Title: Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 1
1Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 1
ku/rioj, kuri/ou, o(
proseu/xomai, proseu/comai, proshucamhn
oikoj, oi1kou, o(
pe/mpw, pe/myw, e1pemya, e0pe/mfqhn
dwron, dwrou, to
While I was praying in my house, the Lord sent me
a gift.
While I was praying in my house, the Lord sent me
a gift.
While I was praying in my house, the Lord sent me
a gift.
While I was praying in my house, the Lord sent me
a gift.
While I was praying in my house, the Lord sent me
a gift.
While I was praying in my house, the Lord sent me
a gift.
o( ku/rioj
o( ku/rioj moi\ proseuxome/nw
o( ku/rioj moi\, proseuxome/nw e0n tw oi1kw
o( ku/rioj moi\, proseuxome/nw e0n tw oi1kw
mou, e1pemye
o( ku/rioj moi\, proseuxome/nw e0n tw oi1kw
mou, e1pemye dwron.
2Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 2
maqhth/j, mhqhtou, o(
sune/rxomai, suneleu/somai, sunhlqon
i9eron, i9erou, to
le/gw, , eipon, e0rre/qhn
a0lhqei/a, a)lhqei/aj logoj, logou, o(
While gathering in the temple, the disciples
spoke words of truth.
While gathering in the temple, the disciples
spoke words of truth.
While gathering in the temple, the disciples
spoke words of truth.
While gathering in the temple, the disciples
spoke words of truth.
While gathering in the temple, the disciples
spoke words of truth.
While gathering in the temple, the disciples
spoke words of truth.
oi9 maqhtai\
oi9 maqhtai\, sunerxomenoi
oi9 maqhtai\, sunerxomenoi ei0j to_ i9eron,
oi9 maqhtai\, sunerxomenoi ei0j to_ i9eron,
oi9 maqhtai\, sunerxomenoi ei0j to_ i9eron,
eipon logouj thj a)lhqei/aj.
3Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 3
fwnh/, fwnhj, h9 profh/thj, profh/tou, o(
a)kou/w, a)kou/sw, h1kousa, h0kou/sqhn
oikoj, oi1kou, o(
pisteu/w, pisteu/sw, e0pi/steusa, e0pisteu/qhn
The voice of the prophets, while it was being
heard in the house, was believed.
The voice of the prophets, while it was being
heard in the house, was believed.
The voice of the prophets, while it was being
heard in the house, was believed.
The voice of the prophets, while it was being
heard in the house, was believed.
The voice of the prophets, while it was being
heard in the house, was believed.
h9 fwnh\ twn profhtwn
h9 fwnh\ twn profhtwn, a0kouome/nh
h9 fwnh\ twn profhtwn, a0kouome/nh e0n tw
h9 fwnh\ twn profhtwn, a0kouome/nh e0n tw
oi1kw e0pisteu/qh.
4Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 4
pistoj, pisth/, piston
me/nw, , e1meina
i9eron, i9erou, to
ble/pw, o!yomai, eidon, w!fqhn
proswpon, proswpou, to ku/rioj, kuri/ou, o(
While the faithful women remained in the temple,
they were seeing the Lords face.
While the faithful women remained in the temple,
they were seeing the Lords face.
While the faithful women remained in the temple,
they were seeing the Lords face.
While the faithful women remained in the temple,
they were seeing the Lords face.
While the faithful women remained in the temple,
they were seeing the Lords face.
While the faithful women remained in the temple,
they were seeing the Lords face.
ai9 pistai\
ai9 pistai\ me/nousai
ai9 pistai\ me/nousai e0n tw i9erw
ai9 pistai\ me/nousai e0n tw i9erw e1blepon
ai9 pistai\ me/nousai e0n tw i9erw e1blepon
to_ proswpon tou kuri/ou.
5Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 5
i9eron, i9erou, to
me/nw, , e1meina
ei0mi/, e1somai topoj, topou, o(
pistoj, pisth/, piston
The temple, as long as it remains, is a place for
the faithful.
The temple, as long as it remains, is a place for
the faithful.
The temple, as long as it remains, is a place for
the faithful.
The temple, as long as it remains, is a place for
the faithful.
