Title: Winds of Massive Stars
1 Winds of Massive Stars in the Low Metallicity
Environment of the SMC.
Carrie Trundle
Collaborators Danny Lennon, Chris Evans (ING),
Philip Dufton (QUB), Joachim Puls (USM)
Tartu Aug. 2005
2Observational Dataset of SMC B Supergiants
- Subset of 10 supergiants from Lennon (1997)
EMMI/NTT medium resolution spectra. - Supplemented by high resolution echelle
- spectra of 7 B supergiants - UVES/VLT (2001).
- Stellar parameters and abundances of these B0-B3
Ia supergiants were analysed using FASTWIND -
Trundle et al. 2004, AA,417,217 Trundle
Lennon 2005, AA, 434, 677
Puls et al. 2005, AA, 435, 669
3Mass-Loss Observations and Theory
- Mass-loss rates of massive stars are important
constraints for stellar evolution calculations -
affect stellar masses, rotational velocities and
element yields. - we again stress that any comparison between
- observed and predicted rotation for large masses
- is really much more a test bearing on the
mass-loss rates than a test of the internal
coupling and evolution of rotation. - Meynet Maeder
2005, AA,429, 581
4Wind Momenta SMC Galactic Observations
5Wind Momenta SMC Galactic Observations
6Wind Momenta SMC Galactic Observations
- In MW and SMC, early B supergiants have higher
wind-momenta than mid Bs. - The slopes of the linear regression fits to the
Galactic and SMC objects are different for both
the Early and Mid (Tefflt 23kK) SMC B
supergiants. With the SMC being steeper (i.e ?
lower). As expected from theory (Puls et al.
2000). - Over the luminosity range in common between the
Early Bs in the MW SMC the wind momenta differ
by 0.6-0.35 dex whilst the Mid Bs differ by 0.9
to 0.5dex Although there is a large spread at a
given point in the two datasets.
7Wind Momenta SMC Observations Theory
8Wind Momenta SMC Observations Theory
- Comparing the theoretical predictions of Vink et
al. 2001 to our observations in the SMC - Slopes are steeper by theory than observed for
the early B supergiants whilst they agree well
for the mid Bs. - In the Early Bs there is a difference between
the wind-momenta but better agreement maybe
obtained by considering clumping. - Large discrepancy is seen between the observed
and theoretical wind momenta of Mid B supergiants
which can only be exasperated by considering
clumping. - Theory predicts a jump to higher Mass-loss rates
for Mid B stars, in comparison to the Early Bs.
Opposite to observed effect. -
9What is next!
- Important to understand the discrepancy between
observations and theory - the increase of
mass-loss as predicted by Vink et al. when
introduced into the evolutionary models causes a
large decrease in M vrot as the objects move
from blue to red supergiants. - Mass loss rates of B type supergiants in the LMC
FEROS data of 40 B0-B3 Ia supergiants. These
will hopefully provide a better comparison with
the smc objects with better constrained distances
reducing the scatter in the wind-momenta. (In
collaboration with C. Evans D. Lennon ING, La
11(No Transcript)
- Introduce the dataset of SMC B supergiants
- and their mass-loss rates.
- Compare with Galactic B supergiants
- Kudritzki et al. 1999
- Crowther, Lennon Walborn 2005
- Compare with theoretical predictions
- Vink et al. 2000, 2001
13 SMC HR- Diagram Log (L?/L?) vs TEFF