Lower left back pain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lower left back pain


Low Back pain is a pain in the lower back area that can relate to problems with the lumbar region of the spine, the discs between the vertebrae, the ligaments around the spine and discs, the spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the low back, internal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, or the skin covering the lumbar area. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Jameshughes007


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Title: Lower left back pain

Lower left back pain
Lower Left Back Pain
Low Back pain is a pain in the lower back area
that can relate to problems with the lumbar
region of the spine, the discs between the
vertebrae, the ligaments around the spine and
discs, the spinal cord and nerves, muscles of the
low back, internal organs of the pelvis and
abdomen, or the skin covering the lumbar area.
Symptoms Of Lower Back Pain include a dull or
aching pain often punctuated by periods of rapid
increase in intensity. The pain can travel down
the hip and into the leg. Some will note a numb
of cold sensation in the leg or foot while
others describe a hot-poker type sensation. The
reality is that lower back pain is often
multifactorial in cause.
Causes And Treatment Options
A variety of problems can result in lower left
back pain. Treatment of low back pain is
optimally directed toward a diagnosed or
suspected speci?c cause. Some cases are common
strains and overuse type injuries while others
are serious and potentially life threatening. It
is a good idea to visit your doctor who can fully
examine you and evaluate for a potentially more
serious cause.
Lower Back Strain A group of muscles and
ligaments run the length of the spine and provide
support and movement of the spinal column.
Stretching too far or overdoing a physical
activity can strain these tissues. Small tears
can even occur in the tissue causing further
pain. Back strain can also occur as a consequence
of falling, excessive bending or twisting or
lifting heavy objects. Obesity and lack of core
body strength contribute to low back strain. Many
describe the pain of a low back strain as
sti?ness and soreness that worsens with movement,
coughing, laughing and sneezing. It can a?ect one
ore both sides of the back. Treatment of a low
back strain starts by applying ice for 20 minutes
several times a day. OTC anti-in?ammatory
medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen and
Tylenol can provide relief of pain. Follow the
package instructions and take these medications
with food. Visiting a physical therapist can
often help when a back strain is not improving as
expected. Your doctor can recommend a series of
visits with a physical therapist to help you
Low back pain, particularly on the left side, is
common in pregnancy and occurs for several
reasons. As the baby grows in size, the uterus
can compress pain sensi- tive structures
including nerves and Ureters. It is not uncommon
for pregnant patients to complain of pain
traveling down the buttock and leg due to
compression of the sciatic nerve. To minimize
the e?ects of low back during pregnancy, follow
these helpful tips.
Work to maintain good posture. Change positions
frequently and stand with weight balanced over
the feet as opposed to one leg. Avoid wearing
shoes with anything but a minimal heel. Adopt a
side lying position whenever in bed or resting.
Add a pillow between the knees to help ensure
proper spine alignment to minimize strain on the
lower back.
Kidney Infection
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones can cause rapid onset of excruci-
ating left- or rightsided pain. The pain can
radiate around the ?ank into the lower abdomen
and down to the groin. A sensation of urgency
to urinate is common for those su?er- ing from a
kidney stone. Blood may appear in the urine as a
consequence of the stone moving in the urinary
tract passageways.
Kidney infections can cause serious low back pain
on one or both sides. The infection generally
starts in the bladder and travels up to the
kidneys creating swelling, in?ammation and pain.
Kidney infections require a visit to a doctor
for antibiotic treatment.
Other causes
Spinal Stenosis
A variety of other medical conditions commonly
cause lower back pain on the left side and seeing
your doctor is the best way to sort out the
cause. Examples include ovarian cysts and
?broid tumors, gastrointestinal problems
This condition results when the spinal canal
begins to narrow and encroach on the spinal cord.
This process occurs in older individuals and is a
result of arthritis, disc herniation and bone
spur formation. Common symptoms include back
pain, numbness, weakness or loss of strength in
one or both legs.
Steps to lower the risk of developing low back
pain consist of following Exercise regular
exercise helps build strength as well as keeping
your body weight down. Smoking a signi?cantly
higher percentage of smokers have back pain
incidences compared to non-smokers of the same
age, height and weight. Body weight the fatter
you are the greater your risk of developing back
pain. Posture when standing make sure you have
a neutral pelvic position. Stand upright, head
facing forward, back straight, and balance your
weight evenly on both feet keep your legs
straight. Posture when sitting A good seat
should have good back support, arm rests and a
swivel base (for working). Moving things
remember that it is better for your back to push
things across the ?oor, rather than pulling
them. Shoes ?at shoes place less of a strain on
the back. Driving it is important to have
proper support for your back. Make sure the wing
mirrors are properly positioned so you do not
need to twist. Your bed you should have a
mattress that keeps you spine straight, while at
the same time sup- porting the weight of your
shoulders and buttocks. Use a pillow, but not one
that forces your neck into a steep angle.
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