The temple, as long as it remains, is a place for
the faithful.
to_ i9eron,
to_ i9eron, me/non
to_ i9eron, me/non, topoj e0sti\
to_ i9eron, me/non, topoj e0sti\ toij pistoij.
6Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 6
swzw, swsw, e1swsa, e0swqhn
didaskw, didacw, e0di/daca, e0didaxqhn
te/knon, te/knou, to
During the time that you (s.) are being saved,
you are also teaching children.
During the time that you (s.) are being saved,
you are also teaching children.
During the time that you (s.) are being saved,
you are also teaching children.
During the time that you (s.) are being saved,
you are also teaching children.
swzome/noj kai\ didaskeij
swzome/noj kai\ didaskeij te/kna.
7Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 7
grafw, grayw, e1graya, e0grafhn
maqhth/j, maqhtou, o(
diwkw, diwcw, e0di/wca, e0diwxqhn
We were writing to the disciples while they were
being persecuted.
We were writing to the disciples while they were
being persecuted.
We were writing to the disciples while they were
being persecuted.
We were writing to the disciples while they were
being persecuted.
e0grafomen toij maqhtaij
e0grafomen toij maqhtaij diwkome/noij.
8Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 8
ploion, ploi/ou, to
ei0se/rxomai, ei0seleu/somai, ei0shlqon
le/gw, , eipon, e0rre/qhn
maqhth/j, maqhtou, o(
logoj, logou, o(
xara, xaraj, h9 e0lpi/j, e0lpi/doj, h9
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
At the time that the disciples were getting into
the boat, they were saying words of joy and hope.
ei0j to_ ploion
ei0j to_ ploion ei0serxomenoi
ei0j to_ ploion ei0serxomenoi e1legon
ei0j to_ ploion ei0serxomenoi e1legon oi9
ei0j to_ ploion ei0serxomenoi e1legon oi9
maqhtai\ logouj
ei0j to_ ploion ei0serxomenoi e1legon oi9
maqhtai\ logouj thj xaraj kai\ thj e0lpi/doj.
9Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 9
doca, dochj, h9 ku/rioj, kuri/ou, o(
le/gw, , eipon, e0rre/qhn
a!ggeloj, a)gge/lou, o(
laoj, laou, o( ble/pw, o1yomai, eidon, w!fqhn
While the glory of the Lord was being spoken by
the angels, the people saw it.
While the glory of the Lord was being spoken by
the angels, the people saw it.
While the glory of the Lord was being spoken by
the angels, the people saw it.
While the glory of the Lord was being spoken by
the angels, the people saw it.
While the glory of the Lord was being spoken by
the angels, the people saw it.
th\n docan tou kuri/ou
th\n docan tou kuri/ou legome/nhn
th\n docan tou kuri/ou legome/nhn u9po_ twn
th\n docan tou kuri/ou legome/nhn u9po_ twn
a)gge/lwn eide o( lao_j.
10Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 10
e0keinoj, e0kei/nh, e0keino te/knon, te/knou,
lambanw, lh/myomai, e1labon, e0lh/mfqhn
dwron, dwrou, to
sunagw, sunacw, sunh/gagon, sunh/xqhn
a!rxwn, a!rxontoj, o(
Those children, while receiving gifts, were being
gathered by the rulers.
Those children, while receiving gifts, were being
gathered by the rulers.
Those children, while receiving gifts, were being
gathered by the rulers.
Those children, while receiving gifts, were being
gathered by the rulers.
Those children, while receiving gifts, were being
gathered by the rulers.
Those children, while receiving gifts, were being
gathered by the rulers.
e0keina ta_ te/kna
e0keina ta_ te/kna lambanonta
e0keina ta_ te/kna lambanonta dwra
e0keina ta_ te/kna lambanonta dwra sunh/geto
e0keina ta_ te/kna lambanonta dwra sunh/geto
u9po_ twn a)rxontwn.
11Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 11
proseu/xomai, proseu/comai, proshucamhn
e1rhmoj, e0rh/mou, h9
ble/pw, o!yomai, eidon, w!fqhn
proswpon, proswpou, to a!ggeloj, a)gge/lou, o(
When he was praying in the desert, he saw the
face of an angel.
When he was praying in the desert, he saw the
face of an angel.
When he was praying in the desert, he saw the
face of an angel.
