Title: Beata Bohman
1Renowned Model Budding Fashion Designer
2Fashion Designer
Beata Bohman is starting out as a talented and
driven fashion designer. Beata Bohman can
remember knowing she wanted to be a fashion
designer since she was six years old, a dream
that she is now making a reality. Without a
formal fashion design education, many people told
Beata Bohman that it would be impossible for her
to be a successful designer, but she has chosen
not to listen. She is now bringing a lifetime of
passion into her new fashion line.
3Former Model
Brand new fashion designer Beata Bohman was also
a former model. Before other circumstances caused
her to step back a few years ago, Beata Bohman
was an all-around successful model. She spent
time modeling lingerie, bikinis, and beauty
products. Beata Bohman even had contracts with
major companies like Nina Ricci and Piaget. Beata
Bohmans hard work and desire for perfection
helped make her such a good model, traits she now
carries over into her new career as a fashion
4Friends Important to Beata Bohman
Beata Bohman is very much a people-person, and
she attributes much of her career success to the
support of her friends and loved ones. Beata
Bohman is thankful for the way in which her close
friends and family have cared for her throughout
her life. Through good times and hard times, her
friends have always been there for her. Beata
Bohman never takes those friendships for granted,
but chooses to graciously respond by caring for
them well. She is a person who loves to laugh,
and she and her beloved friends are full of
smiles and laughter when they are together.
5For More Information visit http//beatabohman.wor