Satellite remote sensing applications in Meteorology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Satellite remote sensing applications in Meteorology


2nd Ewiem Nimdie International Summer School Satellite remote sensing applications in Meteorology Gizaw Mengistu, Dept. of Physics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Satellite remote sensing applications in Meteorology

Satellite remote sensing applications in
2nd Ewiem Nimdie International Summer School
Weather and Climate Forecasting in Africa and its
Application to Agriculture Water Resource
Management. 19 July 31 July 2010 Kumasi, Ghana
Gizaw Mengistu, Dept. of Physics, Addis Ababa
University, Ethiopia
  • 1. Introduction
  • Meteorological satellites
  • Instrumentation
  • 2. Retrieval of meteorological parameters
  • Measurement of sea and land surface temperature
  • Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature and
  • 3. Measurement of rainfall
  • Visible Infra-red (IR)

  • 4. Measurement of winds
  • Cloud motion vectors (CMV)
  • 5. Satellite image/signal
  • Satellite image/signal interpretation

1. Introduction
  • Meteorological satellites
  • Satellites instrumentation

Classification of Satellites

Satellite System
Sensor System
First application of satellite remote sensing
  • Began with TIROS1, launched in April 1960
  • Simple TV system on board to map clouds
  • Satellites are now a vital an integral part of
    our weather forecasting system.

Satellite remote sensing
  • Now both polar orbiting and geostationary
    satellites are used
  • Polar orbiters operate in a similar way to other
    remote sensing satellites (Landsat, SPOT etc.)
  • Geostationary satellites continually view the
    same portion of the Earth.

Satellite remote sensing
  • Geostationary Satellites
  • Orbit above the equator at 35,800 Km and complete
    one orbit every 24hrs.
  • Remain over the same point on the surface of the
  • Continually view the same portion of the Earth.
  • A network provides coverage of the entire globe

Satellite remote sensing
  • Major Applications
  • Solar radiation exposure
  • Uses a model based on an advanced estimate of
    cloud cover
  • Cloud and Water Vapour Motion vectors
  • Tracks identifiable cloud features
  • Entered into weather forecasting models

Instrument Observing Characteristics
Instrument Observing Characteristics
  • Observations depend on
  • telescope characteristics (resolving power,
  • detector characteristics (signal to noise)
  • communications bandwidth (bit depth)
  • spectral intervals (window, absorption band)
  • time of day (daylight visible)
  • atmospheric state (T, Q, clouds)
  • earth surface (Ts, vegetation cover)

(No Transcript)
2. Retrieval of meteorological parameters
  • Measurement of sea and land surface
  • Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature
    and humidity.

  • Radiance is the amount of energy/per unit
    time/per area of a detector/per spectral
    interval/per solid angle

Surface Temperature and Emissivity Estimation
Surface Temperature and Emissivity Estimation
The radiance at the sensor is given by LS j
ejLjBB(T)(1-ej)LjskytLjatm Where ej is
surface emissivity , LjBB is spectral radiance of
a blackbody at the surface at temperature
T, Ljsky is spectral radiance incident upon the
surface from the Atmosphere, calculated using
radiative transfer equation (e.g. MODTRAN
etc), Ljatm is spectral radiance emitted by the
atmosphere, again from Model, t is spectral
atmospheric transmission and LS j is spectral
radiance observed by the sensor.
Surface Temperature and Emissivity Estimation
After getting all the necessary data from RT
model as stated on the previous slide, radiance
from the Surface, Lj, is
Emission characteristics of different objects
Water is a good approximation of a black body
(grey body)
Emission characteristics of different objects
Quartz is not a good approximation of a black
body (selective radiator)
Snow, vegetation, rock spectra of mixed pixels
Surface Temperature and Emissivity Estimation
Relative Emissivity (to the average of all
channels, say 5 channels in this example) is
given by
Surface Temperature and Emissivity Estimation
  • From laboratory measurement, relationship
    between minimum emissivity, max.-min. relative
    emissivity difference can be constructed i.e
    eminf(ßmax- ßmin). Therefore, the revised
    emissivity can be computed from
  • ej ßj(emin/ ßmin)

