Camilo Andres Jaramillo Conalvias - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Camilo Andres Jaramillo Conalvias


Colombia Capital Projects & Infraestructure Summit 2013. Camilo Andres Jaramillo Gerente General de Infracon Grupo Conalvias – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Camilo Andres Jaramillo Conalvias

The Next Regional Economic Powerhouse Building
and ConnecOng Colombias Infrastructure by
IncenOvizing Development, Trade Investment
Luis Fernando Natalia GuOerrez,
Bernardo Serafim,President, ndradeGuOerrez
Hernan Pasman
Clemente del Valle Victor Manuel Cruz
Federico Restrepo,
ndrade Deputy Minister of
CEO President,
Gerente General
Gerente General,
Director Mining,
Financiera del ODINSDesarrollo Nacional
utopistas de laProsperidad
L N Colombia
gencia Nacional de Ministry of
Sponsored by
Platnum Sponsor
Partnered with
Contact Daniel?mata_at_laOnmarkets?org
s of 9/12/2013
The Next Regional Economic Powerhouse Building
and ConnecOng ColombiasInfrastructure by
IncenOvizing Development, Trade Investment
gathering for leading players in the sectors of
Project Financing, Mining, Transport Logistcs,
Telecoms, Water Sanitaton, Social and Urban
Infrastructure developers, investors, and
concessionaires including constructon
companies,mining companies, banks, pension
funds, technology consultants, engineering and
designfirms, and legal service providers?
Luis Fernando ndrade, Director, gencia
Nacional de InfraestructuraClemente del Valle,
CEO, Financiera del Desarrollo NacionalNatalia
GuOerrez, Deputy Minister of Mining, Ministry of
MinesCamilo Meza, Head of InternaOonal
Financing, Ministry of Finance
Jose Joaquín Pinto, Gerente General del Proyecto
de Moderación de Refinería Barrancabermeja,
EcopetrolJavier lberto Hernandez, Deputy
Minister of Infrastructure, Ministry of
TransportJulio Cesar guilera Wilches, Experto
Comisionado, Comisión de Regulación de
guaFederico Restrepo Posada, General Manager,
utopistas de la ProsperidadMauricio Suarez,
Manager, Puerto de Santa Marta
Victor Traverso, Director RepresentaOve -
Colombia, C FIsabel Choucair, Financing
Director, Reficar
Luis Felipe Jimenez Director de Estudios
Economicos, SOFONDOSPhilippe Neves Senior
RepresentaOve, IFC
Juan Miguel Duran Prieto, Superintendent,
Superintendencia de Puertos y TransporteHelmuth
Barros, Secretaria General, Findeter
lejandro tuesta, bogado, Garrigues
Jorge Rodriguez, Gerente de Responsabilidad
CorporaOva, Pacific Rubiales
Luz Helena Sarmiento, Directora, utoridad
Nacional de Licencias mbientalesEdgar Higuera,
Gerente de LogísOca, Infraestructura y
Transporte, NDIBernardo Serafim, Country
Manager, ndrade GuOerrezHernan Pasman, Gerente
General, L N ColombiaRafael Cámara Stougaard,
Gerente General, IC
Jose Coballasi, Senior Director y nalyOcal
Manager UOliOes Infrastructure RaOngs,
SPFernando Sanclemente, Director, Transmilenio
na Lucia Dugand, Project Director, Consorcio Vía
al MarTB , Empresas Publicas Medellín
Camilo Jaramillo, Gerente General, Infracon Grupo
ConalviasVictor Manuel Cruz Vega, CEO, ODINS
drián Pena, Director Concesionaria, vance
Concesionaria (Grupo Tradeco)
Jose Manuel Loureda Lopez, Director de Expansion
Internacional, Sacyr
Carlos Pablo Marquez, Director EjecuOvo, Comision
de Regulacion de ComunicacionesFelipe Camargo,
Gerente General, bengoa
Gustavo Rodriguez, CEO, Grodco
Leonidas Narváez Morales, Director, INVI SJuan
Pulido, Director, OP IN
Peter Grossich, CEO, Nexus Capital Partners S
ndree Biana Garces, Director Consultas Previas,
Ministerios del InteriorEleuberto Martorelli,
Director Superintendente, Odebrecht
7?45- 8?30
RegistraOon and Morning Refreshment
8?40- 8?45
Welcome remarks
na Carolina Romero, Senior Producer of Capital
Projects Infrastructure, LaOn Markets
OpportuniOes cross Colombias Infrastructure
Investment Plans, New Concessions and Major
Project Developments
8?45- 9?15 Keynote Moving Forwards with
Government Goals, New Investments, New
Concession Projects
Structured InsOtuOonal Framework for PPP in
Transport Infrastructure? Recipe for
SuccessPreparing for 2014- ligning GDP Growth
with Complex LogisOcs NetworkColombias 4th
GeneraOon Concessions- Diverse Portolio
Luis Fernando ndrade, Director, gencia
Nacional de Infraestructura (Confirmed)
9?15- 10?15 Panel Session TransacOonal and
OperaOonal Overview Structuring Mega-Projects
PerspecOves and Experiences- Regulatory and
LegislaOve Framework
Stories of Success? Gaining from Completed
EliminaOng TransacOonal Costs and Developing
EffecOve OperaOonal StrategiesModerator?
