Title: Polarisation of WolfRayet and Other Hot, Massive Stars
1Polarisation of Wolf-Rayet and Other Hot, Massive
- Nicole St-Louis
- Université de Montréal
- Centre de Recherche en Astrophysique du Québec
Astronomical Polarimetry 2008, La Malbaie, Québec
2Classical Wolf-Rayet Stars
- Wolf-Rayet stars are the descendants of the most
massive O stars (gt25 M?) - They are characterised by their strong winds
- (? 10-5 M?/yr, v8 ? 2000 kms-1)
- They represent a key evolutionary phase between
the main sequence and the SN explosion - They impart to the ISM a huge amount of energy
and chemically enrich it with heavy elements - They might even be the precursors to
long-timescale GRBs
3Continuum linear polarisation curvesof
Wolf-Rayet Stars
St-Louis, Moffat, Drissen, Robert, Bastien et al.
4Continuum linear polarisation curvesof
Wolf-Rayet Stars
- Massive-star winds, and in particular WR star
winds, have ample free electrons to generate
wavelength-independent linear polarisation. - But
5Spherically symetric wind -- single star
Net polarisation is zero
6Continuum linear polarisation curvesof
Wolf-Rayet Stars
- Massive-star winds, and in particular WR star
winds, have ample free electrons to generate
wavelength-independent linear polarisation. - But in spherically-symmetric winds, there should
be no net polarisation.
- But some massive stars are binaries.
7Spherically symetric wind --Binary
This angle is very small
The net polarization is
8Continuum linear polarisation curvesof
Wolf-Rayet Stars
- The BME model works beautifully well and allows
one to determine the orbital inclination which in
turn can lead to the masses. Note of caution
from Aspin, Simmon Brown (1981)
9Mass-Loss Determination Methods
- Resonnance line fits
- (Fullerton, Massa, Prinja 2006)
- Orbital period lenghtening due to a radially
symetric mass-loss (Khaliullin 1974) (B) - Photometry (atmospheric eclipses, e.g. Lamontagne
et al. 1996)(B) - Polarimetry (B)
- Recombination line fits (H?)
- Radio/IR free-free emission (Wright Barlow
- H? fitting based on the technique developped by
Puls et al. (1996) - Improved by Markova et al. (2004) to include
line blocking/blanketing
- For WR stars, St-Louis et al. (1988)
- Ap is the semi-amplitude of the ellipse in the
Q-U plane. - a(R?) is the semi-major axis of the orbit
- v? is the terminal velocity of the WR wind
- i is the orbital inclination
- fc is the fraction of the total flux coming from
the companion - I is the numerical value of an intergral over
angles. This depends on ? and on the starting
11Polarimetry - WRO Systems
WR 42HD97152
St-Louis et al. (1987)
12Comparison with other estimates
x IR (free-free) ? radio (free-free) Factor of
3 lower than other estimates in most cases
13Polarimetry - the case of V444 Cygni
Robert et al. (1990)
14Polarimetry - the case of V444 Cygni
From period change, Khaliullin et al. (1984)
Radio free-free emission estimates agree with
polarisation. IR less so
15Polarimetry of O O systems
St-Louis Moffat (2008)
- A litterature search yielded 6 OO binaries with
published polarimatric binary curves. Mostly III
and I but two O4f systems as well. - Here there are two winds The polarisation
amplitude is the total value for both winds taken
together if the winds are equal, it is doubled. - Wind consists of H instead of He
- ?0.8
- In most systems, H? profiles have been found to
be affected by flows related to colliding winds
so the cant be used to estimate mass-loss rates
i Luna (1988), ii Rudy Herman (1978), iii Lupie
Nordsieck (1987), iv Niemela et al. (1992), v
Morrell Niemela (1990)
17The case of HD149404
- HD 14904 is the only star in our sample that we
found to have other mass-loss rate
determinations - Polarimetry 3.1 x 10-6 M?yr-1
- Radio 6.2 x 10-6 M?yr-1
- PV resonnance lines 6.2 x 10-8 M?yr-1 (for
qP41) (two stars?) - Polarimetry seems to support a clumping factor of
? 3 but not 10-100!
18Continuum linear polarisation curvesof
Wolf-Rayet Stars
- Single WR stars can still show linear
polarimetric variability. - The timescale is relatively short.
- We now know that winds in WR stars are clumped.
- Small subpeaks are superposed on top of strong
emission lines and move from line center towards
line edges on relatively short timescales - This can easily produce continuum linear
polarimetric variability as observed.
