Title: Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
1Automatic Tie-Point and Wire-frame Generation
From Oblique Aerial Imagery
Seth Weith-Glushko Advisor Carl
Salvaggio Research Proposal November 7, 2003
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
2Table of Contents
- The Problem
- Specific Aims
- Proposed Solution
- A description of the individual transforms and
algorithms used to make up the proposed
algorithms - Methods
- Timetable
- Budget
- References
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
3The Problem
- Using photogrammetric techniques, tie matching
algorithms and bundle adjustment algorithms, it
is possible to create a 3D model using a series
of images of an object - These images must be around an axis (for objects)
or ortho-rectified (for landscapes) for the
algorithms to work - We want to be able to use oblique imagery for
input into the algorithms - By using oblique imagery, more pixels are
available to describe the features of a 3D object
than would be in an ortho-rectified image
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
4Specific Aims
- Current algorithms only work on ortho-graphic
(for tie-points) and axial imagery (for
wire-frame generation) - The goal is to draw from both photogrammetry and
computer graphics to develop two algorithms which
can work in unison - A tie-point algorithm that works on oblique
imagery - A bundle adjustment algorithm that can use
oblique imagery - In the future, this algorithm would become part
of a suite of algorithms that could generate an
accurate 3D model of scene independent of the
type of imagery used
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
5Proposed Solution
- The algorithm below relies heavily on the use of
INS (Inertial Navigational System) data - The input would be a series of oblique images
made around a common area - The output would be a matrix of matching points
and a file using a common 3D format
Input A series of oblique images around a common
Image Processing
Ortho-rectification Transform
Converts an oblique image into an ortho-rectified
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
6Proposed Solution
Definition of Points
Point matching algorithm
Geometric Transform
Use the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter to
find points of high frequency (i.e. edges)
Use point distance comparison, point scale
comparison and point angle comparison to find
matching points
Using matched points, generate a geometric
transformation and use registration as indicator
of goodness of points
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
7Proposed Solution
Inverse Geometric Transform
Inverse Orthorectification Transform
Bundle Adjustment Algorithm
Perform an inverse geometric transformation using
previous transformation matrix
Convert the orthorectified image back into its
original oblique form
Using pairs of matched points, define points in
3D space
Output Matrix containing matched pairs between
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
8Proposed Solution
Output 3D wire-frame mesh of a scene
Interface with 3D System
Using software libraries and defined 3D points,
generate an output file
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
9Ortho-rectification Transform
- The ortho-rectification transform converts an
oblique image into an ortho-rectified (flat)
image by means of a linear equation - There are four unknowns. We can use the fiducial
points of an image as the four points we need to
solve for the constants
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
10Image Processing
- Image processing needs to be performed because
images with dissimilar digital count affect the
point generation operator - Histogram matching is performed to minimize this
Images courtesy C. Salvaggio
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
11Definition of Points
- To define points the Laplacian of Gaussian
operator is used - Walli found that if there is an edge in an image,
a thresholded filtered image would show a point
at that edge
Images courtesy K. Walli
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
12Point Matching Algorithms
- To match defined points, three algorithms are
primarily used pixel distance match, scale
match, angle match - Another matching criteria is LoG maxima similarity
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
13Pixel Distance Match
- This algorithm works by comparing distances
between pixels in a matrix
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Same Elements 2 3 2
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
14Scale Match
- This algorithm works by comparing ratios of
distances between pixels in a matrix
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7
0 1 2 3 4
Distance Compare Ratios Ratios of
distances from like points is equal!
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
15Angle Match
- This algorithm works by comparing the angle
formed by the triangle of 3 pixels in a matrix
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Point Set 1
Point Set 2
Vertice 1
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
16Geometric Transformation
- Using the matched pixels, solutions to the affine
polynomial problem are found - Using the affine polynomial, one ortho-rectified
image is geometrically transformed so that it can
register with another ortho-rectified image. - Quality metrics are performed to determine
whether the registration is good. Hence, the
matched points are good.
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
17Inverse Transformations
- The matched points are put through an inverse
geometric transformation and an inverse
ortho-rectification transform to return the
points to their original oblique pixel form - A matrix of matched points is output
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
18Bundle Adjustment Algorithm
- Bundle adjustment algorithms allow the mapping of
2D points into 3D space using more than two
images around a common point - The algorithm estimates the underlying plane
geometry of a scene
Images courtesy M. Pollefeys
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
193D Library Interfacing
- Using these 3D points generated from the bundle
adjustment algorithm, a triangle mesh is created
which forms the structure of the wire-frame scene - Also, a texture map is generated from bundle
adjustment. This map is overlaid on the mesh - The full model is saved to a generic 3D format
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- Using a programming environment, engineering code
will be developed to determine the feasibility of
this algorithm - If it is feasible, quality metrics will be
applied to determine effectiveness - Visual analysis, absolute mean variance, and
deviation from a polynomial model (RMSDE) can be
used to check tie-point generation - Visual analysis and post-photogrammetric analysis
can be used to check wire-frame generation
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- September 1, 2003 November 15, 2003
- Search for previous research, background
knowledge - November 15, 2003 April 1, 2004
- Development of algorithm and engineering code
- April 1, 2004 May 15, 2004
- Complete paper, poster and presentation
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- No money will be required for this project as the
investigator has all of the resources he
currently requires - 2 credits will be required for both Winter and
Spring Quarters - Due to the nature of the contract, most of the
work performed will be done on a pay basis - Flexibility in the experimenters schedule was
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- Honkavaara, Eija and Anton Hogholen. Automatic
Tie Point Extraction in Aerial Triangulation.
International Society for Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing, 16th Congress, Vienna, July 1996.
337-342. - Moffitt, Francis H. and Edward M. Mikhail.
Photogrammetry. 3rd Ed. New York Harper and Row,
1980. - Pollefeys, M. 3D Geometry from Images. 15 Oct.
2003. lthttp//www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/pollefey/tu
torial/tutorialECCV.htmlgt - Walli, Karl C. Multisensor Image Registration
Utilizing the LOG Filter and FWT. Diss.
Rochester Institute of Technology, 2003. - Wolf, Paul R. Elements of Photogrammetry. 2nd Ed.
New York McGraw-Hill, 1983.
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Are there any?
Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory