Title: Microwave%20Remote%20Sensing:%20Principles%20and%20Applications
1Microwave Remote Sensing Principles and
- Outline
- Introduction to RSL at the University of Kansas
- Introduction and History of Microwave Remote
Sensing - Active Microwave Sensors
- Radar Altimeter.
- Scatterometer.
- Imaging Radar.
- Applications of Active Sensors
- Sea ice.
- Glacial ice
- Ocean winds.
- Soil Moisture.
- Snow.
- Vegetation.
- Precipitation.
- Solid Earth.
2Microwave Remote Sensing Principles and
- Passive Microwave Sensors
- Radiometers
- Traditional
- Interferometer
- Polarimetric Radiometer
- Application of Passive Microwave Sensors
- Sea ice.
- Glacial ice
- Soil Moisture.
- Atmospheric sounding
- Snow.
- Vegetation.
- Precipitation
3Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- Windvector Measurements over the Ocean
- Radar at 14 GHz.
- Concept developed at KU.
- USA, Europe and Japan are planning to launch
satellites to obtain data continuously.
4Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- Founded in 1964.
- 4 Faculty members, 20 Graduate students - Ph. D
M.S. - 4-6 Undergraduate students, 2 Staff
- Now satellites based on concepts developed at
RSL are in operation. - NSCAT, QUICKSCAT- Radars to measure ocean
surface winds. - ADEOS-2 (JAPAN), Europeans Met Office is
planning to launch satellite to support
operational applications. - ScanSAR-
- Radarsat- Canadian satellite
- Envisat - European
- SRTM -Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission.Radar Systems and Remote Sensing
5Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
- to collect three-dimensional measurements of the
Earth's surface. - Acquired data to obtain the most complete
near-global mapping of our planet's topography to
date. - This would not have been possible without ScanSAR
operation--- concept developed at KU.
6ITTC Information Technology Telecommunication
- Communications academic emphasis and research
programs established in 1983. - Now RSL is a part of the Center
- Graduated students
- degrees in EE, CS, CoE, Math
- 29 faculty, 15 staff researchers, 6 Center staff
- Current student population 130
- 13 Ph.D., 81 M.S., 37 B.S.
7EM Spectrum
- Microwave region
- 300 MHz 30 GHz.
- Millimeter wave
- 30 GHz 300 GHz.
- IEEE uses a different definition
- 300 MHz 100 GHz
8Microwave Remote Sensing Principles and
- Advantages
- Day/night coverage.
- All weather except during periods of heavy rain.
- Complementary information to that in optical and
IR regions. - Disadvantages
- Data are difficult to interpret.
- Coarse resolution except for SAR.
9Microwave Remote Sensing history
- US has a long history in Microwave Remote
Sensing. - Clutter Measurement program after the WW-II.
- Ohio State University collected a large data base
of clutter on variety of targets. - Earnest studies for the remote sensing of the
earth can be considered to have began 1960s. - In 1960s NASA initiated studies to investigate
the use of microwave technology to earth
10Microwave Remote Sensing history
- The research NASA and other agencies initiated
resulted in - Development of ground-based and airborne sensors.
- Measurement of emission and scattering
characteristics of many natural targets. - Development of models to explain and understand
measured data. - Space missions with microwave sensors.
- Radiometers.
- Radar and Radiometers
11Microwave Remote Sensing
- Radar
- Radio Detection and Ranging.
- Texts
- Skolnik, M. I., Introduction to Radar Systems,
McGraw Hill, 1981. - Stimson, G. W., Introduction to Airborne Radar,
SciTech Publishing, 1998.
Civilian Navigation and tracking Search and
surveillance Imaging Mapping Weather
Sounding Probing Remote sensing
Military Navigation and tracking Search and
surveillance Imaging Mapping Weather Proximit
y fuses Counter measures
12Review EM theory and Antennas
- Propagation of EM waves is governed by Maxwell
equations. - For time-harmonic variation we can write the
above equations as
13EM Theory
- Helmholtz Equation
- From the four Maxwell equations, we can derive
vector Helmholtz equations - For each component of E and H field we can write
a scalar equation
14Uniform plane wave
- Amplitude and phase are constant on planes
perpendicular to the direction of propagation. - TEM case no component in the direction of
propagation. - For a TEM wave propagating in z direction Ez 0
and Hz 0 - Ex(z,t) Eo e-az Cos(?t-jßz)
15EM theory
- a and ß are determined by material
properties. - Materials are classified as insulators and
conductors -
16EM Theory
- Reflection and refraction
- Whenever a wave impinges on a dielectric
interface, part of the wave will be reflected and
remaining will be transmitted into the lower
17EM Theory--Scattering
- Microwave Scattering from a distributed target
depends on - Dielectric constant.