Split-window methodsatmospheric correction for
surface temperature measurement
  • Water-vapor absorption in 10-12 ?m window is
    greater than in 3-5 ?m window
  • Greater difference between TB (3.8 ?m) and TB (11
    ?m) implies more water vapor
  • Enables estimate of atmospheric contribution (and
    thereby correction)
  • Best developed for sea-surface temperatures
  • Known emissivity
  • Close coupling between atmospheric and surface
  • Liquid water is opaque in thermal IR, hence
    instruments cannot see through clouds

Surface Temperature and Emissivity Estimation
  • Spectral radiance (LSj) data are acquired as
    the 8 or more bit gray-scale imagery in Level 1b
    products for most surface observing satellite.
    So, 8 or more bits digital number (DN) should be
    converted to radiance in order to apply TES
    algorithm outlined earlier. The equation and
    constants for converting the 8 bits digital
    number of the image data into the spectral
    radiance is as follows
  • LSjGainDNBiasDN(Lmax-Lmin)/255Bias

Picture elements of multispectral image
Image from different bands
Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature and
Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature and

Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature and
Weighting function (http//
Weighting function
Weighting function
Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature
  • The preceding RT equation is commonly known as
    Fredholm integral equation of the first kind
    whose solution is difficult to find.
  • Consider the following example

where the kernel is a simple exponential function
Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature
  • 1. Assume the function f(x) is given by
    f(x)x4x(x-1/2)2, we can compute g(k) for ki(0
    10) interval using
  • 2. Write the integral equation in summation form
  • Let , and compute g(k)

Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature
and compare with step 1 3. Use direct linear
inversion method ((AT.A)-1AT.g) to recover
f(x) 4. If result in (3) is not good, use
constrained inversion ((AT.Agamma.H)-1AT.g)
where H is constraining matrix (smoothing
Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature
Retrieval of vertical profiles of temperature
Stratospheric chemistry Dynamics
Mengistu et. al., doi10.1029/2004JD004856, 2004,
doi10.1029/2004JD005322, 2005
Mengistu et. al., doi10.1029/2004JD004856, 2004,
doi10.1029/2004JD005322, 2005
3. Measurement of rainfall
  • Visible Infra-red (IR)

  • Geostationary satellites (e.g. GOES, GMS,
    Meteosat) typically carry infrared (IR) and
    visible (VIS) imagers with surface resolutions
    ranging from 1-4 km. NOAA polar orbiters carry
    VIS/IR imagers with 1 km resolution

