DIVERSITY IN ISLAM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Angels: 'intelligent robots' made of light energy who can assume physical form ... Each person has two angels, one at each shoulder, to record good and bad deeds ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Presented by
  • Michael G. Knapp
  • 17 February 2004

The Language of Islam
    (the Basmallah In the name of God, the
    merciful, the compassionate)
    (Peace be unto you)
    (And unto you the peace)
    Shahada I declare there is no god except God,
    and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of

A Diverse Faith
  • Second-largest faith worldwide (one-fifth of
    mankind) and fastest growing, but still
    misunderstood in the West
  • Most Muslims (80) live outside the Arab world,
    with many in Southeast and South Asia, Africa
  • Two main branches, but divisions within each
    also includes mystics, opposition movements,
    reformers, modernists and fundamentalists
  • Has small proportion of extremists, but most
    Muslims disagree with violence, intolerance
    toward others
  • Not monolithic many Muslim interpretations of
    Islam, in spite of its commonalities

Common Beliefs Practices
  • Five pillars (personal rituals)
  • - Shahada (testimony of faith)
  • - Salat (prayer, five times daily)
  • - Zakat (charity annual religious payment
    to needy)
  • - Saum (fasting during the month of Ramadan)
  • - Hajj (once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to
  • Three duties (communal)
  • - Jihad (primarily individual, spiritual
    struggle to lead a good life secondarily
    communal defense of faith)
  • - Dawah (spreading the faith to others)
  • - Encouraging good and forbidding evil

Beliefs and Practices (2)
  • Seven beliefs
  • - Oneness of God (tawhid) He has no
    partners or son, and is all-powerful, all-seeing
    and all-knowing
  • - Angels intelligent robots made of
    light energy who can assume physical form to
    carry out Gods will
  • -- 4 top Gabriel (brings revelations),
    Azrail (angel of death), Michael (controls the
    weather), and Israfil (blows the horn signaling
    the end of the universe)
  • -- Each person has two angels, one at
    each shoulder, to record good and bad deeds
  • -- Also jinn unseen spirits made of
    smoke who cause mischief
  • - Revealed books of God all have been
    changed or corrupted except for the Quran

Beliefs and Practices (3)
  • Prophets Many have been sent by God to all
    peoples, but their teachings have mostly been
    ignored by other faiths Muhammad is the last
    and greatest of these prophets
  • Day of Judgment God tests us in our beliefs and
    actions, and all our good and bad deeds are
    recorded through life we are confronted with
    this book on the Last Day, when witnesses are
    called and we must repay all injustices to others
  • Divine measurement On the Last Day, we are held
    accountable as our good and bad deeds are weighed
    against each other finally the verdict is given
    and our souls are sent to heaven or hell
  • There is life after death

Islams Two Branches
  • 85-90 of Muslims
  • Leadership by consensus (of Muhammads followers)
  • No organized clergy author- ity from below to
  • Literal interpretation of the Quran (apparent
  • Majority status throughout duration of the
  • 10-15 of Muslims
  • Leaders only descended from family of Muhammad
  • Authoritarian guidance from Imams (above) to
  • Leadership determines (hidden) meaning of Quran
  • Oppressed, tragic minority greater emphasis on
    martyrdom, and use of dissimulation (taqiyyah)

The Great Split
  • Resulted partly from pre-Islamic tribal customs
    age and wisdom respected, leaders chosen by shura
  • Muhammad died in 632 A.D. without a male heir or
    a designated successor
  • Abu Bakrs selection as first caliph by Prophets
    small inner circle went against tribal consensus,
    alienated Alis followers
  • Uthmans selection as third caliph after Umar
    reflected ongoing Mecca-Medina tribal rivalry
  • Ali eventually becomes fourth (and last
    rightly-guided) caliph, but challenged by
    Muawiyah and assassinated by Kharijites
  • Death of Ali and his son Hasan leads to transfer
    of caliphate to Damascus, start of first Muslim
    dynasty (Umayyads)
  • Tragedy of Yazids massacre of Alis son Husayn
    at Karbala in 680 A.D. marks beginning of Shiism
    as a religio-political movement

