Title: Expert Talk about High Triglycerides Matter
1Welcome to www.tgsformula.com
2Usually triglycerides provide energy to our body
between meals. Calories from our food that our
body doesnt need immediately are converted into
triglycerides and stored in our fat cells. Our
body hormones trigger these stored triglycerides,
when energy is needed between meals. If you
consume more calories than you burn, then it may
cause a high triglycerides level for you.
3Why they matter so much? High triglycerides
contribute to harden our arteries and thicken our
artery walls, which increase the risk of stroke,
heart attack and other life-threatening heart
diseases to a very high level. It also includes
the sign of obesity, metabolic syndrome, high
blood pressure, serious cholesterol levels and
high blood sugar. Sometimes high triglycerides
are a sign of low levels of hypothyroidism
(thyroid hormones), liver or kidney disease,
poorly controlled type 2 diabetes or rare genetic
disorders. It could also be a side effect of
taking medications such as birth control pills,
beta blockers, steroids or diuretics. High level
triglyceride also can worsen nerve damage for
people with diabetes.
4Things to do to manage high triglycerides
Lose weight Cut back your extra intake of
calories Limit the cholesterol intake in your
daily diet list Eat healthier fats Limit
your alcohol and smoking Exercise regularly
Take advice from your doctor or a triglyceride
control expert
5To reduce your high triglycerides level, contact
our experts at Quality Self Care LLC. We offer
non-pharmacological support to lower
triglycerides level without any drugs. Call us at
1. 705. 304. 624 to get further details.
6Business Contact Full of Health, Inc. 700
Indian Springs Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 United
States Tel. 1-705-304-6246 Contact
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