The choice of polar-orbiting vs geostationary
platforms for precipitation estimation entails
several tradeoffs with regard to temporal and
spatial sampling and geographical coverage a
geostationary satellite positioned over the
equator can provide high frequency (hourly or
better) images of a portion of the tropics and
middle latitudes, while a polar orbiter provides
roughly twice-daily coverage of the entire globe.
Polar orbiters also fly in a low Earth orbit
which is more suitable for the deployment of
microwave imagers on account of the latter's
coarse angular resolution.
Spectral bands
The choice of spectral band for observing
precipitation also involves tradeoffs.
Historically, infrared (IR) and visible (VIS)
imagery have been widely available for the
longest period of time, with high quality
microwave (MW) imagery becoming widely available
only after the launch of the SSM/I in
1987. Advantages of the VIS and IR bands include
high spatial resolution as well as the
possibility of frequent temporal sampling from
geostationary platforms. A major disadvantage is
the indirectness of the relationship between
cloud top albedo or temperature and surface
precipitation rate.
Spectral bands
The evidence to date suggests that VIS/IR methods
produce highly smoothed depictions of
instantaneous rainfall fields which become useful
only when averaged over larger space and/or time
scales, and then only when carefully calibrated
for the region and season in question.
VIS and/or IR algorithms
Almost all IR techniques are based on variations
of the premise that precipitation is most likely
to be associated with deep clouds and thus with
cold cloud tops, as observed by an infrared
imager. Visible cloud albedos are generally used,
if at all, as supplemental information to
discriminate cold clouds which are optically thin
and presumably non-precipitating from those which
are optically thick and therefore possibly
precipitating. Of course, visible imagery is only
usable during the time that the sun is high above
the horizon. IR-only methods are often
preferred for the simple reason that their
performance is less likely to be a strong
function of the time of day and therefore less
likely to introduce spurious day-night biases in
estimated precipitation.
VIS and/or IR algorithms
Because rainfall usually occupies only a small
fraction of the cold or bright cloud area visible
from space, VIS/IR algorithms tend to
overestimate significantly actual rain area. To
avoid systematic overestimates in temporal or
spatial averages, this tendency is usually
accounted for by assigning very low rain rates
(empirically derived) to the area identified as
precipitating in the instantaneous images. The
GOES Precipitation Index (GPI) is one of the
simplest and most widely used IR indices of
precipitation in the tropics and subtropics. The
GPI is computed by simply taking the fraction of
pixels within a region whose IR brightness
temperatures are less than some threshold, T0,
and multiplying that fraction by a constant rain
rate, RQ. Most commonly, T0 is taken to be 235K
and RQ is taken to be 3.0 mm/hr. However, other
values for these parameters may be more
appropriate in some cases, depending on location,
season, spatial averaging scale and other
VIS and/or IR algorithms
The Negri-Adler-Wetzel Technique (NAWT)
technique NAWT assigns rain rates to "cloudy
pixels" based on a threshold brightness
temperature, T0, which was originally taken to be
253 K but has been modified in more recent
versions of the algorithm. Of the area defined as
cloud, the coldest 10 is assigned a rain rate
R10 and the next coldest 40 is assigned a lower
rain rate R40. Values for R10 and R40 were
originally specified as 8 and 2 mm/hr,
respectively, but have been adjusted slightly in
more recent applications.
VIS and/or IR algorithms
RAINSAT is a supervised classification algorithm
which is trained to identify areas of
precipitation from a combination of VIS and IR
imagery. At night, visible imagery is unavailable
and RAINSAT reverts to a pure IR technique.
RAINSAT and its relatives are among the few
VIS/IR algorithms that are used operationally in
middle latitudes. Recently, a similar approach
by using a multivariate classification scheme and
raingauge data to estimate daily mean areal
precipitation is proposed.
TAMSAT algorithm over Africa
  • TAMSAT (Tropical Application of Meteorology using
    Satellite and other data)
  • A regular series of thermal infrared (TIR)
    images of an area is received, pixels with
    apparent temperatures lower than some
    predetermined threshold are classified as cold
    cloud and their charastristics accumulated over
    some period.
  • The procedures adopted and the form of the
    algorithms are regarded as a statistical model,
    which is calibrated through comparisons between
    observed cold cloud characteristics and sets of
    conventional raingauge data.

TAMSAT algorithm over Africa
  • The factors to be considered in comparing methods
    include the following
  • - the type of regression model employed (linear,
    non-linear? multivariate)
  • - the inteval between images (slots) the time
    averaging period
  • - the space averaging scale the threshold
    temperature adopted
  • - data treatment (e.g. linear or temperature
    weighted accumulation) additional data
    incorporated (e.g. water vapour Channel, visible
    Channel or contemporary surface
  • raingauge measurements)
  • - localization of calibration (time or space
    varying TIR features, variation with geographic
    location, time of year, character of season,
    topography and local storm climatology.

TAMSAT algorithm over Africa
  • The technique is simple. Local seasonally varying
    temperature thresholds which best discriminate
    between precipitating and non-precipitating
    clouds of convective origin are determined.
  • The CCD is defined to be the duration of a cloud,
    with top temperature below a predetermined
    threshold, over a given area. Therefore, the
    relation between CCD and rainfall (RR) is given

TAMSAT algorithm over Ethiopia
  • It is noted that instead of relating rainfall to
    CCD, the regression is performed between
    midpoints of CCD classes and the median of the
    rainfall in the CCD class in order to overcome
    the skewness of the rainfall frequency
  • In Ethiopia, the original TAMSAT model is
    modified to account for spatial inhomogeneity due
    to complex topography since 1993
  • Homogeneous zones are delineated
  • Selection of a best temperature threshold which
    reasonably discriminates between rain giving and
    inactive (non-rain giving) clouds (archieved CCD
    at TAMSAT-40, -50, -60 0C are used)

