Title: Stabilization Projects at SLAC
1Stabilization Projects at SLAC
- Eric Doyle, Leif Eriksson, Josef Frisch, Linda
Hendrickson, Thomas Himel, Thomas Markiewicz
Richard Partridge - NLC Project, SLAC
2Beam Stabilization
- Goal Stabilize beams to 1nm at a Linear
Collider IP - Slow Beam Based Stabilization (luminosity)
- Fast Beam Based Stabilization (IP deflection)
- Magnet position Stabilization
- Interferometer, Inertial Sensor based.
- Very fast Beam Based Stabilization Feather /
Font - Nanometer BPMs
3Ground Motion
4Beam Based Stabilization
- Beam based measurements are the only long term
measurement of beam positions - Mechanical objects are not stable to nanometers!
- For Timescales gt 10 minutes, Luminosity
Optimization feedback - 120 Hz Feedback (for NLC) based on deflection
scans. - Note that 120Hz feedback has unity gain at 10Hz.
5Calculated Gain for 120Hz Beam feedback
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7Magnet Position Stabilization
- Interferometer based feedback
- Measures magnet position relative to ground
- Work ongoing at UBC (Tom Mattison).
- Accelerometer based feedback
- Measures magnet position relative to "fixed
stars" - Work ongoing at SLAC (this talk).
- Ground referenced (Interferometer) and inertial
feedback both work in simulation. Effectiveness
depends on ground motion spectrum.
8Commercial Interferometer Technology
- Heterodyne system provides immunity to ambient
light, and high resolution phase measurement.
9Interferometer Measurement Limits
- Zygo company ZMI-4004 Measurement resolution
1/2048 Fringe - 0.31 Nanometer single pass
- 4 axis / VME module
- Data rate 10MHz.
- Zygo 7712 Laser Head
- 0.5ppb Stability 1 Hour
- OK for 1nm to gt 1Meter
10Environmental Effects - Air
- Air tpemerature and Pressure
- 1ppm/C
- 1ppm/2.8mm Hg pressure,
- 1ppm/90 Humidity
- Compensation
- 0.1ppm to 1ppm from calculation
- lt 0.1ppm from refractometer compensation
- Difficult to get 1nm over 1M in Air.
11Other Environmental Effects
- Even Vacuum not ideal - windows
- Fused Silica has small temperature coeficient,
but index variation with temperature is large
10ppm/C - For 1 cm path in fused silica, need .01C
- May be difficult to provide vacuum paths for
interferometers. - Assuming 10cm between reflector and center of
magnet / BPM, need .001C short term stability.
12Interferometer Overall
- Performance typically limited by environmental
issues. - Commercial heterodyne systems available from
Zygo, Agilent, probably other companies - Provide stabilization to the GROUND
- Cannot do better than a perfectly rigid
mechanical support. - Need to decide how to evaluate performance
13Inertial Stabilization Work at SLAC
- Stabilize a simple block using low sensitivity
commercial seismometers (done) - Stabilize an extended object with mechanical
properties similar to a final focus magnet using
low sensitivity commercial seismometers. - Stabilize an extended object with high
sensitivity seismometers - Construct a high sensitivity non-magnetic
seismometer suitable for use in a detector.
14Magnet Suspension
- Hard Support
- Small motion without feedback
- Couples high frequencies will excite internal
modes - Requires high actuator forces 10 N
- Soft Support
- Large motion at support resonance without
feedback - Attenuates high frequencies, minimal excitation
of higher modes - Low actuator forces .01 N
- Used for this project
15Actuator, Sensor
- With soft supports, actuator strengths can be low
.01 N (100Kg, 100nm, 5Hz Resonance) - Use electrostatic Actuators
- Capacitive gap, 100cm2, 1mm, gap, 1KV
- Low stiffness, Fast response time
- Force proportional to V2, not dependant on
position (if motion ltlt 1mm). - Sensor Low cost, low sensitivity geophones for
16Data Acquisition System
- DSP (Old TI TMS320C40), for closed loop feedback
- May upgrade to modern DSP if needed (C6000
series) - So far not a performance limit
- 24 channel A-D, D-A.
- 16 bit, 250KHz hardware, Typically operated at a
few KHz - Variable gain input amplifiers
- Variable frequency input filters for anti-alias.
