Natural High Blood Pressure Supplements Review By Ayurveda Expert - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Natural High Blood Pressure Supplements Review By Ayurveda Expert


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Title: Natural High Blood Pressure Supplements Review By Ayurveda Expert

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High BP Supplements
Stresx capsules, natural high blood pressure
supplements have been designed to treat high BP,
the silent killer, efficiently. The
cardiovascular system comprises of the heart and
blood vessels with their contained fluid, blood.
The heart is basically a muscular organ pumping
blood to all parts of the body by its contraction.
High BP Supplements
There is another group of blood vessels known as
capillaries which carry lymph. Owing to modern
rat-race, sedentary lifestyle and cut-throat
competition, natural high BP supplements are
required with proven efficacy and cost-minimal
side effects.
High BP Supplements
Stresx capsule, natural high blood pressure
supplement is modern day remedy for growing
incidence of high BP. High value of BP is known
as hypertension. Normal value of BP is 120/80 mm
of Hg. According to experts, because of modern
rat race and stress in life, values like 130/90
are considered to be normal.
High BP Supplements
High BP is encountered in young patients in age
group of 25 to 35 years. In obese patients
hypertension is usually associated with diabetes
mellitus and hyperlipidemia (excess levels of
fats in the blood). These are lifestyle disorders
and lack of physical exercise and improper
dietary habits are major cause of these diseases.
High BP Supplements
Age factor is the leading cause of hypertension.
With passage of time the elasticity of the blood
vessels particularly arteries decrease and there
is congestion of blood. Arteries undergo
hardening (sclerosis) and the process is known as
arteriosclerosis. High levels of BP can lead to
brain hemorrhage (bleeding) and vision loss.
High BP Supplements
Thus we require an effective natural high blood
pressure supplement in the market. Increased
consumption of fatty foods is another factor
responsible for the growing incidence of
hypertension. Fat rich foods cause cholesterol
and triglycerides (types of fats) to accumulate
in the inner wall of arteries.
High BP Supplements
Deposition of the fats in the inner wall of
arteries leads to hardening of them, condition
known as atherosclerosis. Natural high blood
pressure supplement naturally counteracts high BP
due to overweight. In addition to oral intake of
natural high blood pressure supplement
High BP Supplements
It causes sodium and water retention in the body
and consequence is high BP. Under these
conditions, there is natural increased urine flow
to get rid of excess water and sodium. Thus
reducing salt intake is major step in the
treatment of hypertension.
High BP Supplements
Stresx capsules are cost-effective and natural
aid for treating high BP. Among natural high
blood pressure supplement, Stresx capsules are
popular among masses. Natural high blood pressure
supplement (Stresx capsules) is safe supplement
and has no side effects like conventional blood
lowering pills.
High BP Supplements
Stresx capsules should be used for 2 months for
significant results. Natural high blood pressure
supplements have typical mode of action for
obtaining clinical results. Regular use of these
capsules is recommended with restricted salt
intake. Stresx capsules can be purchased only
through online health stores.
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