TAMSAT algorithm over Ethiopia
Comparison of actual and estimated rainfall at
different rainfall ranges, July 1995 for the
whole country
TAMSAT algorithm over Ethiopia
Comparison of observed and estimated over
western Ethiopia for the period June to September
TAMSAT algorithm over Ethiopia
Comparison of observed and estimated over
northeastern Ethiopia for the period June to
September 1994.
METEOSAT Channels (bands)
The IR information is separated into three
classes, based on temperature thresholds, for
improving quantitative rainfall estimation for
cold convective clouds, middle layer clouds and
warm coastal clouds. The METEOSAT spin scan
radiometer operates in three spectral bands
0.5 - 0.9 µm (visible band - VIS) 5.7 - 7.1 µm
(infra-red water vapour absorption band - WV)
10.5 - 12.5 µm (thermal infra-red band - IR)
METEOSAT Channels (bands)
The amount of radiation absorbed by water vapour
is dependent on the amount of moisture in the
radiation's path and the wavelength of the
radiation. Increased amounts of moisture, or
water content, in the radiations path lead to
more absorption of the radiation emitted from
lower layers. Therefore, if the air temperature
decreases with height, higher moisture content
result in colder brightness temperature. On a
6.7µm image the coldest temperatures correspond
to high cloud tops, whilst the warmest are
observed over lower altitude areas when the air
is very dry through a deep layer in the
atmosphere. For the 6.7µm water vapour channel,
the radiation values may also be converted to
brightness temperatures. A difference exists
between WV (6.7µm) brightness temperature and
that of the standard IR (11µm) channel. This is
attributed to the absorption and re-radiation by
water vapour above the earth's surface or clouds.
It is this difference that allows a distinction
to be drawn between cirrus and moist updraft
4. Measurement of winds
  • Cloud motion vectors (CMV)

Satellite Derived Motion Fields
  • Clouds are passive tracers of winds at a single
  • use infrared and visible radiances
  • Water vapor features (ie., moisture gradients are
    passive tracers of winds)
  • both in clear air and cloudy conditions
  • use water vapor infrared radiances
  • We can properly assign height of tracer

Satellite Derived Motion Fields GOES Visible,
IR, WV Channels
  • Imager
  • Water vapor channel (6.7µm) Band 3
  • Longwave IR window chan. (10.7µm) Band 4
  • Visible Channel (0.65µm) Band 1
  • Sounder
  • Water vapor channel (7.3µm) Band 10
  • Water vapor channel (7.0µm) Band 11

Satellite Derived Motion Fields BASIC
  • Image acquisition
  • Automated registration of imagery
  • Target selection process
  • Height assignment of targets
  • Target tracking
  • Quality control (Autoeditor)

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Image
  • Select 3 consecutive images in time
  • Which channels are selected is a function of
    which wind product (cloud-drift, water vapor,
    visible) is to be generated

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Auto-registratio
n of Imagery
  • Registration is a measure of consistency of
    navigation between successive images
  • Landmark features (ie., coastlines) must remain
    stationary from image to image
  • Satellite-derived winds are much more sensitive
    to changes in registration than to errors in

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Auto-registratio
n (Contd)
  • Manual registration corrections applied
    operationally to imagery 5 of the time
  • New automated registration
  • hundreds of landmarks used
  • each landmark is sought in all images
  • middle image in loop is assumed to have perfect
  • mean line and element correction is computed and
    possibly applied for the 1st and 3rd image

Satellite Derived Motion Fields TARGET
  • Consider small sub-areas (target area) of an
    image in succession
  • Perform a spatial coherence analysis of all
    targets. Filter out targets where
  • multi-deck cloud signatures are evident

Satellite Derived Motion Fields TARGET
  • Locate maxima in brightness
  • Select target/feature associated with strongest
  • Target density is controlled by size of target
    selector area

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Height
Assignment of Targets
  • Infrared window technique
  • oldest method of assigning heights to
    cloud-motion winds
  • not suitable for assigning heights of
    semi-transparent cloud (ie., thin cirrus)
  • still provides a suitable fallback to other

