Title: MPG On The Rise
1MPG On The Rise
2Although progress in increasing the US average
miles per gallon has slowed down in recent years,
it has surpassed a significant hallmark.
3 Since 2004 the national MPG rating for cars and
trucks has increased by 5 miles per gallon.
4 After a record increase of 1.
52 MPG from 2011 to 2012, the EPA is predicting
slower growth for this year, but still expects to
reach the government standard of 54.5 by 2025.
6 The big leap in 2012 is largely in part to
manufacturers adding turbochargers to smaller
engines and improving overall engine and
transmission performance.
7The Increase of MPG
8Although the EPA expects an increase of only .1
mile per gallon by the end of 2015 the results
are slightly skewed by the 2 increase in truck
and SUV sales.
9 Hyundai and Kia contributed to a slowing of
progress by delaying the production and selling
of higher miles per gallon 2014 models.
10 Light trucks have increased 16.5 since 2014 as
car sales have only increased by 2.3.
11 As of September Trucks accounted for 51.3 of
all vehicles sold this year.
12MPG In Trucks and SUVs
13Without the increase in trucks and SUVs and the
production of Hyundai and Kia's newer models the
increase would have been approximately .4 mpg.
14 While this number seems small, it would amount
to a 2 increase in performance from 23.6 mpg to
24 mpg which, in the automotive industry is a
solid margin of improvement but still short of
the 2012-2013 gains.
15The Perfect Combination of MPG
16Two heavy contributors to the rise of trucks and
SUVs are the relatively low gas prices throughout
the year and the significantly improved gas
mileage of these vehicles.
17 Trucks and SUVs have had a combined increase of
27 in gas mileage since 2004 while cars saw a
respectable 23 increase in performance.
18 Alongside the lowest average gas prices since
2011 the shift to larger vehicles was not a
surprise for the market.
19 This forecast may have been why Kia and Hyundai
delayed their newer, higher-mpg models.
20Experts believe that the rather large influx of
truck and SUV purchases are due to people
upgrading their existing truck or SUV and that
the market will see a noticeable decrease in
their sales in the following years.
21 However, with big changes coming to the truck
industry when the aluminum body F-150 is hitting
car lots later this year.
22 Due to the sheer volume of F-150s sold
throughout the US, the F-150 could
single-handedly increase the average miles per