- Hardware MIX bus / VME / Ethernet / Sun
- Software DSP C, VxWorks, (EPICS), Solaris,
17Feedback Algorithm
- Characterize system
- Drive all actuators, measure all sensors, all
frequencies - Find normal modes
- Find sensor resonances
- Find couplings
- 96 parameter fit (works!)
- Six independent feedback loops
- State-space type feedback.
18Single Block Stabilization System
Note frequencies below 2 Hz filtered out
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20Spectrum, Feedback On / Off
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22Integrated spectrum with simulated beam / beam
23Extended Object
- Designed for same resonant frequencies and masses
as a real magnet support. - Magnet support tube replaced by support beam
under magnet for convenience - Use Soft supports 3-7 Hz.
- Use 8 sensors, 6 for solid body modes, 2 for
first higher modes - Use 8 electrostatic actuators
24Extended Object Drawings
25Extended Object
Support Spring
26Extended Object
27Extended Object
28Characterization of Extended Object
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31Extended Object Status
- Sensors, actuators, DAQ operating
- 6 solid body, and 2 internal modes identified
- Feedback software requires minor modifications
from single block system - 6 to 8 sensors and actuators
- Code Rot since single block tests
- Attempt to close loop soon
32Possible Technical Issues
- Extended object is far from symmetric expect
wide range of couplings to sensors, actuators and
modes. - Very weak control over roll mode
- Internal modes are high frequency (75, 120Hz),
probably not excited. - Sensor tilt sensitivity Tilt indistinguishable
from transverse acceleration - Orthogonalization now frequency dependant.
- May need to solve fully coupled problem (more
33Why Build Our Own Sensor?
- Want 3x10-9M/s2/sqrt(Hz) noise at F gt 0.1Hz.
- Compact sensors for machinery vibration
measurements (used for single block test) have
noise 300X larger - Geo Science seismometers have good noise
lt 10-9M/s2/sqrt(Hz), but are
magnetically sensitive and physically large - Could not find commercial sensors which met our
34General Seismometer Design
- Thermal mechanical noise sets ultimate limit
- Readout noise can be low
- Thermal noise limited acceleration given by
35Vertical Sensors Difficult
- Need to measure 3x10-9M/s2/sqrt(Hz) on top of
Earth's gravity 9.8M/s2. - Spring "sag" under gravity is large for low
frequency suspension - Small changes in suspension spring length or
spring constant will appear as acceleration
signals - Thermal changes typically limit low frequency
performance - typically operate in vacuum - Material creep can be a serious issue
36Suspension Design
- Want low fundamental resonance frequency in a
compact geometry. - Simple mass on spring frequency goes as
- f(1/2p)sqrt(g/L) f 1.5Hz (our design) L
11cm - Pre-bent spring gives high second order mode f.
37Feedback Seismometers
- High suspension mechanical Q improves sensitivity
- but results in large amplitude motion at
resonance - Below resonance sensitivity decreases as w2 -
leads to dynamic range problems - Use feedback to keep suspended mass motionless
relative to sensor housing. (Standard technique) - Can use feedback force as acceleration signal
- Optionally use force and residual error as signal
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39Sensor Parameters
- Suspended mass 40 grams
- Resonant frequency 1.46Hz
- Next mode 96Hz, ANSYS simulation (not seen)
- Mechanical Q 50
- Theoretical Thermal Noise 2.5x10-10 M/s2/sqrt(Hz)
- 10X better than needed
- Theoretical electrical noise X2 smaller than
mechanical thermal noise
40Electrodes on PCB
41Mechanical Design Issues
- BeCu spring (high tensile strength, non magnetic)
- Pre-bent, operated at high stress to increase
higher mode frequencies - Extensive creep measurements done at SLAC
- Thermal effects very large!!
- 10-8Co corresponds to (0.1Hz) noise limit
- Use multiple "thermal filters", Gold plating to
reduce temperature variations. Operate in lt 1 um
vacuum. - Expected to be ultimate low frequency noise limit
RF Out
Electrodes, Test Mass
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44Sensor Status
- Construction of prototype sensor complete
- RF system operational, but with kludged control
of out of phase signal. - Sensor mounted on 30 Ton Shielding block on
elastomer supports. - Two Streckheisen STS-2 Seismometers mounted on
block to provide reference signals. - Data very very preliminary!!!
45Sensor Testing
- Do not have a location sufficiently quiet to
measure sensor noise - Compare sensor with STS-2 seismometer
- STS-2 noise much better than we need in this
frequency range - Look for correlation with STS-2
- Compare with correlation between two STS-2s.
