Title: ICAR:U of C Activities
1ICARU of C Activities
- Kwang-Je Kim
- September 3, 2003
2U of C KJK
- Part A Ionization cooling theory
- K.-J. Kim and C.-x. Wang (ANL)
- Part. B Smith-Purcell Laboratory
- O. Kapp, A. Crewe,Y.-e Sun (student),Yau Wah
- Part C Graduate Physics Course Accelerator
Physics and Technologies for Linear Colliders - Kwang-Je Kim
- Part D Participation to flat beam generation
experiment at FNPL - Y.-e Sun (student)
3Part A Ionization Cooling Theory
- Theoretical effort by K.-J. Kim and C.-x. Wang
- A comprehensive linear theory for ionization
cooling taking into account - Transport in cooling lattice (Hamiltonian)
- Dissipation and fluctuation in absorbers
- Emittance exchange via dispersion and wedge
absorbers - Beam angular momentum
- Moments expressed in terms of five invariant
4Emittance Exchange
5Equation of Motion
6Hamiltonian of the Focusing System
7Emittance Evolution Near Equilibrium Parametrized
by Five Invarients
Guidance for developing cooling channel with
8Further Theoretical Topics
- Recursive evaluation of beam transport lattice
consisting of extended elements ( such as
solenoids used in ionization cooling channels) - Rigorous treatment of magnetic field expansion
for curved reference orbitsProvided
bench-marking of ICOOL - Extensive Publications including two PRLs
9Selected papers on related developments
- C.-x. Wang and K.-J. Kim, COOL03, NIM A (2003)
- Beam envelope theory of ionization cooling
- C.-x. Wang and K.-J. Kim, PRL 88(18) 184801
(2002) - Linear Theory of Ionization Cooling in 6D
Phase Space - C.-x. Wang and K.-J. Kim, NIM A503 401 (2001)
- Linear theory of transverse and longitudinal
cooling in a quad. channel - C.-x. Wang and K.-J. Kim, PRE 63 056502 (2001)
- Recursive solution for beam dynamics of
periodic focusing channels - C.-x. Wang, NIM A503 409 (2001)
- Dispersions in a bent-solenoid channel
- C.-x. Wang and L.C. Teng, PAC01(2001)
- Magnetic Field Expansion in a Bent-Solenoid
Channel - K.-J. Kim and C.-x. Wang, NIM A472 561(2001)
- Progress in the Linear Beam Dynamics Study of
Ionization Cooling Channel - K.-J. Kim and C.-x. Wang, PRL 85(4) 760 (2000)
- Formulas for Transverse Ionization Cooling in
Solenoidal Channels
10Part B Smith-Purcell Laboratory
- An electron microscopebased Smith-Purcell
generator for a compact far IR source - Retrofitted the sample chamber of a Cambridge
S-200 scanning electron microscope with a grating
- Radiation transported via a polyethyene window to
a bolometer - Observed spontaneous Smith-Purcell radiation
after carefully eliminating the effects due to
blackbody radiation. (c.f., Dartmouth claim on
high-gain behavior) - We are evaluating
- Several options for electron sources (heated
tungsten tip, Lab6, Thermionic field emission) - Electron beam recovery system
- Preparing proposals for other funding agencies
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Part C A Graduate Physics Course Physics and
Technologies for Linear Colliders
- Physics 575 during winter 2002
- Lectures by experts in the field
- S. Holmes, K.J. Kim, T. Raubenheimer, J.
Rosenzweig, L. Emery, J. Wang, L. Lilje, F.
Zimmermann, V. Shiltsev, W. Gai - Lecture notes in the course web page
- http//hep.uchicago.edu/kwangje/phy575.html
14Part D Flat Beam Generation
- A novel beam manipulation technique proposed by
Y.Derbenev - A flat beam ratio (FBR) of 50 has been achieved
at FNPL ( FNAL-NIU Photocathode Laboratory). - Yin-e Sun is investigating effects reducing FBR
- Energy spread, space-charge effects, breaking of
cylindrical symmetry - To improve the flat beam ratio to gt100.
15Schematic rendition of the layout at Fermilabfor
flat beam experiment
A cos kz A sin (kzp/2) flat beam
vortex beam
16FermiLab/NICADD PhotoInjector
Layout taken from PAC01 paper of D. Edwards etc.
17Flat electron beam profile at 9.6m from the
cathode (XL6) and horizontal and vertical
beamlets used for emittance measurements
downstream at XL7 and XL8. The transverse
emittance ratio is about 41 in the example shown
18Major Budget Items
- Part A Fund transfer to ANL to support C.-x.
Wang - Part B Partial (40-50) salary support for O.
Kapp, equipments and supplies, technician charges - Part CTravel support for lecturers
- Part DStipend for a graduate student
- Domestic and international travels