Title: Condensed Matter models for
1Condensed Matter models for many-body systems of
ultracold atoms
Eugene Demler Harvard
Collaborators Ehud Altman, Robert Cherng, Adilet
Imambekov, Vladimir Gritsev, Takuya Kitagawa,
Susanne Pielawa, David Pekker, Rajdeep
Sensarma Experiments Bloch et al., Esslinger
et al., Schmiedmayer et al., Stamper-Kurn et al.
2New Tricks for Old Dogs,Old Tricks for New Dogs
Condensed Matter models for many-body systems of
ultracold atoms
Dipolar interactions. Magnetoroton softening,
spin textures, supersolid. New issues averaging
over Larmor precession, coupling of spin textures
and vortices R. Cherng, V. Gritsev. In
collaboration with D. Stamper-Kurn
Luttinger liquid. Ramsey interferometry and
many-body decoherence in 1d. New issues
nonequilibrium dynamics, analysis of quantum
noise. V. Gritsev, T. Kitagawa, S. Pielawa. In
collaboration with expt. groups of I. Bloch and
J. Schmiedmayer
Hubbard model. Fermions in optical lattice.
Decay of repulsively bound pairs. New issues
nonequilibrium dynamics in strongly interacting
regime. D. Pekker, R. Sensarma, E. Altman. In
collaboration with expt. group of T. Esslinger
4Dipolar interactions in spinor
condensates. Magnetoroton softening and spin
textures R. Cherng, V. Gritsev. In collaboration
with D. Stamper-Kurn
5Roton minimum in 4He
Glyde, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 93 861
6Possible supersolid phase in 4He
Phase diagram of 4He
A.F. Andreev and I.M. Lifshits (1969) Melting of
vacancies in a crystal due to strong quantum
fluctuations. Also G. Chester (1970) A.J.
Leggett (1970)
D. Kirzhnits, Y. Nepomnyashchii (1970), T.
Schneider and C.P. Enz (1971). Formation of the
supersolid phase due to softening of roton
7Roton spectrum in pancake polar condensates
Santos, Shlyapnikov, Lewenstein (2000) Fischer
Origin of roton softening
Repulsion at long distances
Attraction at short distances
Stability of the supersolid phase is a subject of
8Cold atoms magnetic dipolar interactions
Short-ranged contact interactions
Long-ranged, anisotropic dipolar interactions
Contact vs. dipolar interactions
For 87Rb mmB and e0.007 For 52Cr m6mB and
Menotti et al., arxiv0711.3422
9Magnetic dipolar interactions in spinor
Interaction of F1 atoms
Ferromagnetic Interactions for 87Rb
A. Widera, I. Bloch et al., New J. Phys. 8152
a2-a0 -1.07 aB
Spin-depenent part of the interaction is small.
Dipolar interaction may be important (D.
10Spinor condensates at Berkeley
M. Vengalattore et al., arXiv0901.3800
11Spinor condensates at Berkeley
12Competing energy scales
High energy scales
Precession (115 kHz)
- Spin independent
- S-wave scattering (gsn215 Hz)
Quasi-2D geometry
Low energy scales
Quadratic Zeeman (0-20 Hz)
Spin dependent S-wave scattering (gsn8 Hz)
Dipolar interaction (gdn0.8 Hz)
13Dipolar interactions after averaging over Larmor
14Dipolar interactions
Static interaction
Averaging over Larmor precession
15Instabilities qualitative picture
16Stability of systems with static dipolar
Ferromagnetic configuration is robust against
small perturbations. Any rotation of the spins
conflicts with the head to tail arrangement
Large fluctuation required to reach a lower
energy configuration
17Dipolar interaction averaged after precession
Head to tail order of the transverse spin
components is violated by precession. Only need
to check whether spins are parallel
XY components of the
spins can lower the energy using
modulation along z.
Z components of the spins can lower the
energy using modulation along x
Strong instabilities of systems with dipolar
interactions after averaging over precession
18Instabilities technical details
Quad Zeeman
Spin dep.
Spin indep.
20Effective dipolar interactionSpatial and time
Larmor precession comoving frame
Gaussian profile
Field Ansatz
Time-averaged Quasi-2D Effective dipolar
21Effective dipolar interaction
Time-averaged Quasi-2D Effective dipolar
22Collective Modes
Mean Field
Equations of Motion
Collective Fluctuations (Spin, Charge)
Spin Mode dfB longitudinal magnetization df
transverse orientation Charge Mode dn 2D
density d? global phase
23Instabilities of collective modes
Q measures the strength of quadratic Zeeman
24Collective mode phase diagram
25Berkeley Experiments checkerboard phase
M. Vengalattore, et. al, PRL 100170403 (2008)
26Spin texture length scales
Spin modulation 10 µm
- Most unstable mode
- k2 cost in kinetic energy
- k gain in dipolar energy
- l 30 µm
Spin axis modulation 30 µm
M. Vengalattore et al., arXiv0901.3800
27Finding a stable ground state
28Non-linear sigma modelSpin textures cause phase
Spinor vector potential
Energetic Constraints
Equations of motion for ?