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Target Height
Assignment (Contd)
  • CO2 Slicing Technique
  • most accurate means of assigning heights to
    semi-transparent tracers
  • utilizes IR window and CO2 (13µm) absorption
    channels viewing the same FOV

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Target Height
Assignment (Contd)
  • H2O Intercept Method
  • Utilizes Water Vapour channel (6.7µm) Band 3 and
    longwave IR window chan. (10.7µm) Band 4
  • Algorithm these two sets of radiances from a
    single-level cloud deck vary linearly with cloud
  • Adequate replacement of CO2 slicing method

Satellite Derived Motion Fields TARGET
  • Define tracking area centered over each target
  • Search area in second image which best matches
    radiances in tracking area
  • Confine search to search area centered around
    guess displacement of target
  • Two vectors per target 1 for image 12 1 for
    image 23

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Quality Control
  • Functions
  • Target height reassignment
  • Wind quality estimation flag
  • Method (4 Steps)
  • 1) 3-dimensional objective analysis of model
    forecast wind field on 1st pass
  • 2) Incorporate sat winds into analysis on
    2nd pass. Remove those differing
    significantly from analysis

Satellite Derived Motion Fields Quality Control
  • Method (Contd)
  • 3) Target heights readjusted by minimizing a
    penalty function which seeks the optimum
    fit of the vector to the analysis
  • 4) Perform another 3-dimensional objective
    analysis (at reassigned pressures) and assign
    quality flag

GOES High Density Water Vapor Winds
100mb - 250mb 250mb - 400mb 400mb - 700mb
GOES High Density Cloud Drift Winds
100mb - 400mb 400mb - 700mb Below 700mb
GOES High Density Winds(Cloud Drift, Imager H2O,
Sounder H2O)
GOES High Density Visible Winds
Satellite Derived Motion Fields Sources of
  • Assumption that clouds and water vapor features
    are passive tracers of the wind field
  • Image registration errors
  • Target identification and tracking errors
  • Inaccurate height assignment of target

5. Satellite image/signal
  • Satellite image/signal interpretation

Interpretation Contamination
Interpretation Attenuation
Clouds in Satellite Image
  • High Clouds - composed of small ice crystals.
  • a) Cirrus - thin hooks, strands, and filaments or
    dense tufts and sproutings.
  • Visible imagery - thin cirrus is difficult to
    detect due to visual contamination. Dense cirrus
    shows as patches, streaks, and bands, casting
    shadows on lower clouds or terrain.
  • (1) Brightness - normally a darker or translucent
    appearance, often obscuring definitions of lower
    features. A light gray compared to thicker
  • (2) Texture - fibrous with banding perpendicular
    to winds.
  • ii) IR imagery
  • (1) Brightness - usually dense patches are very
    bright but thin cirrus is subject to considerable
    contamination and appears much warmer (darker
    gray) than the actual temperature.

Clouds in Satellite Image
  • (2) Texture - subject to variation due to
  • b) Cirrostratus - High/thin to dense continuous
    veil of stable ice crystals covering an extensive
    area. Commonly found on equatorial side of jet
  • Visible imagery - generally appears white, thick,
    smooth, and organized when associated with
    cyclones. Casts shadows on surfaces below.
  • ii) IR imagery - appears as uniformly cold
    (white), often the coldest, cloud layer (except
    when cumulonimbus clouds are present) with small
    variations in gray shades. Thin
  • cirrostratus has considerable contamination
  • c) Anvil Cirrus (detached from cumulonimbus
    clouds) - dense remains of thunderstorms, usually
    irregularly shaped, aligned parallel to the upper
    level winds. Vary in shape and
  • especially in size from 5 to 500 km. Tends to
    become thin and dissipate rapidly.

