The Formation of High Mass Stars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Formation of High Mass Stars


Outstanding Challenges of Massive Star Formation ... are found to be collimated with collimation factors 2-10 (Beuther 2002, 2003, 2004) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Formation of High Mass Stars

The Formation of High Mass Stars
Zurich September 17, 2007 Next Generation of
Computational Models
  • Richard I. Klein
  • UC Berkeley, Department of Astronomy
  • and
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Collaborators
  • Mark Krumholz (Princeton University) and Chris
    McKee (UC Berkeley)

This work was performed under the auspices of the
U.S. Department of Energy by the University of
California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.
Outstanding Challenges of Massive Star Formation
  • What is the formation Mechanism Gravitational
    collapse of an unstable turbulent cloud
    Competitive Bondi-Hoyle accretion Collisional
  • How can gravitationally collapsing clouds
    overcome the Eddington limit due to radiation
  • What determines the upper limit for High Mass
    Stars? (120Msun ? 150Msun)
  • How do feedback mechanisms such as protostellar
    outflows and radiation affect protostellar
    evolution? These mechanisms can also have a
    dramatic effect on cluster formation
  • How do the systems in which massive stars are
    present form?

Theoretical Challenges of High Mass Star Formation
  • Effects of Strong Radiation Pressure
  • Massive stars M ? 20 M? have tK lt tform (Shu et
    al. 1987) and begin nuclear burning during
    accretion phase
  • Radiates enormous energy
  • For M ? 100 M?
  • however ?dust gtgt ?T
  • But, observations show M 100 M? (Massey 1998,
  • Fundamental Problem How is it possible to
    sustain a sufficiently high-mass accretion rate
    onto protostellar core despite Eddington
  • Does radiation pressure provide a natural limit
    to the formation of high mass stars?

Theoretical Challenges of High Mass Star
Formation (cont.)
  • Effects of Protostellar outflows
  • Massive stars produce strong radiation driven
    stellar winds with momentum fluxes
  • Massive YSO have observed (CO) protostellar
    outflows where
    (Richer et al. 2000 Cesaroni 2004)
  • If outflows where spherically symmetric this
    would create a greater obstacle to massive star
    formation than radiation pressure
  • but, flows are found to be collimated with
    collimation factors 2-10 (Beuther 2002, 2003,
  • Fundamental Problem How do outflows effect the
    formation of Massive stars? Do outflows limit
    the mass of a star?

Physical Effects in High-Mass Star Formation
  • Photoionization
  • Effects quenched for moderate accretion rates
    10-4 M? /yr
  • for spherically
    symmetric infall
  • In disk accretion, material above and below disk
    confine ionized region close to stellar surface
  • Outflows are sufficient to quench ionization
    (Tan and McKee 2003)
  • Omit Photoionization as a first approximation
  • Magnetic fields
  • Gravity dominates magnetic fields when M gt MB ?
    B3/n2 so magnetic fields are dynamically
    unimportant for high mass cores (Shu et al. 1987)
  • At high densities B ? n1/2 so MB ? n-1/2 and
    since n ? 106 in massive star forming regions, MB
    is substantially reduced
  • Observations of magnetic fields in high mass
    cores inconlcusive
  • Neglect of magnetic fields is a reasonable first

Physical Effects in High-Mass Star Formation
  • Dust
  • Critical role in massive star formation ? couples
    gas to radiation flux from central star
  • ? need radiation transport and multi-species
    models with good microphysics
  • Photostellar outflows
  • Molecular outflows in neighborhood of massive
    stars 10-4 - 10-2 M? /yr. Force required to
    drive such outflows Fco gt 10 100 LBOL/c
  • Outflows may be important to protostellar
  • Three-Dimensional Effects
  • Interaction of radiation with infalling envelope
    subject to radiation driven instabilities
  • Interaction of protostellar outflow with
    infalling envelope possibly unstable
  • Accretion disks develop non-axisymmetric
    structures in turbulent flows
  • Three dimensional simulations are crucial

Equations of Gravito-Radiation Hydrodynamics to
order v/c (Krumholz, Klein McKee 2007a)
(Gas momentum)
(Gas energy)
(Radiation energy)
(Flux-limited diffusion approximation)
Equations exact to (v/c) in static diffusion
High Mass Star Formation Simulation Physics
  • Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics with
  • Radiative transfer and radiation pressure in the
    gray, flux-limited diffusion approximation ?
    radiative feedback
  • Model of dust opacity based on Pollack et al.
    (1994) (6 species)
  • Outflows hydromagnetic outflow models
  • Dynamical Feedback
  • Eulerian sink particles
  • Created when the density in a cell exceeds the
    local Jeans density (Krumholz, McKee, Klein
  • Free to move through the grid and continue to
    accrete gas
  • Sink particles feed radiation and (for some runs)
    winds back into the grid based on a protostellar
  • Model includes accretion, KH contraction,
    deuterium and hydrogen burning (McKee Tan
    2003), x-winds
  • Capability to handle the enormous range of scales
    involved ? AMR

