Title: SLAC Detector R
1 SLAC Detector RD Program
Progress and Plans for
Detector Systems
J. Jaros
DOE Review of HEP Laboratory Detector RD
July 9, 2009
2Detector Systems for Future HEP Experiments
- A Simulation and Reconstruction Toolkit
Maintaining and building a versatile computing
infrastructure to simulate experimental
designs and evaluate performance - Algorithms and Hardware for Particle Flow
Calorimetry Developing Particle Flow
Algorithms Developing PFA calorimeters
Pushing the limits of precision in a PFA
compatible tracker - The Machine Detector Interface and Detector
Integration Creating proof of principle
designs for the interface between machine
and detector Developing integrated designs,
identifying key system RD needs - Test Beams Support Necessary Machine and Detector
RD Providing unique test beam capabilities
for MDI and Beam Instrumentation studies with
the full primary electron beam Establishing
electron and hadron beams for detector RD with
small spot sizes, exceptional electron
purity, and sub-nanosecond timing properties
3SLACs Simulation/Reconstruction
ToolkitSim/Recon in sufficient detail for
realistic performance evaluation and real
algorithm development
- SLIC provides full detector simulation in Geant4
- runtime detector description in XML -
stdhep input - standard LCIO output - org.lcsim reconstruction/analysis suite - XML
detector geometry description - LCIO input and
output - Java-based reconstruction analysis
framework - AIDA histogramming and fitting -
WIRED 3-D event display - SLAC Sim/Recon is playing a critical role in new
detector development - Linear Collider
Detector Studies 100 M event MC samples
for physics benchmarking and detector
performance studies. Critical for the LC
detector LoIs. - Atlas Upgrade Design
studies - GLAST/Fermi beam tests - CLIC
detector studies - SLAC group encourages world-wide use of these
tools, conducts tutorials, and helps establish
international standards
Perfect for System Development easy to
define detectors easy to use works
on multiple OS
4Maintaining and Building SLAC Sim/Recon
- Planned upgrades - Expand user support and
document new tool releases - Expand AIDA
analysis support develop interoperability
with ROOT - Improve LCIO (LC standardized IO)
- Develop Standardized Detector Geometry
descriptions - Add editing tools as JAS
plugins - Improve plotting capability - Adapt
code for parallel execution on multi-core CPUs
(easy in Java!) - Manpower needed 3 FTEs
5Particle Flow Calorimetry
- PFA Calorimetry promises superb jet energy
resolution - Tracker measures charged energy
- Calorimeters measure neutral energy
afterexcluding energy from charged tracks - High segmentation required!
- Assessing PFAs requires realistic
- calorimeter and tracker designs, full
- GEANT4 simulation optimized
- Particle Flow Algorithms
- PFA Plans
- Understand limitations and improve resolution
- Extend high energy performance
- Study jet energy resolution vs detector R, Z, B
- Package in modular, understandable code
6PFAs work in simulation
Results from Iowa/SLAC PFA approach LC goal of
?E/E 3-4Reconstruct W, Z, and top with
resolutions natural widths
7PFAs are needed for detector optimization
PFA response strongly influences choice of basic
detector parameters Radius, Length, B Field,
Depth and Segmentation of Hadronic Calorimeters
e.g., Jet energy Resolution (?E/E?/?E(GeV)) vs
Detector Length
M. StanitzkiRAL
8Developing A Particle Flow EM CalorimeterSegmenta
tion, Segmentation, Segmentation
Kapton Cables (with UC Davis)
Pixel Sensor with KPiX (with U Oregon)
Mechanical Design (SLAC/Oregon/UC Davis)
1 mm readout gap ? 13 mm effective Moliere
radius. Very compact showers
9Plans for Ecal Development
- Bump-bond KPiX to Sensor
- Complete Readout chain with Kapton Cables
- Prototype and beam test 30-sensor tower
- Design and prototype full mechanical prototype to
addressmechanical stability, alignment, thermal,
and readout issues
Cutaway view of one(of twelve) Ecal
modules,showing readout cable
Heat removed at edges
10KPiX Readout for Hadronic Calorimeters
GEM Concept
30x 30 cm2 GEM Prototype
1cmx1cm cells
- Plans (with UT Arlington)
- Commission pad board and routing for KPiX readout
- Beam test GEM prototype
- Design 1m x 1m pad and routing for KPiX Readout
- Adapt designs to RPC readout
11Low Mass Si Tracker is part of the PFA
SystemHigh efficiency and good transparency
critical Physics also demands high precision
- Sensor Modules tile trackercylinders and endcaps
- Kapton cables route signalsand power
- Material lt1/6 LHC trackersPrecision gt3X LHC
CF Rohrcell Cylinders
Sensor Module
Nested Endcaps
12Double Metal Sensor and ReadoutKPiX, double
metal sensor design, and power pulsingradically
reduce tracker material
- Readout chip is bump bonded directly to the
strip sensor
Hamamatsu Prototypes under test
- All traces are routed to KPIX chips on the
sensor with a second metal layer
- Power, ground, clock, and data signals are
brought to the sensor on a kapton cable
13Full tracking simulation is needed to assess
performance and optimize design
- Realistic detector modeling and digitization
Planar polyhedra geometryaccurate detail
Virtual segmentation for cylindrical description
Complete simulation of charge deposition in
vertex pixels and strips Charge depositions
are clustered to make tracker hits - Dedicated track finding algorithms Seed-based
Stand-Alone Tracking Vertex seeded tracking
Calorimeter seeded tracking
efficiency vs pt
?p/p vs p
14Plans for Low-Mass Tracking
- Sensor Development - Develop and test double
metal sensors - Bump-bond KPiX to sensors and
beam test - Test sensors and readout at 5T - Develop low-mass, low-impulse power delivery
system - Mechanics/alignment - Develop sensor modules
- Evaluate, mitigate vibrations induced by power
pulsing - Simulation - Implement full geometry/full
digitization - Evaluate tracker Upgrade
options for ATLAS - Optimize LC tracker design
15Machine Detector Interfaces
- Vibrations and alignment - Future colliders
will have transverse beam sizes
approaching nanometer scales. - Final lenses
must stay aligned at this level - Last quad is
supported by the detector - May require optical
interferometry linking both ends of
detector - Beam-based feedback does final
alignment - Detector Motion Systems - Allow access to
service inner detector - Move detector on and
off beamline Push pull ? move whole
detector with minimal disconnection of
utilities position detector to ? 1 mm.