- Surface roughness.
- Internal structure.
- Homogeneous
- Inhomogeneous
- Wavelength or Frequency.
- Polarization.
18Microwave Scattering
- Surface scattering
- A surface is classified as smooth or rough by
comparing its surface height deviation with
wavelength. - Smooth h lt ?/32 cos(?)
- For example at 1.5 GHz and 60 deg.,
- h lt 1.25 cm
Smooth surface
Moderately rough surface
Very rough surface
19Microwave Scattering
20Microwave Scattering
- Volume scattering
- Material is inhomogeneous such as
- Snow
- Firn
- Vegetation
- Multiyear ice
21Microwave Scattering
- Surface scattering models
- Geometric optics model
- Surface height standard deviation is large
compared to the wavelength. - Small perturbation model
- Surface height standard deviation is small
compared to the wavelength. - Two-scale model
- Developed to compute scattering from the ocean
- Small ripples riding on large waves.
- Antennas are used to couple electromagnetic waves
into free space or capture electromagnetic waves
from free space. - Type of antennas
- Wire
- Dipole
- Loop antenna
- Aperture
- Parabolic dish
- Horn
- Antennas are characterized by their
- Directivity
- It is the ratio of maximum radiated power to
that radiated by an isotropic antenna. - Efficiency
- Efficiency defines how much of the power is the
total power radiated by the antenna to that
delivered to the antenna. - Gain
- It is the product of efficiency and directivity
- Beamwidth
- Width of the main lobe at 3-dB points.
24Antenna gain
- An array of antennas is used whenever higher than
directivity is needed. - Can be used to electronic scanning.
- Most of the SAR antennas are arrays.
26Antenna Array
- Let us consider simple array consisting of
isotropic radiators.
27Radar Principles
- Radar classified according to the trasmit
waveform. - Continuous
- Doppler
- Altimeter
- Scatterometer
- Pulse
- Wide range of applications
28Radar Principles
- Radar measures distance by measuring time delay
between the transmit and received pulse. - 1 us 150 m
- 1 ns 15 cm
29Radar principle
- Unambiguous range and Pulse Repetition Frequency
(PRF) - PRF also determines the maximum doppler we can
measure with a radar SAR. - PRF gt 2 fdmax
- For a monostatic radar
- Radar sensitivity is determined by the minimum
detectable signal set by the receiver noise. - No kTBF
- F noise figure
- Signal-to-noise ratio
31Microwave Remote Sensing
- Radar cross section characterizes the size of the
object as seen by the radar. - Where
- Es scattering field
- Ei incident field
32Radar Equation
- A distributed target contains many scattering
centers within the illuminated area. It is
characterized by radar cross section per unit
area, which is refereed to as scattering
33Radar Equation
For a distributed power received falls off as
1/R2 For a point target power received falls
off as 1/R4
34Antenna Array
- Let us consider simple array consisting of
isotropic radiators.
35Antenna Array
- Let us consider simple array consisting of
isotropic radiators.
36Microwave Remote Sensing Principles and
Applications History
- Active Microwave sensing
- Studies related to active sensing of the earth
beagn in 1960s. - Clutter studies
- SkYLab radar altimeter and scatterometer in
1960s - SEASAT in 1978
37Active Sensors Radar Altimeter
- Radar altimeter is a short pulse radar used for
accurate height measurements. - Ocean topography.