19Continuum linear polarisation curvesof
Wolf-Rayet Stars
- One hint was found in Drissen et al. (1987). A
trend for slower winds to show a smaller linear
polarisation scatter. - The interpretation was that perhaps blobs formed
in fast winds have more difficulty to survive
they act as an homogenezing agent. - A model of polarisation from blob ejection was
devised by Davies, Vink Oudmaijer (2008). (see
also a previous model by Li et al. 2000)
20Clumping-induced polarimetric variability from
winds (Davies et al. 08)
- They first calculated P for one clump. Mass and
angular sizes of clumps are conserved. - They used a ? law to describe the movement of the
clump - Then they produced many randomly ejected blobs
and added their Q and Us.
- They examined the effect of varying many input
parameters such as ejection rate, mass-loss rate,
clump size, radius, etc
21Clumping-induced polarimetric variability from
winds (Davies et al. 08)
- ltPgt and ?(P) increase with mass-loss rate
- The increasing ?(P) with decreasing v8 is
explained by the fact that blobs spend more time
in the wind
- The observed ltPgt and ?(P) has two possible
explanations - Because of the timescale of the variability,
statistical deviations from spherical symmetry is
prefered over a small number of blobs
- If there is a global asymmetry in the wind, then
the so-called line effect is observed - The global asymmetry causes the continuum
polarisation from electron scattering to be
polarised. - If the lines are formed by recombination, then
they should not be polarised. - But the unpolarised line photons can subsequently
be scattered and thus the lines can be polarised - This can be (as has been) used to detect
non-spherically symmetric winds.
23McLean et al. (1979)
Spectral resolution 50 Å
24HeII ??4686 must have a scattering component
which increases its polarisation
25Schulte-Ladbeck, Nordsieck et al. (1991)
- Wind is not spherically symmetric
- Cont pol. due to e scattering (inclined disk
model) as continuum polarisation is grey - Lines are polarised due to e-scattering
- Confirm ionisation stratification
Spectral resolution 34 Å
Schulte-Ladbeck et al. (1992) carried out a
similar study and obtained similar results for
WR134 except that continuum polarisation rises to
the UV
26Harries, Hillier Howarth (1998)
- Spectropolarimetric survey of 16 northern WR
stars. - Data from the WHT. Resolution of ? 3 Å.
- Four stars were found to show line
de-polarisation (WR 134, WR 137, WR 139, WR 141
--binaries). - A statistical analysis shows that this fraction
is best reproduced if only 20 of stars have an
intrinsic pol. gt 0.3 (equatorpole23)
- Combining their data with those of Schulte
Ladbeck (1994), they found that stars with the
highest mass-loss rates are those found to show
the line effect, i.e. to have flattened winds.
27Vink (2007)
- Carried out a Spectropolarimetric survey of 13 WR
stars in the LMC to search for a different
behaviour in a low-metalicity environment
(possible GRB progenitors). - Data from the VLT-FORS1. Resolution of ? 3 Å.
- Two stars were found to show line de-polarisation
(BAT22 BAT33) - The fraction is similar to that of galactic
(?15). - If metallicity is important in contributing to
reduce the angular momentum loss from WR winds,
the threshold is below that of the LMC (lt0.5 Z?)
28Other stars
- 1) Harries, Howarth Evans (2002) -- 20 O
Galactic supergiants - 5 were found to show the line depolarisation
effect (25)
- Davies, Oudmaijer Vink (2005) -- 14 Galactic
and Magelanic Cloud LBV - 50 (!!) are found to show the line effect (H?).
- 4 were observed during multi-epochs, 3 with
random polarisation angles and 1 with a constant
angle. - They interpret this as due to the presence of
strong clumps in the wind (consistent with their
29ESPaDOnS data of WR6HD50896 De la Chevrotière,
St-Louis, Moffat (2008)
30First detection of a magnetic field in a WR star
?100 Gauss To be modelled with Ignace Gayley
(2003) improvments to come
- Contributed to help us confirm that because winds
are clumpy, mass-loss rates need to be revised - Can allow us to determine the orbital inclination
in a WRO binary system - The short timescale of random polarisation
variability tells us that the winds contain many
many small blobs instead of a smooth component
a few big blobs - Tells us that only 15-20 of WR stars have
flattened winds which is what we expect
because they are not expected to have a fast
rotation - Will allow us to detect magnetic fields if there
are any