Title: Toward a theory of de Sitter space?
1Toward a theory of de Sitter space?
- Donald Marolf
- May 25, 2007
Based on work w/Steve Giddings.
- dS A laboratory to study locality ( more?) in
perturbative gravity - Constraints ? each state dS invariant
- Finite of pert states for eternal dS (pert.
theory valid everywhere) Limit energy of
seed states to avoid strong gravity. (Any
Frame)Compact finite F ? finite N. S ln
N (l/lp) (d-2)(d-1)/d lt SdS
Consider F q Tab nanb
Also dS-invariant to preserve Hphys.
Try O -g A(x)
A composite, VeV of A 0
Finite (H0) matrix elements lty1Oy2gt for
appropriate A(x), yigt.
4Relational observablesrecover local physics
Given scalars f, b, g,
A(x) f(x) b2(x) g2(x)
let O -g A(x),
If ygt has 1 b-particle and 1 g-particle,, then
ltYOYgt ltyf(x)ygt
I.e., O scans spacetime for intersection
(observer),reports value of f.
5But fluctuations diverge!
- Work with seed states
- Recall 0gt is an attractor.
lty1O1O2y2gt dx1 dx2 lty1A1(x1)A2(x2)y2gt
dx1 dx2
(vacuum noise, BBs)
Note lty1O1O2y2gt Si lty1O1igtltiO2y2gt .
control intermediate states? O P O P for P
a finite-dim projection e.g. F lt f. dS UV/IR
Use Energy cut-off to control spacetime
volume O is insensitive to details of long time
dynamics, as desired. Choose f to control
noise safe for f MmaxBH. Heavy reference
object (observer) ? safe for f exp(SdS), V lt
l(d-1) SdS
O Proto-local
6Fundamental Lessons for cosmology?
- No fundamental classical observers. Study
quantum observers observables. Study
fluctuations. - Locality is approximate no absolute
Hamiltonian (no surprise, but no hot box) - Approx. local physics over V lt exp(SdS)
(smaller for light observer/observable)For
larger V, BB-like vacuum noise dominates - Quantum observers/observables are global
constructions. - Finite S for eternal dS, but naturally embeds
in larger infinite-dimensional theories.
? Similar results for eternal inflation,
etc. ??