lejandro tuesta, bogado, Garrigues
Luz Helena Sarmiento, Directora, utoridad
Nacional de Licencias mbientales
(Confirmed)Miguel ngel Pena, Global Lending
Head of Infrastructure Sector, BBV(Confirmed)Rica
rdo Hoyos Duque, Partner, Moncada (Confirmed)
na Lucia Dugand, Project Director, Consorcio Via
al Mar (Confirmed)
María Patricia Sandoval Fernández, Vice President
of Project Structure, Financiera de Desarrollo
Nacional (Confirmed)
10?15- 10?30 Refreshment networking-- Sponsored
by V Y
The Race for The Fourth GeneraOon Concessions
Portolio ConnecOng Colombia
10?30- 11?30 Panel Session Entering South
merica Upgrading Highways Roads
Successfully linking Colombias Roads with
Environmental ConsideraOons
The Master Plan of TransportaOon 2013-2018,
OpportuniOes for Private ParOcipaOon Focusing on
CompeOOveness - Overcoming the Challenges in
Delivering ProjectsModerator?
Juan Carlos Moncada, bogado, Moncada
Federico Restrepo Posada, General Manager,
utopistas de la Prosperidad (Confirmed)
Javier lberto Hernandez, Deputy Minister of
Infrastructure, Ministry of Transport
(Confirmed)Leonidas Narváez Morales, Director,
INVI S (Confirmed)
lvaro Gonzalez Nogueroles, Business Development
Manager, cciona (Confirmed)Jose Manuel
Loureda, Director de Expansion Internacional,
Sacyr (Confirmed)
11?30- 12?00 Panel Session IntegraOng irports
New Wave of Concessions to Operate irports
cceleraOng Growth? Overcoming Challenges and
FacilitaOng Prompt ConstrucOon
PerspecOves from Colombian Operators on Market
Needs and Infrastructure ExpansionModerator?
Julio lfredo Pajaro, Financial Director,
Sociedad eropuertaria de la Costa
Hernan Pasman, Gerente General, L N Colombia
(Confirmed)Juan Pulido, Director, OP IN
SanOago Castro, Director, eronáuOca Civil
12?00- 1?15
Lunch- Sponsored by RGOS
Financing Infrastructure Projects in Colombia
n Overview of Improving CondiOons to Invest in
the Market
1?15- 2?00
Panel Session ccessing Pools of
Capital-Pension Funds, Private Equity Funds and
Government Foreign Direct
Investment IncenOves
Project Profile for MulOlateral gencies, Sector
PrioriOes and RequirementsPE Funds ConsideraOons
in InvesOng in Infrastructure Projects
Overcoming Challenges of Funding Infrastructure
Projects Current Market NecessiOesModerator?
Jose Coballasi, Senior Director y nalyOcal
Manager UOliOes Infrastructure RaOngs, SP
Camilo Meza, Head of Internal Financing,
Ministry of Finance (Confirmed)
Luis Felipe Jimenez, Director de Estudios
Economicos, SOFONDOS (Confirmed)Victor
Traverso, Director RepresentaOve - Colombia, C F
(Confirmed)Philippe Neves, Senior RepresentaOve,
IFC (Confirmed)
2?00- 2?45 Panel Session Project Financing- New
Strategies in Structuring Capital Projects
InnovaOve strategies in accessing financing,
reducing debt and risk
Success stories, best pracOces in project
Benefits and risks of structuring projects in the
current Colombian marketModerator?