Divisions Within Sunnism
  • Four schools of Islamic law (madhhab)
  • Hanafi oldest, most liberal and flexible of the
    schools founded in Iraq introduced legal
    opinion based on analogy (qiyas) concentrates
    more on juridical opinion and less on tradition
    its 400 million adherents are concentrated in
    Central/South/Southeast Asia and Turkey
  • Maliki founded in Medina produced the first
    law manual focuses on ahadith and emphasizes
    living legal tradition its 50 million
    followers located mainly in North and West
    Africa, Persian Gulf, Upper Egypt
  • Shafii founded in Iraq, this school
    concentrates on the scientific interpretation of
    law defined community consensus (ijma) as the
    strongest of the four roots of law, since it
    determines how other three are used 100 million
    adherents are in the Levant, SE Asia, E. Africa
  • Hanbali smallest and strictest, most
    conservative of the four schools rejects
    consensus and only follows the Quran and
    tradition basis of reforms by Ibn Taymiyya and
    Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and still influences
    Salafis and radical Islamist movements today its
    12 million followers are the Wahhabis of Saudi
    Arabia and Qatar

Divisions Within Shiism
  • Differences over hereditary succession of Imams
  • Zaydis (Fivers) differed with most Shia in
    that any descendant of Ali could become imam, not
    just descendants of Ali by Fatimah (Prophets
    daughter) named for Zayd bin Ali, grandson of
    Husayn closest to Sunnis since they do not
    regard their imams as more than human
  • Ismaelis (Seveners) recognize an unbroken
    chain of imams down to present, but focus
    adoration on seventh in the line, Ismail (not
    recognized by majority as an imam) early
    Ismaelis were revolutionaries who attacked,
    assassinated Sunni political and religious
  • Druze (Unitarians) offshoot from Ismaelis
    centered on the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim, who
    believed he was a divine incarnation and cosmic
    intellect followers believe al-Hakim went into
    seclusion to test their faith, return to restore
    justice in the world have own scripture and law
  • Ithna-Asharis (Twelvers or Imamis) Majority
    of Shiite community, believe that imamate
    succession ended in 874 A.D. when 12th Imam went
    into seclusion he will return as a messianic
    figure (the Mahdi) at the end of the world to
    restore the Shiite community to its rightful
    place, usher in a perfect Islamic society where
    truth and justice prevail

Sufis the Mystics of Islam
  • Not a sect, but a spiritual orientation in both
  • Adherents are introspective, gentle, highly
    spiritual people who seek to attain inner
    ecstasy, self-enlightenment, and emulate the
    Prophets own example of frugality and
  • Arose in opposition to social trends in the early
    expanding Muslim empire such as opulence,
    overindulgence in worldly pleasures, excessive
    emphasis on legalism, and pageantry
  • Faith in God experienced through meditation,
    chanting, selfless love for others, self-denial,
    and pilgrimage to shrines of past Sufi masters
  • Were not respected by many traditional ulema
    (Islamic scholars), and reformers such as
    Wahhabis/Salafis still consider them to be
    outside the Muslim faith

Other Opposition Movements
  • Kharijites (Seceders)
  • - resulted from Alis submission to
    arbitration with rebellious governor Muawiyah
  • - first radical dissenters and extremists
    exclusivist view that any deviation from Islamic
    principles rendered a person a non-Muslim
    (apostate) subject to excommunication (takfir),
    warfare and death if no repentence
  • - divided the world neatly into realms of
    belief and unbelief
  • - combined puritanism and religious
    fundamentalism in literal interpretation of the
    Quran and hadith
  • - separated themselves (hijra) then
    conducted revolts and guerilla warfare against
    the early Islamic caliphates

Opposition Movements (2)
  • Mutazilites (Moderate withdrawers)
  • - established middle position between
    Kharijites and feuding companions of the Prophet
    a sinning Muslim was merely a hypocrite, not an
  • - blended Greek philosophy and logical
    argumentation with traditional Islamic learning
    introduced theological science of kalam (didactic
    discourse) that helped to explain issues such as
    faith vs. reason, Gods power vs. mankinds
    freedom of action
  • - strict, militant movement which sought to
    force its beliefs on other Muslims even
    instigated an inquisition in Iraq where they
    tortured and executed Muslim religious experts
    and jurists who didnt agree with their views
  • - finally defeated and declared heretical
    during the Abbasid caliphate

Opposition Movements (3)
  • Ahmadiya
  • - messianic movement founded in British
    India in 1889 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
  • - core belief is prophetology, which
    postulates an uninterrupted succession of
    non-legislative prophets following Muhammad
  • - Ahmad claimed both messianic and prophetic
  • - has aroused the fierce opposition of Sunni
    Muslims, especially in Pakistan and India