Physics Implementation
  • Our AMR code is a combination of C and FORTRAN
    90 ? Uses parallel MPI-based Box Lib Library
  • ORION is our magneto-radiation-hydrodynamics AMR
  • We Solve Parallel, 3-D coupled
    self-gravitating-Radiation-Hydrodynamics on
    Adaptive Meshes ? Multi-Scale Physics
  • Hydrodynamics is solved with conservative, high
    order, time explicit Godunov scheme with
    Approximate Riemann Solver
  • ? Multi-fluid Hydrodynamics
  • Self-Gravity We employ parallel, scalable,
    multi-grid solution algorithms
  • ? We use implicit multi-grid iteration to first
    solve Poisson Equation on a single level

Physics Implementation (cont.)
  • Level solutions are then coupled and iterated to
    convergence to obtain solution for gravitational
    potential on all levels
  • Radiation Transfer Non-Equilibrium
    Flux-Limited diffusion including important O(v/c)
    terms - Radiation solved implicity with parallel
    multi-grid, iteration scheme taking into account
    multi-level solves
  • ? Solutions must be obtained which couple all
    grids at a single refinement level, or even
    across multiple level
  • Ideal MHD fully 2nd order unsplit Godunov MHD
  • We are now implementing this in our AMR
    self-gravity rad-hydro code
  • Much better dissipation properties than split
    staggered mesh schemes (Crockett, Collella,
    Fisher, Klein McKee JCP 2004)

HMSF Initial Conditions Non-Turbulent
r 3/2 density profile, r 0.10.2 pc, M
100200 Msun, slow solid-body rotation ? 0.02,
dynamic range 8192
Non-Turbulent IC Early Evolution
At early stages the star accretes steadily and a
Keplerian disk forms. Cylindrical symmetry is
Non-Turbulent IC Radiation Bubble Formation
At higher luminosities, radiation pressure forms
bubbles above and below the accretion disk.
Bubble growth is up-down and cylindrically
Continued Expansion of Radiation Bubble
High Mass Disk and Formation of Expanding
Radiation Driven Bubble
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Radiation Driven
Collapse of radiation driven bubble
HMSF Turbulent Initial Conditions
r 3/2 density profile, Gaussian random velocity
field with power on large scales, kinetic energy
potential energy ? Mach number 8.5, dynamic
range 16,348
HMSF Protostellar Evolution
Turbulent ICs
Non Turbulent ICs
Radius, Accretion Rate and Luminosity of Primary
start of Deuterium burning
Principal source of raising temperature in the
core is accretion luminosity which is the
dominant source of energy prior to nuclear burning
accretion luminosity
Temperature Distribution in 100 Solar Mass Core
Tgt100 K, RT
Tgt50 K, RT
Tgt300 K, RT
Tgt100 K, BAR
Tgt300 K, BAR
Tgt50 K, BAR
Accretion luminosity transported by radiation
heats a radius of 1000 AU of the core to gt 50K
and substantial parts of the core to gt 100K
Evolution of 100 Solar Mass Turbulent
Protostellar Core
Radiative heating results in the formation of a
primary high mass star and 2 low mass stars in
the disk
Evolution of 100 Solar Mass Turbulent Isothermal
Protostellar Core
Isothermal or barotropic models result in the
formation of a multitude of low mass stars only ?
erroneous fragmentation
Observing Massive Disks with ALMA
Integrated TB in simulated 1000 s / pointing ALMA
observation of disk at 0.5 kpc in CH3CN 220.7472
GHz (KKM 2007c, ApJ,)
Effects of Protostellar Outflows
  • High mass protostars have outflows that look like
    larger versions of low mass protostellar outflows
    (Beuther et al. 2004)
  • Outflows are launched inside stars dust
    destruction radius
  • Due to high outflow velocities, there is no time
    for dust grains to regrow inside outflow
    cavities. Grains reach only 103?m by the time
    they escape the core.
  • Because grains are small, outflow cavities are
    optically thin.
  • Thin cavities can be very effective at
    collimating protostellar radiation, reducing the
    radiation pressure force in the equatorial plane
  • Krumholz, McKee Klein, (2005) using toy
    Monte-Carlo radiative transfer calculations find
    outflows cause a factor of 5 10 radiation
    pressure force reduction
  • Outflows may be responsible for driving
    turbulence in clumps (Li Nakamura 2006)
  • ?

