Title: Climate Change
1 Climate Change Model Scenarios Model Users
Group Meeting August 15, 2008 Elaine Olivares
2Transportation Factors Driving Rise in CO2
Emissions 1. Increasing VMT 1990 20 county
region VMT 94 million 1990 20 county population
3.06 million 2000 20 county region VMT 137
million 2000 20 county population 4.26 million
2010 20 county region VMT 167 million 2010 20
county population 5.1 million
3Transportation Factors Driving Rise in CO2
- Inefficient Fleet
- First step in addressing CO2 challenges
- Fuel economy
- Dramatic increase
- 2002 Economic Census, Vehicle Inventory and Use
4- Transportation Factors Driving Rise in CO2
Emissions - 3. On-Road Freight Traffic
- 84 of region freight movement
- 55 increase in VMT projected from 2005 to 2030
- Heavy-duty diesel engines as a primary CO2
emission source - Lower average fuel economy lt 10 mpg
- Idling at truck stops and distribution
facilities - Legal challenge to regulating fuel economy for
this fleet - Â Â
5- Transportation Factors Driving Rise in CO2
Emissions - 4. Congestion
- Low travel speeds and idling lead to decreased
fuel economy - 1.35 TTI in 2005 projected to increase to 1.64
by 2030 - In 2008 delay caused by congestion will result
in - 1.32 million daily hours of delay
- 1.67 million daily gallons of fuel consumed
(private vehicle only) - In 2030 delay caused by congestion will result
in - 3.06 million daily hours of delay
- 3.33 million daily gallons of fuel consumed
(assumes constant mpg)
6- Transportation Variables to Consider
- Vehicles Improve overall fuel economy though
technology - Fuel Lower Carbon content or burn less
- VMT Drive less
Center for Clean Air Policy
7Regional Growth Scenarios
- Future Local Plans (Trend)
- Envision6
- New CAFE standard under EISA
- Increased density
- TPB Concept 3
8Regional Scenario Tests Emissions Future Local
Plans Envision6 RTP (Assumes Constant Fuel
9Change In Average Fuel Economy (Current Atlanta
Region Trend versus EISA CAFÉ Standard)
Energy Independence and Security Act, Dec. 2007
10DRAFT CO2 Emissions Future Local Plans
Envision6 RTP (Shows impact of EISA CAFÉ Standard)
11DRAFT CO2 Emissions Envision6 RTP/RDP
Density (Assumes EISA CAFÉ - Land Use Scenario
12DRAFT CO2 Emissions Envision6 RTP TPB Concept
3 (DRAFT Land Use Transit Investment)
13DRAFT CO2 Emissions Summary
- Mobile 6.2
- Limited to fuel economy estimates
- Cannot be adjusted for speed, temperatures, fuel
content, or inspection maintenance programs - MOVES