When he was praying in the desert, he saw the
face of an angel.
When he was praying in the desert, he saw the
face of an angel.
proseuxomenoj e0n th e0rh/mw
proseuxomenoj e0n th e0rh/mw, eide
proseuxomenoj e0n th e0rh/mw, eide to_
proswpon a)gge/lou.
12Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 12
e0ntolh/, e0ntolhj, h9
me/nw, , e1meina
yuxh/, yuxhj, h9
ei0mi/, e1somai pistoj, pisth/, piston
While the promises remain, my soul will be
While the promises remain, my soul will be
While the promises remain, my soul will be
While the promises remain, my soul will be
While the promises remain, my soul will be
twn e0ntolwn
twn e0ntolwn menouswn
twn e0ntolwn menouswn, h9 yuxh/ mou
twn e0ntolwn menouswn, h9 yuxh/ mou e1stai
13Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 13
fe/rw, oi1sw, h1negka, h0ne/xqhn
te/knon, te/knou, to ku/rioj, kuri/ou, o(
pei/qw, pei/sw, e1peisa, e0pei/sqhn
au0toj, au0th/, au0to
e1xw, e3cw, e1sxon
kaloj, kalh/, kalon e0ntolh/, e0ntolhj, h9
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
We will bring the children to the Lord,
persuading them that they have good promises.
oi1somen ta_ te/kna tw kuri/w,
oi1somen ta_ te/kna tw kuri/w, pei/qontej
oi1somen ta_ te/kna tw kuri/w, pei/qontej
oi1somen ta_ te/kna tw kuri/w, pei/qontej
au0ta_ oti e1xousi
oi1somen ta_ te/kna tw kuri/w, pei/qontej
au0ta_ oti e1xousi kala_j e0ntolaj.
14Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 14
pisteu/w, pisteu/sw, e0pi/steusa, e0pisteu/qhn
e0ntolh/, e0ntolhj, h9
e1xw, e3cw, e1sxon ei0rh/nh, ei0rh/nhj, h9
Believing the promises, you (p.) will have peace.
Believing the promises, you (p.) will have peace.
Believing the promises, you (p.) will have peace.
Believing the promises, you (p.) will have peace.
pisteu/ontej ta_j e0ntolaj,
pisteu/ontej ta_j e0ntolaj, e3cete th\n
15Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 15
diwkw, diwcw, e0di/wca, e0diwxqhn
e0gei/rw, , h1geira, h0ge/rqhn
kefalh/, kefalhj, h9
xara, xaraj, h9
ginwskw, gnwsomai, , e0gnwqhn
ku/rioj, kuri/ou, o(
swzw, swsw, e1swsa, e0swqhn
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
While you were being persecuted, in joy you
lifted up your heads, knowing that the Lord saved
diwkomenoi h0gei/rate
diwkomenoi h0gei/rate ta_j kefala_j u9mwn
diwkomenoi h0gei/rate ta_j kefala_j u9mwn e0n
diwkomenoi h0gei/rate ta_j kefala_j u9mwn e0n
xara, ginwskontej
diwkomenoi h0gei/rate ta_j kefala_j u9mwn e0n
xara, ginwskontej oti o( ku/rioj
diwkomenoi h0gei/rate ta_j kefala_j u9mwn e0n
xara, ginwskontej oti o( ku/rioj e1swse
16Chapter 18A Section 249 B, 16
a0kou/w, a)kou/sw, h1kousa, h0kou/sqhn
grafh/, grafhj, h9
ginwskw, gnwsomai, , e0gnwqhn
a)lhqei/a, a)lhqei/aj, h9
Since you (s.) are not hearing the Scriptures,
you do not know the truth.
Since you (s.) are not hearing the Scriptures,
you do not know the truth.
Since you (s.) are not hearing the Scriptures,
you do not know the truth.
Since you (s.) are not hearing the Scriptures,
you do not know the truth.
Since you (s.) are not hearing the Scriptures,
you do not know the truth.
mh\ a)kou/wn ta_j grafaj,
mh\ a)kou/wn ta_j grafaj, ou0 ginwskeij
mh\ a)kou/wn ta_j grafaj, ou0 ginwskeij th\n
mh\ a)kou/wn