Effective kinetic energy
29Non-linear sigma model
Topological charge (net vorticity)
Spin gradient
Vortex interaction
Dipolar interaction
30Spin Textures
Unit Cell
Max KE
Top. Charge Q
Kinetic Energy
Min KE
31Spin Textures Skyrmion Stripes
Unit Cell
Unit Cell
Top. Charge Q
Kinetic Energy
Top. Charge Q
Kinetic Energy
32Spin Textures Skyrmion Lattice
Unit Cell
Unit Cell
Top. Charge Q
Kinetic Energy
Top. Charge Q
Kinetic Energy
33Quantum noise as a probe of non-equilibrium
dynamics Ramsey interferometry and many-body
T. Kitagawa, A. Imambekov, S. Pielawa, J.
Schmeidmayers group. Continues earlier work
with V. Gritsev, M. Lukin, I. Blochs
group. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100140401 (2008)
34Ramsey interference
Atomic clocks and Ramsey interference
35Interaction induced collapse of Ramsey fringes
Two component BEC. Single mode approximation
Ramsey fringe visibility
Experiments in 1d tubes A. Widera et al. PRL
100140401 (2008)
36Spin echo. Time reversal experiments
Single mode approximation
The Hamiltonian can be reversed by changing a12
Predicts perfect spin echo
37Spin echo. Time reversal experiments
Expts A. Widera et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (2008)
Experiments done in array of tubes. Strong
fluctuations in 1d systems. Single mode
approximation does not apply. Need to analyze the
full model
No revival?
38Interaction induced collapse of Ramsey
fringes.Multimode analysis
Low energy effective theory Luttinger liquid
Luttinger model
Changing the sign of the interaction reverses the
interaction part of the Hamiltonian but not the
kinetic energy
Time dependent harmonic oscillators can be
analyzed exactly
39Time-dependent harmonic oscillator
See e.g. Lewis, Riesengeld (1969)
Malkin, Manko (1970)
Explicit quantum mechanical wavefunction can be
From the solution of classical problem
We solve this problem for each momentum component
40Interaction induced collapse of Ramsey fringesin
one dimensional systems
Only q0 mode shows complete spin echo Finite q
modes continue decay The net visibility is a
result of competition between q0 and other modes
Decoherence due to many-body dynamics of low
dimensional systems
Fundamental limit on Ramsey interferometry
How to distinquish decoherence due to many-body
41Interaction induced collapse of Ramsey fringes
Single mode analysis Kitagawa, Ueda, PRA 475138
Multimode analysis evolution of spin distribution
T. Kitagawa, S. Pielawa, A. Imambekov, et al.
42Noise measurements using BEC on a
chipIntereference of independent condensates
Hofferberth et al., Nature Physics 2008
Average contrast
Distribution function of fringe contrast
43Distribution function of interference fringe
Hofferberth et al., Nature Physics 4489 (2008)
Quantum fluctuations dominate asymetric Gumbel
distribution (low temp. T or short length L)
Thermal fluctuations dominate broad Poissonian
distribution (high temp. T or long length L)
Intermediate regime double peak structure
Comparison of theory and experiments no free
parameters Higher order correlation functions can
be obtained
44Fermions in optical lattice.Decay of repulsively
bound pairs
Experiment ETH Zurich, Esslinger et al., Theory
Sensarma, Pekker, Altman, Demler
45Fermions in optical lattice.Decay of repulsively
bound pairs
Experiments T. Esslinger et. al.
46Relaxation of repulsively bound pairs in the
Fermionic Hubbard model
U gtgt t
For a repulsive bound pair to decay, energy U
needs to be absorbed by other degrees of freedom
in the system
Relaxation timescale is important for quantum
simulations, adiabatic preparation
47Doublon decay in a compressible state
Perturbation theory to order nU/t Decay
To calculate the rate consider processes which
maximize the number of particle-hole excitations
48Doublon decay in a compressible state
Doublon decay with generation of particle-hole
Dipolar interactions. Magnetoroton softening
and spin textures in spinor condensates.
Luttinger liquid. Ramsey interferometry and
many-body decoherence in 1d.
Hubbard model. Fermions in optical lattice.
Decay of repulsively bound pairs.
50Thanks to