Clouds in Satellite Image
i) Visible imagery - bright white but diffuse.
Thick anvils may cast shadows on lower surfaces
whereas thin anvils are often translucent to
lower features. ii) IR imagery - bright white
patches, usually coldest (whitest) cloud, except
when active thunderstorms are present. d)
Cirrocumulus - cumuliform ice crystal clouds
formed by upward vertical motions in the upper
troposphere. May precede rapidly developing
cyclone. i) Visible imagery - thin patches of
clouds, gray to white, usually in advance of
a cyclone. Individual elements often below the
resolution of geostationary sensors. ii) IR
imagery - similar to cirrostratus, white to gray
clouds subject to contamination.
Clouds in Satellite Image
  • 2) Middle Clouds - composed of supercooled water
    droplets and graupel (soft hail).
  • a) Altocumulus - indicates vertical motion and
    moisture in the mid-troposphere. Usually
    accompanies large, organized synoptic scale
    cyclones, minor upper tropospheric waves, and
    tropical waves. For well-developed systems,
    sometimes masked by extensive cirrus.
  • Visible imagery - Bright white, textured, or
    lumpy, and very difficult to distinguish from
  • (1) Wave clouds appear as parallel bands.
  • (2) Altocumulus castellanus (ACCAS) appear as a
    diffuse, ragged band of small blobs. In summer
    ACCAS may be found near air mass boundaries
    preceding thunderstorm development.
  • ii) IR imagery - Colder (lighter gray) than
    stratocumulus but warmer (darker gray) than high
    clouds. Must be compared to other clouds in the

Clouds in Satellite Image
  • Wave clouds frequently appear warmer and lower
    (darker gray) than actual due to contamination.
    Individual waves may be below resolution of
    geostationary sensors.
  • (2) ACCAS often appear with frontal systems.
    Rather large temperature variations may be
  • b) Altostratus/Nimbostratus - stratiform cloud in
    mid levels. Normally found in extensive sheets
    with cyclones.
  • i) Visible imagery - Bright white, extensive
    sheet. May be difficult to distinguish from low
    or high stratiform clouds. Often textured, unlike
    cirrostratus, but uniform. May cast shadows,
    unlike stratus.
  • ii) IR imagery - nearly uniform gray shade
    indicating the middle temperature ranges. Usually
    distinguishable by comparison with other cloud
    layers, warmer (grayer) than cirrus, colder
    (brighter) than stratus.

Clouds in Satellite Image
3) Low Clouds - composed of water droplets.
Wintertime conditions and vertical growth may
allow glaciation. a) Cumulus - similar to
detached cauliflower-like clouds with sharp
outlines. Often, a region of unorganized cumulus
(popcorn) forms over landmasses during fair
weather. Cumulus clusters whose edges are clearly
visible are referred to as open cell
cumuli. i) Visible imagery - scattered
individual elements are often below the
resolution of geostationary sensors and appear as
gray areas due to contamination. Large individual
elements and groups of broken cumulus appear as
bright white blobs of clouds. ii) IR imagery -
only large areas show due to contamination,
appearing as dark gray blobs. b) Towering
Cumulus - cumulus of moderate or strong vertical
extent. i) Visible imagery - similar to cumulus
but elements are larger, so are more likely to be
distinguishable as bright white blobs. ii) IR
imagery - similar to cumulus, but appearing as
lighter gray blobs.
Clouds in Satellite Image
c) Cumulonimbus - cumulus of strong vertical
development with or without cirrus anvils. Vary
greatly in size and shape depending on storm
intensity and environment. If upper level winds
are weak, mature thunderstorms are circular
cirrus clouds often with cirrus plumes
(filaments) streaming out nearly symmetrically in
all directions with occasionally lumpy,
penetrating tops (indicated by shadows on visible
imagery). Stronger winds aloft blow the cirrus
anvil downstream and create a diffuse downwind
boundary with a sharp, smooth upwind boundary. In
region of vigorous thunderstorms, cirrus anvils
may merge into cirrus canopies. The active cells
are indicated on visible imagery by their lumpy
penetrating tops. Much of the cirrus in the ITCZ
is actually decaying cirrus anvils. i) Visible
imagery - bright white cellular shape covered
with diffuse thin cirrus and often a lumpy
penetrating top. ii) IR imagery - bright white,
smooth cellular shape. Enhancement techniques
help identify the maximum cloud tops by relating
cloud top temperatures to height.
Clouds in Satellite Image
  • d) Stratocumulus - formed by the spreading of
    cumulus or convective development of stratus.
  • Large regions are found over cold ocean
    currents such as the California current off the
    West Coast (convective development of coastal fog
    and stratus) and in the lee of cold fronts
    (spreading of cumulus). Stratocumulus clouds form
    along the low level flow. Widely scattered and
    smaller patches of stratocumulus (trade wind
    cumulus) are found throughout the tropics. These
    scattered patches look like polygonal plates and
    range in diameter from 100-500 km and have
    limited vertical development.
  • Visible imagery - light gray to white, appearing
    in cloud lines or sheets composed of parallel
    rolls. Textures are noticeable.
  • ii) IR imagery - Dark gray, often difficult to
    distinguish from the surface due to
    contamination. Cellular or textured nature often
    not observed.