Reform Movements in Islam
  • Islah (reform) Quranic concept of a return to
    the fundamentals of Islam, and reform preached by
    the prophets to warn their sinful communities to
    return to Gods path by living within sharia
  • Tajdid (renewal) Hadith that states that God
    will send a renewer (mujaddid) at the beginning
    of each century to restore true Islamic practice,
    regenerate the ummah (which strays off the path
    over time)
  • Key features of renewal
  • - removal of foreign (un-Islamic) historical
    accretions or unwarranted innovations (bidah)
    that have corrupted the community and
  • - critique of established institutions,
    especially the religious establishments
    interpretations of Islam
  • Goal was not to accommodate new ideas, but to get
    back to or re-appropriate the unique and complete
    vision of Islam from its revealed sources

Reform Movements (2)
  • Revivalism not an attempt to reestablish the
    early community in a literal sense, but to
    reapply the Quran and hadith more rigorously to
    existing conditions
  • Prominent renewers/revivalists such as Ibn
    Taymiyya and Abd al-Wahhab claimed the right to
    act as mujtahids to reinterpret Islam to purify
    and revitalize their societies
  • Wahhabism (Muwahiddun, or Unitarians)
  • - compared Islamic community of the 18th
    century to pre-Islamic Arabia appalled by newer
    form of jahiliyya, and pagan superstitions such
    as Sufi veneration of saints
  • - political weakness of the community and
    its moral decline were due to deviation from the
    straight path must repeat Islams first
  • - destroyed sacred tombs, including those of
    the Prophet and his companions in Mecca and
    Medina, Husayns at Karbala

Islamic Modernism
  • Response to threats from European colonialism in
    late 19th, early 20th centuries
  • Consisted of legal, educational and social
    reforms aimed at rescuing Muslim societies from
    their decline and demonstrating the compatibility
    of Islam with modern Western thoughts and values
  • Used by Muslim governments to justify unpopular
    and misunderstood reform measures
  • Reactions to this Westernizing of Islam led to
    the formation of modern Islamist organizations
    such as the Muslim Brotherhood (Middle East) and
    Jamaat-i-Islami (Pakistan)
  • Catalyst for modern Islamic reform Jamal al-Din
  • - traveled throughout the Muslim world
    calling for internal reform to defend, strengthen
    Islam and drive out the West
  • - Muslims required to reclaim reason,
    science and technology to reassert Islamic
    identity and solidarity

Islamic Modernism (2)
  • Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida
  • - great synthesizers of modern Islam, built
    on Afghanis efforts
  • - religion, reason and science are
    complementary Islams decline due to un-Islamic
    religious practices, spread of Sufi passivity and
    fatalism, rigid views of scholars
  • - regulations governing worship are
    immutable, but regulations on social affairs are
    open to change
  • - true Islamic governments are required to
    implement Islamic law, pan-Islamic unity needed
    to restore the caliphate
  • - shifted position of the Salafiyya movement
    to more critical of the West its secular
    nationalism and capitalist exploitation are
    political and religious threats
  • Muhammad Iqbal
  • - Muslims must return to the past for
    principles and values that can be used to
    construct a modern Islamic society
  • - nationalism is a tool used by the
    colonialists to dismember the Islamic world the
    trans-national Muslim community needs
    pan-Islamism tempered by political realism to
    unify against such threats

Rise of the Fundamentalists
  • Original thinkers build on the ideas of Ibn
    Taymiyya and Abd al-Wahhab (1920s-1960s) Abul
    ala Mawdudi, Hasan al-Banna, and Sayyid Qutb
  • Charismatic publicists apply, expand on and
    redirect earlier radical Islamist thought (1980s
    to present) Muhammad abd al-Salam Faraj,
    Abdullah Azzam, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Osama bin
  • Instigating events 1979 was a key year
  • - Iranian revolution brings Khomeinis
    militant theocracy to power, gives hope to Shia
    and Sunni Islamists everywhere
  • - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ignites
    regional jihad and plants the seeds for its
    global expansion
  • Dispersion of mujahidin, durability of madrassas,
    and widespread receptivity to radicals
    distortions of the faith will ensure that
    anti-Western intolerance and violence continue

What Can We Do?
  • Encourage reform efforts of friendly Muslim
    governments apply commitment, resources to help
    solve enduring problems
  • Approach all players in the Middle East (and
    South Asia) in a more balanced and fair way
  • Realize that what we do is more important than
    what we say, and that we are being carefully and
    constantly scrutinized
  • Attempt to better understand Islams cultures and
    the variety in its religious beliefs and
  • Realize that Islam (like Judaism and
    Christianity) is not monolithic, and that most
    Muslims are not extremists
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