Title: Vishvaraj Infrastructure (VIL) Water Is Sustainable
1Vishvaraj Infrastructure (VIL) Water Is
2Vishvaraj Infrastructure Limited wins Best PPP
Operator in Water and Wastewater Sector at the
Water Awards 2015-2016, by Water Digest
3Water must not just be seen as a resource, but
must also be looked to bring about sustainability
in the field of water management.
4In todays Indian scenario, there is a striving
need to meet the trials of continuing growth.
However, such growth comes at the expense of the
environment being destroyed. Sustainable
development is crucial. The issue of water
scarcity and water pollution are as much as a
problem today as it were yesterday
5Maybe it is time to look at companies like
Vishvaraj Infrastructure Limited (VIL) who
Vishvaraj Infrastructure Limited wins Best PPP
Operator in Water and Wastewater Sector at the
Water Awards 2015-2016, by Water Digest
6The company focuses on providing tailor-made
solutions for urban infrastructure to support
sustainable urban development. VIL is one of the
few companies looking for urban water reforms in
The company has been implementing both urban
water efficiency projects and municipal
wastewater reuse projects in various cities like
Nagpur Magadi, Bidar, Basavakalyan, Shahabad and
7VIL provides global solutions that contribute to
sustainable development in the water sector
through innovation in the design, construction
and operation of drinking water treatment plants,
distribution system reforms, etc.
8Vishvaraj Infrastructure Blogs
9Social Meida