Title: Colon Cancer Awareness
1Colon Cancer Awareness
2Screening is the first step to catching Colon
Cancer early. See below on how you can get a free
screening this month. Provided by the Hank and
Laurel Greer Colorectal Cancer Program. Through
the Hank and Laurel Greer Colorectal Cancer
Program we are offering free digital rectal exams
(DREs) and fecal immunochemical tests (FITs).
3DREs check the lower rectum, pelvis and lower
belly for cancer and other health problems. FITs
test stool for hidden blood that may be a sign of
colorectal cancer. To Participate in the
Screening You Must Be Age 50 and older, or if
you are African American age 45 and older or,
Your age must be 10 years prior to the age of a
first degree relative having colorectal cancer.
Forexample, if your mother had colorectal cancer
at age 45 you would need a screening at age 35.