Jesus Puy, Director de Desarrollo de Negocio,
Hill sset Management (Confirmed)Panelists?
Carlos Ignacio Hoyos Espinosa, Director de
Finanzas Estructuradas, Banco de Bogota
(Confirmed)Camilo Jaramillo, Gerente General,
Infracon (Confirmed)
Juan Jose Montoya, Responsable de Project Finance
Colombia, BBV
Peter Grossich, CEO, Nexus Capital Partners S
Ricardo Jaramillo Mejía, Vicepresidente Unidad
Estratégica Banca de Inversión, Grupo Bancolombia
Networking Refreshments-Sponsored by V Y
Panel Session MiOgaOng Project Risks- taining
Guarantees and Insurance
Point of View of Concessionaries, Good PracOces
from Developers
ConstrucOon Risk Management Strategies and
Insurer, Regulator and Guarantor PerspecOves in
Current Market CondiOonsPresentaOon?
Stephen Leeming, Civil Engineering Team, JLT
InternaOonal (Confirmed)Moderator?
Carlos Romero, Director of Engineering Risk, JLT
Brasil (Confirmed)Panelists?
Rafael Cámara Stougaard, Gerente General,
IC (Confirmed)Gustavo Rodriguez, CEO, Grodco
Carlos lberto Sepulveda, Infrastructure
Division-Structured and Corporate Finance, I DB
Case Studies Fast Pacing CiOes, Smart
Infrastructure in Colombias Growing Regions
PresentaOon Siemens and Smart Mobility, Smart
CiOes n IntroducOon
Stefan Maudanz, Director of Sales for ndean
Region Projects, Siemens (Confirmed)
4?30-5?30 Case Study Session n Intelligent
Bogota prepares to become a LaOn merican
Mass transportaOon an Metro of Bogota Vicinity
Trains USD 2,1 billions
Evolving from Smart Grids to Smart CiOes? ICTs in
Urban Development Electrifying the Capital City
sustainably and efficientlyModerator?
TB , V Y
Saul Katan, CEO, ETB (Confirmed)
Maria Fernanda Rojas, Directora, InsOtuto de
Desarrollo Urbano (Confirmed)Fernando
Sanclemente, Director, Transmilenio (Confirmed)
Carlos Pablo Marquez, Director EjecuOvo, Comision
de Regulacion de Comunicaciones (Confirmed)
Case Study Session Smart CiOes Mobilize-
Real Estate and Housing Upspring in Medellin
Massive Urban Transport Developments to Speed
Intelligent UOlity Sewage Systems, Potable Water
Projects ElectrificaOonModerator?
driana Ruiz, bogado Derecho Publico
Infraestructura, Garrigues (Confirmed)Panelists?
Julio guilera Wilches, Comisionado, Comisión
de Regulación de gua Potable y Saneamiento
Básico (Confirmed)Luis Fernando Lozano, Director
de ConecOvidad, Ministerio de Tecnologías de la
Información y las ComunicacionesDra? Margarita
ngel, Gerente General, Empresa de Desarrollo
Urbano de Medellín (Confirmed)Ramiro Marquez
Ramirez, Gerente General, Metro de Medellin
(Confirmed)Helmuth Barros, Secretario General,
Findeter (Confirmed)
6?20-6?45 Cocktail RecepOonSponsored by V Y
800- 850
RegistraOon and Morning Refreshment
Welcome remarks
na Carolina Romero, Senior Producer of Capital
Projects Infrastructure, LaOn Markets
Keynote PresentaOon n Overview of LaOn
mericas OpportuniOes Challenges Infrastructure
Jorge Sere, Capital Projects Infrastructure
LaOn merica Coordinator, PwC (Confirmed)
9?00- 9?30
Keynote PresentaOon Financing Infrastructure
Projects in Colombia n Overview of Improving
CondiOons to
Invest in the Market
Clemente del Valle, CEO, Financiera del
Desarrollo Nacional (Confirmed)
9?30- 10?00 CEO Roundtable Session Private
Sector PerspecOves, Beyond Current Projects a
5-year Outlook
Macro-Overview of Colombia Leading Infrastructure
5 year Growth and Positoning in Colombias
Compettve Market OpportuniOes Partnering with
Foreign CompaniesModerator?