Clouds in Satellite Image
  • e) Stratus and Fog - caused by various means.
  • Large areas of stratus are found over cold ocean
    currents, as warm subsiding air underneath
    anticyclones meets the cold water below.
  • Visible imagery - white to gray, uniform, smooth
    sheet, except when terrain features penetrate
    above the stratus tops. Coastal and valley
    stratus often outlines the surrounding terrain.
  • ii) IR imagery - nearly invisible due to lack of
    contrast between the surface and cloud top
    temperatures. Occasionally, stratus forming
    beneath a radiation inversion will appear warmer
    (darker) than the surface, and is called black

Weather Related Satellite Image
  • Snow and Ice
  • Visible imagery - the ability to discern snow
    cover on visible imagery depends on the type of
    terrain, the vegetation cover, the snow depth and
    age, sun angle, the amount of cloud cover, and
  • (1) Terrain - mountains permit easy snow cover
    identification, appearing as a white, dendritic
    pattern against a darker background. Rivers and
    lakes may be snow covered and may help to
    distinguish snow from a stratus or stratiform
    deck. Snow covered plains tend to have a smooth
    appearance, whereas clouds normally have texture.
    Snow swaths caused by passing lows tend to be
    long and narrow
  • with smooth texture and sharp edges.

Weather Related Satellite Image
(2) Vegetation - snow-covered forest regions
appear gray and mottled, rather than white.
Snow-covered short grass regions appear white and
smooth. The brightness of snow covered grass
decreases with increasing height of the grass and
decreasing snow depth. (3) Snow Depth and Age -
generally, the deeper and newer the snow, the
whiter it appears. Rain on snow makes it appear
grayer. (4) Sun Angle - brightness of snow
decreases rapidly when the sun angle drops below
Weather Related Satellite Image
(5) Cloud cover - since snow does not move,
looping imagery may assist in distinguishing snow
cover from clouds. (6) Fracture Lines - ice can
sometimes be distinguished by its location (water
bodies) and the presence of dark fracture lines.
Ice may also look chunky. (7) Wind may blow snow
around, and the peaks and depressions may add
texture to an otherwise smooth sheet, helping to
distinguish snow from fog and snow from ice.
ii) IR imagery - detection of ice, snow cover,
and low clouds is very difficult without
simultaneous visible imagery. Snow may appear as
a patch colder (lighter) than bare ground.
Weather Related Satellite Image
  • b) Haze and Smog - suspended fine droplets and
    particulates in still, stable conditions.
  • Visible imagery - dull, filmy blob. Smog may be
    related to locations of major urban centers.
    Varying gray shades due to differential light
    scattering and absorption effects from the
    various constituents of the haze or smog.
  • ii) IR imagery - contamination makes detection of
    haze or smog very difficult without simultaneous
    visible imagery, although smog may be inferred
    over urban centers.

Weather Related Satellite Image
  • c) Dust or Sand Plumes and Storms - suspended
    surface particles carried aloft by strong surface
    winds and carried downwind long distances.
  • Visible imagery - dull, filmy plume often
    striated with a defined shape. Varying gray
    shades due to differential light scattering and
    absorption effects from the various constituents
    of the dust. Downwind of major deserts (e.g.
    Sahara, Outback) and dried-up river basins are
    likely locations for dust/sand plumes.
  • ii) IR imagery - contamination makes detection of
    dust or sand very difficult without simultaneous
    visible imagery.

