Title: AdS / CFT
1- AdS / CFT
- aka
- Anti de Sitter (space) / Conformal Field Theory
- W.A. Zajc
- Columbia University
2Explaining the Connection
- Maldacenas extraordinary conjecture
1) Weakly Coupled (classical) gravity in
Anti-deSitter Space (AdS)
3) Strongly Coupled (Conformal) gauge Field
Theories (CFT)
3All You Need To Know About Strings
4All You Need To Know About D-branes
- D Dirichlet ? an extended object that imposes
boundary conditions on (open) string endpoints - D-branes characterized by
- Their dimensionality Dp-brane lives in p spatial
dimensions - Their tension Tp , defined such that
- Required, e.g., to open closed strings upon
brane contact - D-branes are essential dynamical objects in
string theory
String explores the full space ? the bulk
String endpointsconstrained to live on the
5Stack of N D3-branes
These shown as 2-d slices of 3-volumes
This direction has no meaning, branes are really
- D3-brane properties
- Mass 1/gS
- Source gauge quantum number
- Open strings end on them
6String Interactions on D3-branes
D3-branes shown as 1-d slices of 3-volumes
This direction has no meaning, branes are really
String world
One string indexed on green anti-red
Gauge world
SU(N) gauge theory of gluon interactions
7Gauge ? Gravity
These shown as 2-d slices of coincident3-volumes
- Mass N/gS
- Sources gravity
- Curves space
- Generates (sort of) anAnti de Sitterspacetime
- D3-brane properties
- Mass 1/gS
- Source gauge quantum number
- Open strings end on them
8The Gravity Solution
Wheres my AdS ?
There it is!
- Towards a gravity dual of RHIC Collision,
Sang-Jan Sin, http//him.phys.pusan.ac.kr/PDS_HIM
9The Correspondence
- Q. Where do the N D3-branes live?
- A. On the boundary of an Anti de Sitter space
(that they create!)
Essentially flat space
Curvature matters !
This direction ( r ) has meaning energy scale
10So Whats the CFT Part ?
- Real AdS in n spacetime dimensions
- The D-brane induced almost AdS
- Their limits (which are also called AdS)
- Real AdS
- D-brane almost AdS
- The scaling form of the limit (which is also
called AdS)
11The Conformal Part
- Note that this metric
- has no scale, that is, is invariant under
(xm,z) ? (lxm, lz) - Potential must scale as 1/r
- AdS interpretation Still an area law for
Wilson lines, but the warp factor 1/z makes
thearea fall as 1/r
12The Icky Part
- Icky, that is, if you want to use this
correspondence to study QCD - Conformal
- no scale
- Its 1/r all the way down
- No confinement !
- One way out (Witten, hep-th/9803002)
- Modify space to have a horizon
- More recently More on a holographic dual of
QCD, T. Sakai and S. Sugimoto,
13We Dont Care About Confinement
- The duality, as described, applies to
- More accurately
- Q. How to thermalize the theory?
- A. Shine a black hole on it (!)
T0 CFT in flat 31 spacetime
Gravity in curved 41 AdS spacetime
(Strongly coupled)T0 CFT in flat 31
(Classical)Gravity in curved 41 AdS
14Black Hole Thermodynamics
- 1970, Bekenstein
- Black hole area law feels like 2nd law of
thermodynamics - AMERGED A1 A2
- Charge for black hole contributes to energy as dM
F dQ,feels like chemical potential - So why not dM T dSBH F dQ , with SBH
Black Hole Area ?? - Counter-arguments
- Black holes have no hair ? no internal d.o.f ?
no entropy - Entropy ? temperature ? radiation, but black
holes are black - 1974, Hawking
- Black holes do radiate !