- Data analysis very preliminary
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51Data Interpretation
- All noise issues expected to be at low
frequencies - Expect sensor noise to be flat in acceleration
frequency down to some frequency. Then expect 1/f
noise to cut in (unknown frequency). - Expect STS-2 noise to be flat in acceleration
down to 0.01 Hz. - Compact Geophone (used for single block test),
expect noise to be 1/f in acceleration (velocity
52Sensor Noise Estimate From Correlations
- STS-2 to STS-2 Correlation good to 10-8M/s2 to
.025Hz. - Actual sensor limit probably 10x better, but
indicates measurement limits in this setup - Compact geo-sensor to STS-2 correlation good to
7x10-7M/s2 at 0.25Hz - New sensor to STS-2 correlation good to
4x10-8M/s2 to 0.05Hz.
53Noise Estimates
- Use correlation and assumed frequency spectrum.
- STS-2, measured lt0.25nm at 1Hz, 25nm at 0.1Hz.
Probably measurement limit. - Compact Geosensor (used for block tests). 5nm at
1Hz. 5000nm at 0.1Hz (This is a velocity sensor,
below resonance, noise 1/F3). - New Sensor 1nm at 1Hz, 100nm at 0.1Hz.
- With NLC style beam-beam feedback, demonstrated
sensor noise is OK down to lt .01Hz.
54Sensor Noise Limits
- Sensor operating at low RF power. Results in x10
reduction of ideal sensitivity. (probably not the
limit now) - Some evidence of spring creak small steps
during creep. Investigating - Sensor not magnetic immune contains low
resistance current loop on cantilever. Being
replaced with insulating cantilever.
55Sensor Upgrades
- Non-conducting cantilever Aluminum Oxide.
- Non-conducting mass Hafnium Oxide (dense).
- RF splitting on PC board (probably ceramic), to
replace kludged connector. - Various detailed mechanical changes to reduce
size, improve manufacturability
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57Stabilization for ATF Nano-BPM
- Inertial and / or interferometer stabilization
- Beam rate 1-6 Hz (compare with 120Hz for NLC),
Need low frequency system. - Need good stability at least to lt1Hz, probably to
lt0.1Hz. - Need to understand how to use beam to evaluate
system performance
58Inertial Stabilization Issues
- Inertial sensor Low beam rate (lt 6 Hz, vs. 120Hz
for NLC) requires very low frequency sensor. - Sensor noise scales as 1/F2
- Present performance of SLAC sensor not good
enough. - May want to use 3 Streckheisen STS-2 sensors.
- Can probably measure 1nm down to 0.25 Hz.
- 1nm at 0.1 Hz very difficult
- Only interesting if beam rate few Hz.
- At best, performance is somewhat marginal
59Interferometer Stabilization Issues
- Interferometers should be good to lt1nm for
timescales of seconds - Not pushing state of the art!
- Ground motion at single point gtgt1nm at 0.1Hz.
- At SLAC see 300nm at gt 0.1Hz
- Need to measure 2 point relative ground motion.
- Use STS-2 or similar best measurement
- Quandary Need inertial sensor to measure ground
motion to evaluate interferometer performance!
60Beam Issues
- Need to make 2 point comparison compare line
fit to one (3 BPM) structure with next structure. - Magnetic fields need micro-Gauss-M field
variation for nm motion. - Need to measure. Typically see mill-gauss at 50Hz
in laboratory. - Phase shifts relative to power line can be a
problem! - Must turn off all magnets between BPMs.
- May need to build magnetic field feedback system.
- Lever arm 3 BPMs projecting to more distant
61Ignoring problems
- Place inertial sensors on LLNL support frame
- Space for 3 Streckheisens, or 3 pairs of SLAC
sensors. - Place 6 interferometer beam lines (in vacuum) to
ground). - Replace LLNL support frame supports with springs,
and electrostatic actuators. - Use SLAC DAQ system to close loop based on both
seismic sensors and interferometers - Adjust frequency roll-off between inertial and
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63Comments on ATF stabilization
- System is complex, and requires complex
mechanical integration - Light paths through support table are required
for interferometers. - Need to integrate LLNL support / feedback system
with LLNL support / feedback system
64Short Term Plan
- Stabilize extended object with commercial low
noise (but magnetic sensitive) sensors. - Hope to meet NLC performance
- Construct an updated non-magnetic seismometer
which meets NLC requirements. - Work on stabilization of ATF NanoBPM system