- Glacial ice topography
- Sea ice characteristics
- Classification and ice edge
- Vegetation
- http//topex-www.jpl.nasa.gov/technology/images/P3
38Radar Altimeter
Satellite Radar Altimeters Satellite Radar Altimeters Satellite Radar Altimeters Satellite Radar Altimeters
Mission Frequency Accuracy Period
SKYLAB Ku 10 m 1973
GEOS Ku 1-5 M 1976
SEASAT Ku 1 m 1978
GEOSAT Ku 10 CM 1985-1990
ERS-1 Ku lt 10 cm 1992-1998
TOPEX C Ku lt 10 cm 1992-
ERS-2 Ku lt 10 cm 1996-
GFO Ku lt10 cm 1998-
ENVISAT Ku S lt10 CM 2001-
Jason-1 Ku C lt10 cm 2000-
CRYOSAT and other missions Ku Few cm 2003-
39Radar Altimeter Waveform
- Satellite altimeters operate in pulse-limited
40Radar Altimeter
- A short pulse radar
- Uses pulse compression to obtain fine range
resolution or height measurement. - Range measurement uncertainty of a pulse radar.
41Radar altimeter
- Other sources of errors
- Atmospheric delays
- Troposheric delays.
- EM bias
- Pointing errors
- Orbit errors
- Accuracies of few cms are being achieved with new
generation sensors. - Dual-frequency
- Water vapor radiometers
- GPS orbit determination
- Calibration.
Resti et al, The Envisat Altimeter System
RA-2,ESA Bulletin 98, June 1999
sigma5.5 cm
42Radar Altimetertypical system
Resti et al, The Envisat Altimeter System
RA-2,ESA Bulletin 98, June 1999
43Radar Altimeter
- Waveform analysis
- Time delay is measured very accurately and
converted into distance. - Spreading of the pulse is related to SWH.
- Scattering coefficient can be obtained by
determining the power.
Resti et al, The Envisat Altimeter System
RA-2,ESA Bulletin 98, June 1999
44Radar Altimeter- typical system
- Block diagram of Envisat RA
Resti et al, The Envisat Altimeter System
RA-2,ESA Bulletin 98, June 1999
45Active sensors
- Scatterometer
- Scatter o Meter A calibrated radar used to
measure scattering coefficient. - They are used to measure radar backscatter as a
function of incidence angle. - Ground and aircraft-based scatterometers are
widely used. - Experimental data on variety of targets to
support model and algorithm development
activities. - Developing algorithms for extracting target
characteristics from data. - Understanding the physics of scattering to
develop empirical or theoretical models. - Developing target classification algorithms
46Active sensors Scatterometers
- Wide range of applications
- Wind vector measurements
- Sea and glacial ice
- Snow extent.
- Vegetation mapping
- Soil moisture
- Semi-arid or dry areas.
47Microwave Remote Sensing Atmosphere and
- Global precipitation mission
- Will consist of a primary spacecraft and a
constellation. - Primary Spacecraft
- Dual-frequency radar.
- 14 and 35 GHz.
- Passive Microwave Radiometer
- Constellation Spacecraft
- Passive Microwave Radiometer
48Microwave Remote SensingActive Sensors
49Imaging Radars Scatterometers
- Imaging Radars
- Real Aperture Radar (RAR)
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
- Widely used for military and civilian
applications. - RAR
- Thin long antenna mounted on the side of an
50Imaging radars
- Resolution is determined by antenna beamwidth in
the along track direction - Pulse width in the cross-track direction
51Imaging radars
- For a radar operating at f10 GHz with a 3-m long
antenna in the along track direction and 0.5 us
pulse, resolution at 45 degree incidence and
range of 10 km is given by - Assume k0.8
52Imaging Radars RAR
- RARs were used until 1990s.
- They are replaced by SARs.