- Semi-classical computation allowed determination
of entropy
15BH Radiation ? BHs are Unstable
- Starting from this
- its easy to compute
- Black Hole entropy
- Black Hole temperature
- Black Hole lifetime(assuming Stefan-Boltzmann)
16Black Holes in Higher Dimensions
- Apply same basic formalism starting from
D-dimensional result for Schwarzschild radius - Show that higher-dimensional BHs
- Have a temperature
- And therefore radiate
- And therefore have finite lifetime
- Unless the background spacetime is curved !
17Black Holes in AdS
- The metric becomes
- The spacetime curvature R introduces a new scale
in the problem - Especially because light reaches the boundary in
time T p R and is reflected - Black hole is in a box
- Small black holes rbh ltlt R ? rbh M1/2 ?
Unstable - Large black holes rbh R ? rbh M1/4 ?
STABLE ! - In addition, for large black holes
- In 5-d spacetime, BH area Length3 ? S M3/4
- T M1/4 ? S T 3 , that is, just like a QGP
18This is Your Brane
- This is your brane on AdS
- Negative curvature R
- Finite time R for light to reach boundary and
return - Black holes of lifetime gt R are STABLE !
19Viscosity Primer
- Remove your organic prejudices
- Dont equate viscous with sticky !
- Think instead of a not-quite-ideal fluid
- not-quite-ideal ? supports a shear stress
- Viscosity h then defined as
- Dimensional estimate
- Viscosityincreases withtemperature
- Large cross sections ? small viscosity
- The gauge/string duality is one that maps
strongly coupled gauge fields ? Weak
(semi-classical) gravity
20Ideal Hydrodynamics
- Why the interest in viscosity?
- A.) Its vanishing is associated with the
applicability of ideal hydrodynamics (Landau,
1955) - B.) Successes of ideal hydrodynamics applied
to RHIC data suggest that the fluid is as
perfect as it can be, that is, it approaches the
(conjectured) quantum mechanical limit - See A Viscosity Bound Conjecture, P.
Kovtun, D.T. Son, A.O. Starinets, hep-th/0405231
21Why Does This Work??
- The easy part
- Recall
- that is, viscosity x-momentum transport in
y-direction Txy - There are standard methods (Kubo relations) to
calculate such dissipative quantities - The hard part
- This calculation is difficult in a
strongly-coupled gauge theory - The weird part
- A (supersymmetric) pseudo-QCD theory can be
mapped to a 10-dimensional classical gravity
theory on the background of black 3-branes - The calculation can be performed there as the
absorption of gravitons by the brane - THE SHEAR VISCOSITY OF STRONGLY COUPLED N4
D.T. Son , A.O. Starinets, Phys.Rev.Lett.8708160
1,2001 hep-th/0104066
22The Result
- Viscosity h Area/16pG
- Normalize by entropy (density) S Area/4G
- Dividing out the infinite areas
- Conjectured to be a lower bound for all
relativistic quantum field theories at finite
temperature and zero chemical potential. - See Viscosity in strongly interacting quantum
field theories from black hole physics, P.
Kovtun, D.T. Son, A.O. Starinets,
Phys.Rev.Lett.94111601, 2005, hep-th/0405231
Infinite Area !
23Isnt This Result Just Quantum Mechanics?
- Recall from previous discussion
- e energy density
- t lifetime of quasiparticle
- Entropy density s kB n ?
- where last step
- follows from requirement that lifetime of
quasiparticle must exceed h/Energy - establishes that the bound is from below
24How Perfect is Perfect
- All realistic hydrodynamic calculations for
RHIC fluids to date have assumed zero viscosity - h 0 ? perfect fluid
- But there is a (conjectured) quantum limit
- Where do ordinary fluids sit wrt this
limit? - RHIC fluid mightbe at 2-3 on this scale (!)
T1012 K
25Water ? RHIC ? Water ? RHIC
- The search for QCD phase transition of course was
informed by analogy to ordinary matter - Results from RHIC are now flowing back to
ordinary matter
h / s
On the Strongly-Interacting Low-Viscosity Matter
Created in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions,L.P.