Protostellar Outflows in High-Mass Star Formation
Temperature Distribution
Radiation and Gravitational Forces
  • Temperature distribution from Monte Carlo
    diffusion (Whitney, et. al. 2003) Radiation
    transfer with ray solution to get radiative
  • Envelope rotationally flattened density dist.
    cavity shape Za?b M50M? ZAMS 50M? envelope
  • With no wind cavity frad gt fgrav everywhere
    except inside the accretion disk? accretion
  • With wind cavity, frad lt fgrav outside disk
    radius ? accretion can continue

HMSF with Outflows Very Early 3-D Evolution
Early results show that radiation is collimated
effectively by outflow cavities radiation energy
density is factor of 5 higher inside cavity
Advances Necessary in Algorithmic Performance and
Scalability for High Mass Star Formation
  • State-of-the-art simulations follow collapse from
    the scale of turbulent cores to stars (KKM 2007)
  • Dynamic range gt
  • Simulations will require more realistic initial
    conditions in core derived from the outer scale
    imposed by turbulent clumps (M several X 103
    M? )
  • Simulations are just beginning to follow
  • from turbulent Clumps ?Cores ? Stars with
    radiative feedback and AMR
  • Dynamic Range gt 105
  • Current state-of-the-art (Krumholz, Klein McKee
    2006, 07) require months to evolve high mass
    stars on parallel machines ( 256 processors)
    with Grey Radiation Transfer ? multi-frequency
    will be several times more expensive
  • Future simulations will evolve GMCs ? Clumps ?
    Cores ? Stars
  • Dynamic Range gt 106 - 107
  • For galaxy simulations to incorporate star
  • Galaxy ? GMCs ? Clumps ? Cores ?
  • Dynamic Range gt 3x108 - 3x1010

Summary and Future Directions
  • 3-D high resolution AMR simulations with ORION
    achieves protostellar masses considerably above
    previous 2-D axisymmetric gray simulations
  • Two new mechanisms have been shown to overcome
    radiation pressure barrier to achieve high mass
    star formation
  • 3-D Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in radiation
    driven bubbles appear to be important in allowing
    accretion onto protostellar core
  • Protostellar outflows resulting in optically thin
    cavities promote focusing of radiation and
    reduction of radiation pressure ? enhances
  • Radiation feedback from accreting protostars
    inhibits fragmentation
  • ALMA observations will help distinguish between
    competing models of high mass star formation ?
    gravitational core collapse predicts large scale
  • Future Directions
  • Multi-frequency radiation-hydrodynamics and
    inclusion of ionization
  • Improvement in flux limited diffusion
    (Monte-Carlo Sn transport Variable Edd Tensor)
  • Improvement in dust physics (e.g. shattering
    coagulation multi-species)
  • Evolution of wind outflow models and interaction
    with infalling envelope
  • Self consistent evolution of high mass turbulent
    cores from large scale turbulent clump
  • Inclusion of MHD ? can launch hydromagnetic wind
    possible photon bubble instab. ?

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Radiation Transport Results in Suppression of
Large Scale Fragmentation in Massive Star
0.26 pc
6700 AU
Most of the available mass in turbulent cloud
goes into one massive star.
High Mass Disk at 27,000 yr. (Krumholz, Klein
McKee 2007b)
0.6 pc radius
Disk radius 3000 AU
Observing Massive Disks
Integrated TB in simulated 1000 s / pointing ALMA
observation of disk at 0.5 kpc in CH3CN 220.7472
GHz (KKM 2007c, ApJ, in press)
Adaptive Mesh Overview
  • A block-structured refinement strategy combines
    the advantages of adaptive mesh refinement with
    the efficiencies provided by uniform grids
  • For hyperbolic systems, such as the advection
    component of fluid dynamics, explicit difference
    schemes can be used which minimize communication
  • A serial algorithm can proceed one grid at a time
  • A parallel algorithm can process many grids at
    once. Library support for this approach is
    provided by CCSE at LBL.
  • For parabolic and elliptic systems, such as those
    associated with radiation diffusion, implicit
    difference schemes must be used. Solutions must
    be obtained which couple all grids at a single
    refinement level, or even across multiple levels.
  • Interactive solvers based on multigrid provide
    efficient solutions.
  • We use the hypre parallel multigrid library
    developed in CASC for this part of the algorithm
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