Title: Exact string backgrounds from boundary data
1Exact string backgrounds from boundary data
- Marios Petropoulos
- CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique
- Based on works with K. Sfetsos
2Some motivationsFLRW-like hierarchy in strings
- Isotropy homogeneity of space cosmic fluid
co-moving frame with Robertson-Walker metric
Homogeneous, maximally symmetric space
3Maximally symmetric 3-D spaces
Cosets of (pseudo)orthogonal groups
constant scalar curvature
4FLRW space-times
- Einstein equations lead to Friedmann-Lemaître
equations for - exact solutions
maximally symmetric space-times
Hierarchical structure maximally
symmetric space-times foliated with 3-D
maximally symmetric spaces
5Maximally symmetric space-times
- with
spatial sections - Einstein-de Sitter with spatial sections
- with
spatial sections
6Situation in exact string backgrounds?
- Hierarchy of exact string backgrounds and
precise relation - is not foliated with
- appears as the boundary of
- World-sheet CFT structure parafermion-induced
marginal deformations similar to those that
deform a continuous NS5-brane distribution on a
circle to an ellipsis - Potential cosmological applications for
space-like boundaries
72. Geometric versus conformal cosets
Ordinary geometric cosets are not exact
string backgrounds
- Solve at most the lowest order (in )
equations - Have no dilaton because they have constant
curvature - Need antisymmetric tensors to get stabilized
- Have large isometry
8Conformal cosets
Gauged WZW models are exact string
backgrounds they are not ordinary geometric
- is the WZW on the group manifold of
- isometry of target space
- current algebras in the ws CFT, at
level - gauging spoils the symmetry
- Other background fields and dilaton
- plus corrections (known)
- central charge
103. The three-dimensional case
- up to (known) corrections
- range
- choosing and flipping
Bars, Sfetsos 92
11Geometrical property of the background
bulk theory boundary theory
- Comparison with geometric coset
- at radius
- fixed- leaf (radius )
12Check the background fields
- Metric in the asymptotic region at large
- Dilaton
- Conclusion
- decouples and supports a background charge
- the 2-D boundary is identified with
- using
13Also beyond the large- limit all-order in
- Check the corrections in metric and
dilaton of - and
- Check the central charges of the two ws CFTs
144. In higher dimensions a hierarchy of gauged
large radial coordinate
boundary decoupled radial direction
15Lorentzian spaces
- Lorentzian-signature gauged WZW
- Various similar hierarchies
- large radial coordinate ? time-like boundary
- remote time ? space-like boundary
165. The world-sheet CFT viewpoint
- Observation
- and are two exact 2-D
sigma-models - the radial asymptotics of their target-space
coincide - Expectation
- A continuous one-parameter family such
that -
17The world-sheet CFT viewpoint
- Why?
- Both satisfy with the same
asymptotics - Consequence
- There must exist a marginal operator in
s.t. -
18The marginal operator
- In practice
- The marginal operator is read off in the
asymptotic expansion of beyond leading
order - What is ?
- By analyzing the beta-function equations one
observes that the would-be continuous parameter
can be reabsorbed by a rescaling of the
sigma-model fields -
- up to a constant dilaton shift (known
19The asymptotics of beyond leading
order in the radial coordinate
- The metric (at large ) in the large- region
beyond l.o. - The marginal operator
20Conformal operators in
- A marginal operator has dimension
- In there is no isometry
neither currents - Parafermions (non-Abelian in higher dimensions)
- holomorphic
- anti-holomorphic
- Free boson with background charge ? vertex
The displayed expressions are semi-classical
21Back to the marginal operator
- The operator of reads
- Conformal weights match the operator is marginal
22The marginal operator for
- Generalization to
- Exact matching the operator is marginal
236. Final comments
- Novelty use of parafermions for building
marginal operators - Proving that
is integrable from - pure ws CFT techniques would be a tour de force
- Another instance circular NS5-brane distribution
- Continuous family of exact backgrounds circle ?
ellipsis - Marginal operator dressed bilinear of compact
Petropoulos, Sfetsos 06
24Back to the original motivation FLRW
- Gauged WZW cosets of orthogonal groups instead of
ordinary cosets - exact string backgrounds
- not maximally symmetric
- Hierarchical structure
- not foliations (unlike ordinary cosets) but
- exact bulk and exact boundary string theories
- in Lorentzian geometries can be a set of
initial data
25Time in string theory?
- In some regimes of string theory
- target time 2-D scale Liouville field
(dilaton interplay between target space-time and
world sheet) - time evolution RG flow Ricci flow
- Thurstons geometrization conjecture target
space converges universally with time towards a
collection of homogeneous spaces - We are not in such a regime
- time evolution marginal
- no convergence towards homogeneous spaces (gauged
WZW are not homogeneous)