- Resolution should 1/20 about the dimensions of
the target we want to recognize
MRS vol. II, Ulaby, Moore and Fung
- Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Use the forward motion of an aircraft or a
spacecraft to synthesize a long antenna. - Satellite SARs
SIR-A,B C. - Applications
- Ocean wave imaging
- Oil slick monitoring
- Sea ice classification and dynamics
- Soil moisture
- Vegetation
- Glacial ice surface velocity
- We can use a small physical antenna
- For focused SAR resolution is independent of
- Wavelength
- Range
- Best possible resolution is L/2
- Where L length of the physical antenna
55RF Spectrum
- Microwave Radiometry covers a range of
Soil Moisture 1-3 GHz Resolution / aperture
Atmospheric Temperature 54, 118 GHz Accuracy
Atmospheric Water Vapor 22, 24, 92, 150, 183
GHz Accuracy
Ocean Surface Wind 19, 22 GHz Polarimetry
Cloud Ice 325, 448, 643 GHz High frequency
30 cm
3 cm
0.3 mm
3 mm
1000 GHz
100 GHz
10 GHz
1 GHz
Sea Surface Salinity 1-3 GHz Receiver
sensitivity/ stability
Precipitation 11, 31,37,89 GHz Frequent
global coverage
Atmospheric Chemistry 190, 240, 640, 2500
GHz High frequency
Sea Ice 37 GHz Polar coverage
Hartley, NASA
L band
S band
C band
X band
Ku/K/Ka band
56Microwave Radiometers theory
- Plancks Law of radiation
- Where S(?,T) Intensity of radiation in w/m2
- T temperature in Kelvins
- h Plancks constant, 6.625 10-34 Js
- c velocity of propagation m/s
- k Boltzmann constant, 1.380 10-23 J/K
- ? wavelength, m
57Microwave Radiometer
- At microwave frequencies radiation intensity is
directly proportional to the temperature. - For gray bodies
- Pa kTb B
- k Boltzman constant, B bandwidth, Hz.
- Tb Brightness temperature, K
- Tb e Tphy
- e Emissivity of the object or media
58Microwave Radiometer
- Two basic types of radiometers
- Total power radiometer
- Highest sensitivity
- Switching-type radiometers and its variants.
- Typical total power radiometer
59Microwave Radiometer
- Dicke or Switching-type radiometer
- Any fluctuations in gain of the receiver will
reduce radiometer sensitivity. - To eliminate system effects, Dicke developed
switching type radiometer. - It consists of switch and a synchronous detector.
The input is switched between the antenna and
noise source. If the injected noise power is
equal to input signal power, the effect of gain
fluctuations is eliminated.
60Microwave Radiometer
- Typical Dicke-type radiometer
61RF Radiometry Characteristics
- Moden Radiometer
- Digital processor
- To eliminate down conversion process
multiplexer/ spectrometer
digital processor/ correlator
detector/ digitizer
low noise amplifier
Hartley, NASA
62Microwave Remote Sensing
- Research and application of microwave technology
to remote sensing of - Oceans and ice
- Solid earth and Natural hazards..
- Atmosphere and precipitation.
- Vegetation and Soil moisture
63Microwave Remote Sensing Ocean and Ice
- Winds
- Scatterometer.
- Quickscat, Seawinds
- Polarimetric radiometer
- Ocean topography
- Radar altimeters
- Ocean salinity
- Radiometer and radar combination.
- Radar to measure winds for correcting for the
effect of surface roughness.
64Ocean Vector Winds Scatterometers
Scatterometers send microwave pulses to the
Earth's surface, and measure the power scattered
back. Backscattered power over the oceans
depends on the surface roughness, which in turn
depends on wind speed and direction.
- QuikScat
- Replacement mission for NSCAT, following loss of
ADEOS - Launch date June 19, 1999
- SeaWinds
- EOS instrument flying on the Japanese ADEOS II
Mission - Launch date December 14, 2002 ????
- Instrument Characteristics of QuikScat and
SeaWinds - Instrument with 120 W peak (30 duty) transmitter
at 13.4 GHz, 1 m near-circular antenna with two
beams at 46o and 54o incidence angles
Advanced sensors larger aperture
antennas.Passive polarimetric sensors.
Courtesy Yunjin Kim, JPL
65Ocean Topography Missions
The most effective measurement of ocean currents
from space is ocean topography, the height of
the sea surface above a surface of uniform
gravity, the geoid.
- TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1
- Joint NASA-CNES Program
- TOPEX/Poseidon launched on August 10, 1992
- Jason-1 launched on December 7, 2001
- Instrument Characteristics
- Ku-band, C-band dual frequency altimeter
- Microwave radiometer to measure water vapor
- GPS, DORIS, and laser reflector for precise orbit
determination - Sea-level measurement accuracy is 4.2 cm
- TOPEX/Poseidon Jason-1 tandem mission for high
resolution ocean topography measurements
The priority is to continue the measurement with
TOPEX/Poseidon accuracy on a long-term basis for
climate studies.