Non-Weather Related Satellite Image
  • Smoke and Ash - suspended fine carbon and mineral
    particles from fires, industry, ships, and
    volcanic activity.
  • i) Visible imagery - depends on level of
    activity, atmospheric stability, and windiness,
    ranging from a dull, filmy area to a bright,
    well-defined plume streaming downwind from a
    point. Varying gray shades due to differential
    light scattering and absorption effects from the
    various constituents and intensity of fires
    (etc.). Ships may leave long trails resembling
    aircraft contrails but thicker and grayer.
  • ii) IR imagery - red-hot fires and explosive
    volcanic eruptions appear as black dots in IR and
    bright dots in visible. Lava flows may appear as
    small, narrow, winding black bands. Thin plumes
    are subject to contamination but high, thick
    plumes may be cold(bright) enough to be clearly

Non-Weather Related Satellite Image
b) Surface Variation i) Visible imagery -
differences in reflectivity among land cover
types (e.g. grass and forest) may be apparent as
variations in shades of gray. Some highly
reflective sandy areas (e.g. White Sands, NM) may
be seen as white to gray unmoving blobs that
could be confused for snow. Shadowing in
mountainous areas may give the landscape
texture. ii) IR imagery - differences in land
cover may produce differences in surface heating
that may be apparent as variations in shades of
gray. Typically, these are large areas (e.g.
Californias Central Valley, the Great Salt Lake)
that are significantly warmer or colder than
their surroundings.
Non-Weather Related Satellite Image
  • c) Sun Glint - can be seen when the sun is
    directly above the viewing scene and sunlight is
    reflected off a highly reflective surface such as
    water or sand. Sun glint patterns appear
    regularly in visible imagery of both polar
    orbiting and geostationary satellites. The
    patterns vary in shape, size, and brightness
    depending on the solar sub point, sea state, and
    low-level distribution of aerosols and moisture.
    Simultaneous comparison to IR can help
    distinguish sun glint from a dust plume or
    similar filmy area.
  • Geostationary imagery - appears as a large,
    diffuse, circular bright region located between
    the satellite sub-point and the solar subpoint,
    and thus would be found in the tropics near the
    equator. If the water surface is very smooth, the
    sun glint area is small and intensely brilliant.
  • ii) Polar orbiting imagery - a large, diffuse,
    semi-bright area that typically stretches from
    the bottom to the top of a picture. Very dark
    areas cutting through diffuse sun glint indicate
    the presence of calm seas, and may signify the
    presence of surface ridges.

Various cloud forms
  • 1) Open Cell Cumulus - cumulus clusters whose
    edges are clearly visible.
  • Cloud Street - orography or heating contrasts due
    to topography or vegetation may cause alignment
    of open cell cumuli in lines parallel to the
    low-level flow or the low to midlevel wind shear.
    Cloud streets can provide an excellent
    representation of the low level flow around
  • b) Typically appear brighter than closed cell
    stratocumulus in IR imagery.
  • 2) Closed Cell Stratocumulus - individual cloud
    elements or clusters of elements without clearly
    defined edges, instead forming smooth to slightly
    lumpy lines of merged elements.
  • a) Cloud Sheet - may form from semi-merged lines
    of closed cell stratocumulus and will have a
    lumpy striated texture.
  • b) Typically appear grayer than open cell cumulus
    in IR imagery.

Various cloud forms
3) Enhanced Cumulus - area of cumulus congestus,
towering cumulus, or cumulonimbus clouds.
Associated with fronts, PVA, or orography, and
appear as very bright dots in a field of
otherwise uniform open cell cumulus. 4) Sea
Breeze/Land Breeze - a nearly continuous band of
cumulus clouds that tend to parallel the
coastline. Sea breezes are most often found
inland during the late afternoon, and land
breezes offshore during the early morning. A
cloud-free region along and off the coastline
indicates the subsidence portion of a sea breeze
cell. 5) Ship Tracks - Long, narrow,
stratocumulus cloud plumes that form in the wake
of ships when the winds are light, and there is a
subsidence inversion capping the rising air.
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