Final Quad in Detector
Cryo Systems for Push Pull
16Detector Integration
Technical Design adds real world constraints,
demonstrates engineeringfeasibility, provides
realism in simulations, and points toward needed
17MDI and Detector Integration Plans
- MDI - Develop quantitative analytical and FEA
models of vibration transfer functions to
final lens - Measure vibrations in existing
structures - Develop models for lens support
and alignment - Evaluate schemes for push-pull
(platforms vs rollers) - Develop radiation
shielding plans, accounting for cable and
utility paths to inner detectors. - Detector Integration - Develop support
techniques for inner detectors that preserve
alignment, minimize wasted space, and
facilitate assembly - Develop cable and
utility paths that support self shielding -
Develop alignment strategies, e.g. geodetic grids
of FSIs.
18End Station Test Beam (ESTB) Proposal Provides
Test Beams for MDI and Detector RD
- Linear Collider MDI and Beam Instrumentation
studies need high energy primary electron beams
- Energy Spectrometer Development - Wakefield
studies - LC Forward Cal and Pairs monitor
tests - Full beam calibrations of Part Astro Detectors
- Anita and FLASH used SLAC primary beam for
calibrations - Next? Aegis? - More Secondary Beams are useful for detector RD,
and essential for calibrating and testing full
prototypes and production modules - LHC
Upgrade - Super B - LC Detector
Unique at ESTB
Unique at ESTB
Unique Features at ESTB ultra-clean
electrons mm spot sizes sub-nanosecond
trigger timing
19ESA Test Beam Provides Electrons/Hadronsup to
13.6 GeV, from single particles to full beam
Kick 13.6 GeV LCLS beam to ESA 5 Hz, 2 x 109
e-/ pulse primary beam Clean secondary
electrons/positrons plt13.6 GeV, 0.1/pulse to 2
x 109 e-/pulse Secondary hadrons 1 ? / pulse lt
12 GeV/c
Secondary Particle Yields
20Staged Proposal
- Stage I Primary and secondary electrons -
Construct kicker magnets and vacuum chamber for
BSY - Update PPS System and install new beam
dump for ESA - Update MPS and Controls as
needed - Schedule Ideally install early 2010,
maybe 2011 - Stage II secondary hadrons - Add Be target,
beam dump, analyzing magnet, and quads -
Schedule Ideally, install A-line items early
2010 during LCLS down ESA items can be
installed later, dont interfere with LCLS -
Hadron Production
Modify LCLS Kicker Magnets for BSY
21Test Beam Plans
- ESTB Proposal July 2009
- Design and Construction FY10
- CostsStage I PPS
1.5M (fully loaded)Stage II
0.7M Operations
0.4M/yearThis is small
investment puts an existing high energy electron
accelerator to work for HEP. - Beams 2011
22Detector Systems Conclusions
- Sim/Recon Toolkit supports SiD, Atlas Upgrade,
GLAST/Fermi and more Plans Expand support to
make useful to CLIC, Super B, SiD - Particle Flow Calorimetry Development integrates
algorithm development, calorimeter RD, and
tracker RD Plans Perfect algorithms, test
Ecal, develop Hcal readout, test tracker
sensor and alignment/stability schemes for
tracker - Machine Detector Interface and Detector
Integration Plans Establish vibration
standards for final quads, converge on push-
pull scheme, complete detector
integration with realistic
subsystem designs - Test Beam at SLAC Plans Provide test beam
capability with ESTB Proposal
SLAC DOE HEP Review July 7-9, 2008
23Major Milestones
- Task
Date Expected - Sim/Recon LCIO v2 implementation integrated into
Q4 2010 - Test many-core implementation
of org.lcsim
Q2 2011 - PFA Extend PFA performance to 3 TeV
Q2 2011 - Develop PFA parameterizations
of resolution vs minimum R and Z,
absorber depth, pixel size, absorber material,
and detector technology Q4 2011 - PFA Ecal Electromagnetic calorimeter beam test
Q2 2011 - Complete electromagnetic
calorimeter construction prototype
Q3 2010 - PFA Track Evaluate noise performance of double
metal silicon sensors bump-bonded to
2010 - Evaluate sensor/readout
performance in high magnetic fields
Q4 2010 - Evaluate effects of power
pulsing in high magnetic fields
Q2 2011 - MDI Complete vibration analysis for
platforms and lens support
Q4 2010 - Push-pull strategy decision
Q4 2011 - Test Beam Implement SLAC test beam facility
Q4 2010