confidence in providing the best care available
to the patient and community.