Csernai, J.I. Kapusta and L.D. McLerran,
Phys.Rev.Lett.97152303,2006, nucl-th/0604032
26QCD Critical Point
27A Loophole To The Bound?
- Kovtun, Son and Starinets also note
- Cohen seeks to exploit this loophole
- Is there a 'most perfect fluid' consistent with
quantum field theory?, Thomas D. Cohen,
28Entropy of Mixing
- Its in the Sackur-Tetrode equation
29Entropy For Distinguishable Particles
30Incorporating Indistinguishability
31Incorporating Multiple Species
32Cohens Scaling Parameter
33The Scaling Regime
34How Low Can It Go?
35Not Discussed
- Counter-counter arguments
- Boussos entropy bound on spacetime regions?
- Counter-counter-counter arguments
- Residual entropy ?
36Suggested Reading
- November, 2005 issue of Scientific American
- The Illusion of Gravity
- J. Maldacena
- A test of this prediction comes from the
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at
BrookhavenNational Laboratory, which has been
colliding gold nuclei at very high energies. A
preliminary analysis of these experiments
indicates the collisions are creating a fluid
with very low viscosity. Even though Son and his
co-workers studied a simplified version of
chromodynamics, they seem to have come up with a
property that is shared by the real world. Does
this mean that RHIC is creating small
five-dimensional black holes? It is really too
early to tell, both experimentally and
theoretically. (Even if so, there is nothing to
fear from these tiny black holes-they evaporate
almost as fast as they are formed, and they
"live" in five dimensions, not in our own
four-dimensional world.)
37A Spooky Connection
- RHIC physics clearly relies on
- The quantum nature of matter (Einstein, 1905)
- The relativistic nature of matter (Einstein,
1905) - but presumably has no connection to
- General relativity (Einstein, 1912-7)
- Wait ! Both sides of this equation
- were calculated using black hole physics (in
10 dimensions)
MULTIPLICITY Entropy ? Black Hole
Area DISSIPATION Viscosity ?
Graviton Absorption
38Spooky Connection at a Distance
- Weve yet to understand the discrepancy between
lattice results and Stefan-Boltzmann limit - The success of naïve hydrodynamics requires very
low viscosities - Both are predicted from gravitational phenomena
in N 4 supersymmetric theories
39New Dimensions in RHIC Physics
- The stress tensor of a quark moving through N4
thermal plasma, J.J. Friess et al.,
Jet modifications from wake field
Our 4-d world
The stuff formerly known as QGP
Heavy quark moving through the medium
String theorists 5-d world
Energy loss from string drag
40The Way Forward
- Recall
- We need to learn to expand in powers of 1 /
g(T) - For example, the mean free path lmfp
- Limit lmfp ? 0 is hydrodynamics
41Landau Knew It
- Landau (1955) significant extension of Fermis
approach - Considers fundamental roles of
- hydrodynamic evolution
- entropy
- The defects of Fermis theory arise mainly
because the expansion of the compound system is
not correctly taken into account(The) expansion
of the system can be considered on the basis of
relativistic hydrodynamics. - (Emphasis added by WAZ)
42But Were Not Quite Done Making Mistakes
- Recall our argument for short mean free paths
- But this relies on the number density n , which
is not well-defined for a relativistic field
theory at strong coupling(!)
- But wait, it get worse
- Even the classical coupling parameter
- is not well-defined relativistically(!)
43A Way Out
- How can we quantify the coupling properties of
our plasma ? - A solution was provided by Dam Son
- n( T ) is not well-defined but
s(T) is - mean free path not well-defined but viscosity h
is - coupling G is not well defined but s / h
is - Note
- Short mean free paths ? small viscosity
44This is Your Brane
- This is your brane on AdS
- More seriously
- Negative curvature R
- Finite time R for light to reach boundary and
return - Black holes of lifetime gt R are STABLE !