Eliana Bernal, Partner, PwC (Confirmed)Panelists?

Victor Manuel Cruz Vega, CEO, ODINS
Juan Ricardo Noero, CEO, Pacific Infrastructure
Morning Refreshments Networking Sponsored by V
Panel Session Key Players, EPCs and The
EffecOve Project Management ExecuOon- Looking at
PPP LegislaOon
ExecuOng Success with PPP Models? PracOcal and
Strategic CollaboraOon Water Treatment
PlantsColombia? The dvantages and The Impact
on EPC Project ExecuOon
Market challenges for EPCMs in Colombia? full
spectrum of infrastructure developmentsModerator?

Damian Polla, Director Structured Finance
mericas, Espirito Santo Investment Bank
Dr? Mauricio Perfet, Sub Director Sectorial, DNP
Felipe Camargo, Gerente General , bengoa
Colombia (Confirmed)
Bernardo Serafim, President, ndrade GuOerrez
Colombia (Confirmed)
drián Pena, Director Concesionaria, vance
Concesionaria (Grupo Tradeco) (Confirmed)Eleubert
o Martorelli, Director Superintendente, Odebrecht
PresentaOon The Complexity of Financial and
OperaOonal Risk of Capital Infrastructure
Roger Bonet, President, Colombeia (Confirmed)
Energy Infrastructure Renewables, Natural Gas
Pipelines Oil Pipeline and Refinery Development
12?00- 1?00
Panel Session Clean Energy Infrastructure ll
bout Hydro, Turbines and Power
Key OpportuniOes and New Trends
Preparing to Supply Demand in Energy GeneraOon
Capacity?Thermal and Wind Farm Project
Olga de Narvaez, Senior Investment Officer, IIC
Lina rango, Directora de Generacion Electrica,
HMV (Confirmed)TB , IS GEN (Confirmed)
Lunch -Sponsored by RGOS
Panel Session Expanding Colombias Oil Gas
Market with growing Infrastructure
Oil - Impact of the Bicentenario Pipeline
Reficar Refinery Expansion Project in Cartagena
Challenge in Colombias Oi Gas Infrastructure,
OpportuniOes to Sustain Market DemandsModerator?
SanOago cevedo, Gerente Oil Gas, Siemens
Isabel Choucair, Financing Director, Reficar
Jorge Rodriguez, Gerente de Responsabilidad
CorporaOva, Pacific Rubiales (TB ) (Confirmed)
Jose Joaquín Pinto, Gerente General del Proyecto
de Moderación de Refinería Barrancabermeja,
Ecopetrol (Confirmed)SanOago Pardo, CIO,
Transportadora de Gas Internacional (Confirmed)
Tomas Restrepo, Vice-President Regional Colombia,
RGOS (Confirmed)
4?00- 4?15
PresentaOon Building Money Complexes and Systems
Mining Infrastructure
Natalia GuOerrez, Deputy Minister of Mining,
Ministry of Mines Energy (Confirmed)
Panel Session EffecOve Ports
New FaciliOes at Santa Marta and Upcoming Regions
Investments in OpOmizing ExisOng Ports and New
Ports? Colombia Duplicates its Capacity in a
DecadeThe 5 Million Cargo Containers Goal
Edgar Higuera, Gerente de LogísOca,
Infraestructura y Transporte, NDI
Mauricio Suarez, Manager, Santa Marta Port
(Confirmed)ndres Osorio, General Manager, Maersk
Line (Confirmed)
Juan Miguel Duran Prieto, Superintendente,
Superintendencia de Puertos y Transporte
(Confirmed)lfonso Salas Trujillo, General
Manager, Sociedad Portuaria de Cartagena
(Confirmed)Manuel Campos, Gerente de Proyecto
Portuarios, NI (Confirmed)
Cocktails Networking- Sponsored by V Y
End of Summit
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