Title: EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education / snaptutorial.com
1EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
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2EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 1 Assignment Professional
Development and Research
- EDU 675 Week 1 Assignment Professional
Development and Research - EDU 675 Week 1 DQ 1 Professional Learning
- Professional Development and Research.
- Search the University Library databases for two
articles discussing the benefits of a
professional learning community
3EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 1 DQ 1 Professional Learning
- EDU 675 Week 1 DQ 2 School Culture and
Differentiated Instruction
- Professional Learning Communities.
- A significant part of differentiated instruction
implementation is created through professional
- School Culture and Differentiated Instruction.
- View the video, Transforming a School into a
Professional Learning Community.
4EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 1 Journal Implementing the
Professional Learning Community
- EDU 675 Week 2 Assignment Critical Thinking
- Implementing the Professional Learning Community.
- Consider the benefits of the activities proposed
in your discussion of professional learning
- Critical Thinking Questions.
- After reading Chapters II-1 and II-2 of
Differentiated Instructional Strategies in
Practice Training, Implementation, and
5EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 2 Assignment Strategies to Build
- EDU 675 Week 2 DQ 1 Job Embedded Learning
- Strategies to Build Culture.
- Select a strategy that can be used for building
relationships within an educational or work
- Job-Embedded Learning.
- How does your school or workplace use
job-embedded learning? After reading Chapters
II-1 and II-2, discuss two strategies
6EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 2 DQ 2 Four Corners
- EDU 675 Week 2 Journal Encouraging Team Building
Throughout the Year
- Four Corners.
- What is the purpose of the Four Corners strategy?
How could it be used in a classroom? How could it
be used in a professional development setting?
- Encouraging Team Building Throughout the Year.
- Identify three ways in which you feel you can
encourage team building throughout the year.
7EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 3 Assignment Using Assessment and
- EDU 675 Week 3 DQ 1 Multiple Intelligences
- Multiple Intelligences.
- Review the information on the Multiple
Intelligences interactive chart and click on the
Take a Test tab. Complete the test and view
your results.
- Using Assessment and Feedback.
- Using ProQuest or other online sources, compile
at least five references related to assessment
and feedback strategies for differentiated
instruction in a gifted classroom.
8EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 3 DQ 2 Assessment Strategies
- EDU 675 Week 4 Assignment Critical Thinking
- Assessment Strategies.
- Analyze the assessment strategies presented in
your reading and within your research on
differentiated instruction.
- Critical Thinking Questions.
- After reading Chapters II-5 through II-8 of
Differentiated Instructional Strategies in
Practice, you will answer the following
reflective questions
9EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 4 DQ 1 Adjustable Assignments,
Compacting, and Grouping
- EDU 675 Week 4 DQ 2 Graphic Organizers
- Adjustable Assignments, Compacting, and Grouping.
- How are adjustable assignments, compacting, and
grouping used in differentiated instruction?
Provide a brief summary
- Graphic Organizers.
- Chapter II-6 of your text discusses several
graphic organizers that can be used for student
success. Which of these have you used with
10EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 4 Journal Personal Reflection
- EDU 675 Week 5 Assignment Critical Thinking
- Personal Reflection.
- Critically reflect on your work thus far. What
have you learned about the uses of differentiated
instruction in both the classroom and in
professional development?
- Critical Thinking Questions.
- Research three articles that focus on
teacher/school leadership. Answer the following
reflective questions that will require you to
think and respond critically.
11EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 5 DQ 1 Implementing Change
- EDU 675 Week 5 DQ 2 Managing Change
- Implementing Change.
- Review Figure 80 in your reading. Describe a
situation in your past experience where you
implemented change or could have implemented
- Managing Change.
- Change can be difficult for some people. Think
about a change you would like to see in your
educational or work environment.
12EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 5 Journal Teacher Leadership
- EDU 675 Week 6 DQ 1 Supporting Change
- Teacher Leadership.
- Read the required article, Asking the Right
Questions (Reason, C. Reason, L., 2007).
Reflect on what you have learned about teacher
- Supporting Change.
- How does your work setting sustain morale and
commitment from employees in times of change? Is
the current support for change in your workplace
13EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 6 DQ 2 Managing vs. Supporting Change
- EDU 675 Week 6 Final Paper Differentiated
Instruction Research Papera
- Managing vs. Supporting Change.
- Identify a change that is presently occurring in
your organization and provide your classmates
with a background for the rationale behind this
- Differentiated Instruction Research Paper
- During each week of this course, you will
research and analyze differentiated instruction
and the leadership
14EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
- EDU 675 Week 6 Journal Leadership Through
Professional Learning Communities
- EDU 675 Week 6 Journal Leadership Through
Professional Learning Communities
15EDU 675 Course Extraordinary Education-snaptutori
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