Courtesy Yunjin Kim, JPL
TOPEX/Poseidon Ocean topography of the Pacific
Ocean during El Niño and La Niña.
66Ocean Surface Topography Mission An
Experimental Wide-Swath Altimeter
By adding an interferometric radar system to a
conventional radar altimeter system, a swath of
200 km can be achieved, and eddies can be
monitored over most of the oceans every 10 days.
The design of such a system has progressed,
funded by NASAs Instrument Incubator Program.
This experiment is proposed to the next mission,
OSTM (Ocean Surface Topography Mission)
South America
Courtesy Yunjin Kim, JPL
67Global Ocean Salinity
- Aquarius (JPL, GSFC, CONAE)
- ESSP-3 mission in the risk mitigation phase
- First instrument to measure global ocean salinity
- Passive and active microwave instrument at L-band
- Resolution
- Baseline 100km, Minimum 200km
- Global coverage in 8 days
- Accuracy 0.2 psu
- Baseline mission life 3 years
Courtesy Yunjin Kim, JPL
68SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)
- C-band single pass interferometric SAR for
topographic measurements using a 60m mast - DEM of 80 of the Earths surface in a single 11
day shuttle flight - 60 degrees north and 56 degrees south latitude
- 57 degrees inclination
- 225 km swath
- WGS84 ellipsoid datum
- JPL/NASA will deliver all the processed data to
NIMA by January 2003 - Absolute accuracy requirements
- 20 m horizontal
- 16 m vertical
- The current best estimate of the SRTM accuracy is
- 10 m horizontal and 8 m vertical
- Partnership between NASA and NIMA (National
Imagery and Mapping Agency) - X-band from German and Italian space agencies
Courtesy Yunjin Kim, JPL
69L-band InSAR Technology
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
can measure surface deformation (mm-cm scale)
through repeated observations of an area - L-band is preferable due to longer correlation
time due to longer wavelength (24cm) - Solid Earth Science Working Group recommended
that - In the next 5 years, the new space mission of
highest priority for solid-Earth science is a
satellite dedicated to InSAR measurements of the
land surface at L-band
Surface deformation due to Hector Mine Earthquake
using repeat-pass InSAR data
InSAR velocity difference indicates a
10 increase in ice flow velocity from 1996 to
2000 on Pine Island Glacier Rignot et al.,
70Microwave Remote Sensing Soil Moisture.
RadarPol VV, HH HV Res 3 and 10
km Radiometer Pol H, V Res 40 km, dT 0.64º K
Courtesy Tom Jackson, USDA
- Back-up ESSP mission for global soil moisture.
- L-band radiometer.
- L-band radar.
71Microwave Remote Sensing Atmosphere and
Salient Features NASA ESSP mission First 94 GHz
radar space borne system Co-manifested with
CALIPSO on Delta launch vehicle Flies Formation
with the EOS Constellation Current launch date
April 2004 Operational life 2 years Partnership
with DoD (on-orbit ops), DoE (validation) and CSA
(radar development)
Science Measure the vertical structure of clouds
and quantify their ice and water content Improve
weather prediction and clarify climatic
processes. Improve cloud information from other
satellite systems, in particular those of
Aqua Investigate the way aerosols affect clouds
and precipitation Investigate the utility of 94
GHz radar to observe and quantify precipitation,
in the context of cloud properties, from space
Courtesy Yunjin Kim, JPL
72Earth Science and RF Radiometery
Atmospheric chemistry
Microwave Radiometry Applications.
Sea surface temperature/ Sea surface salinity
Hartley, NASA
Ocean surface wind
Soil moisture
Atmospheric temperature, humidity, and clouds
- A brief overview of microwave remote sensing
principles and applications. - Opportunities for research and education.
- Science
- Technology
- SAR can explained using the concept of a matched
filter or antenna array.
75SAR Principle
- Unfocussed SAR
- No phase corrections are made.
76SAR Principle
77SAR Principle