Title: An Introduction To Basic Accounting Outsourcing Principles
1An Introduction To Basic Accounting Principles
by Accounts Outsource
- Business is an economical activity, and in
business lot of give and take exist which is
termed as Transaction. Basically, exchange of
goods, services and money between the two
parties is called transaction. It is very vital
to keep all the records in a very systematic way
or in a well manner. The process of recording all
the business transaction is called
2Types of Accounting
Accounting is a vast and dynamic profession and
is constantly adapting itself to the specific and
varying needs of its users. Over the past few
decades, accounting outsourcing companies has
branched out into different types of accounting
to cater for the diversity of needs of its users.
- Financial
- Management
- Tax
- Forensic
- Project
- Social
3Financial Accounting
- The process of recording, summarizing and
reporting the myriad of transactions from a
business, so as to provide an accurate picture of
its financial position and performance. The
primary objective of financial accounting is the
preparation of financial statements - including
the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow
statement - that encapsulates the company's
operating performance over a particular period,
and financial position at a specific point in
4Management Accounting
- Management accounting (also known as managerial
or cost accounting) is different from financial
accounting, in that it produces reports for a
companys internal stakeholders, as opposed to
external stakeholders. The result of management
accounting is periodic reports for e.g. the
companys department managers, chief executive
officer, etc.
5Tax Accounting
- Tax accounting is a specialized field of
accounting where accountants focus on the
preparation of tax returns as well as tax
planning for future taxable years.
6Forensic Accounting
- Forensic Accounting is the use of accounting,
auditing and investigative techniques in cases of
litigation or disputes. Forensic accountants act
as expert witnesses in courts of law in civil and
criminal disputes that require an assessment of
the financial effects of a loss or the detection
of a financial fraud
7Project Accounting
- Project accounting differs from standard
accounting in that it is designed to monitor the
financial progress of a project rather than the
overall progress of organizational elements. With
Project Accounting, financial reports are
specifically created to track the project
process. Utilizing Project Accounting provides
Project Managers with the ability to accurately
assess and monitor project budgets and ensure
that the project is proceeding on budget. Project
managers can quickly address any cost overruns
and revise budgets if necessary.
8Social Accounting
- Social accounting is a type of accounting that a
business performs to place a value on the
influence its operations have on society. It
requires that enterprises look closely at all
that it does and what kind of impact its
activities have on people, places, and the
9Basic accounting overview
If you are not familiar with the basics of
general ledger accounts and double-entry
accounting, the following overview will give you
the bare basics
- Source Documents
- Debits and credits
- Journals
- General ledger
- Trial Balance
- Financial Statements
10Functions of Accounting
From the standard accounting definition, the
main functions of accounting can be summarized as
- Keeping record of your all business transactions
in a systematic manner. - Protecting and recording all business properties.
- Communicating with all the business parties who
are interested in or want to connected with your
business. - Meeting legal requirements.
11Branches of Accounting.
- Financial Accounting - It is basically prepared
to identify profitability and financial position
of an organization for a specific time period. - Cost Accounting - This type of accounting is for
recording costs. This is the systematic procedure
for identify the unit cost of the product. - Management Accounting - This type of accounting
system is basically for presentation of
accounting information to the higher management
for making effective decision.
12Objectives of Accounting Outsourcing
The objectives of accounting outsourcing are to
permanently record all business transactions and
to show the effect of each transaction and the
combined effect of all such transactions for a
given period.Â
- The main aim of accounting outsourcing is to
provide suitable information with an aim of
safeguarding the interest of business and its
proprietors. - To maintain the record of each and every activity
occurred in the business. - To find out the financial position of the
business as a whole. - To ensure that our accounts are prepared
according to the standard level and some concept. - To fulfill the requirements of the Companies Act,
Income Tax Act, etc.
13Accounts Outsource
- www.accountsoutsource.com
- For Accounts Outsource Rohit Jain