Title: Having Written Goals
1Being Extraordinary Is As Simple As
Presentation Research by The Proficient
Impactors Triangle, Lifebushido
2Get The Facts
- Less than one percent of people have written
goals - Spending ten minutes or less to write down goals
can change a persons life forever. - Those who have written goals are much more
financially successful than those who do not.
3No Written Goals LESS
Resource www.lifemastering.com/en/harvard_school.
4Need More reasons? We haveem!
- Removes distractions and helps with focus
- Clearly defines where one is headed
- Productivity is increased
- Helps detour from procrastination
- Helps with time management
- They are in front of you at all times
5Do you want to be more successful?
- Statistics show people who write down their goals
have over an 80 higher success rate of achieving
them. - www.ecowellnessnews.net, author, Norma Reid from
Dreams to Reality Success Coaching
6Oh you write goals?
Good But...
- If you are one of the 10 percent who does have
written goals, do you read them every day? Five
percent of people read their goals daily - http//www.bizjournals.com/boston/blog/mass-high-t
, Ken Cheo principal at Winfree Business Growth
7Lets write them Down
- Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at
Dominican University in California, did a study
on goal-setting with 267 participants. She found
that you are 42 more likely to achieve your
goals just by writing them down. - 5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to
Writing, http//michaelhyatt.com/5-reasons-why-yo
8Lets say No to Procrastination
Wikipedia definition.
9How to do a written List
Hyatt - http//michaelhyatt.com/goal-setting.html
Keep them few in number. Productivity studies
show that you really cant focus on more than 57
items at any one time. And dont try to cheat by
including sections with several goals under each
section. This is a recipe for losing focus and
accomplishing very little. Instead, focus on a
handful of goals that you can repeat almost from
10What to Do and Not to Do
- First! Go ahead and Write them down.
- Review them frequently!
- Caution Be selective about what you share and
who you share it with!
Michael Hyatt http//michaelhyatt.com/goal-setting
11Working Hard with No written goals
Why You Should Be Writing Down Your Goals by
Ashley Feinstein, Forbes.com We hear a lot
about the importance of goal-setting, but most of
us dont have clear and measurable goals to work
towards. Even fewer of us actually have those
goals written down. Lewis Carroll says, any road
will get you there, if you dont know where you
are going, but how important are goals really
and if they are vital, how can we make them most
effective? There was a fascinating study
conducted on the 1979 Harvard MBA program where
graduate students were asked have you set clear,
written goals for your future and made plans to
accomplish them? The result, only 3 had
written goals and plans, 13 had goals but they
werent in writing and 84 had no goals at all.
Ten years later, the same group was interviewed
again and the result was absolutely
mind-blowing. The 13 of the class who had
goals, but did not write them down was earning
twice the amount of the 84 who had no goals. The
3 who had written goals were earning, on
average, ten times as much as the other 97 of
the class combined! While this study only looks
at earnings to quantify success, I still find it
to be an extremely motivating example of why
creating clear and measurable goals and writing
them down is a key to success. Feeling motivated?
Here are four steps to creating clear and
measurable goals that will lead you to huge
success. Source http//www.forbes.com/sites/85bro
- A hard worker with no written goals
- An article by The Huffington Post explains why
visualisation works - When we visualize an act, the brain generates an
impulse that tells our neurons to "perform" the
movement. This creates a new neural pathway --
clusters of cells in our brain that work together
to create memories or learned behaviors -- that
primes our body to act in a way consistent to
what we imagined. All of this occurs without
actually performing the physical activity, yet it
achieves a similar result.
A quote from Kristina Kirilova a member of Quora
commented the below statement perfectly. 1
Factor for achieving success is to visualise your
goals and write them down!
Source http//www.quora.com/What-do-you-consider-
13Want to Try? Next Steps
- You can make your goals happen, take the
challenge http//goalbushido.com/ - Who we Are
- http//lifebushido.com/