Title: Provider Perspective
1Provider Perspective
- In order to improve family planning and
reproductive health programs further, we need to
see the world through the providers eyes and
understand them better.
Sources Huezo and Diaz, 1993 Shelton 2001
- Consider the healthcare providers perspective
- What personal characteristics or attributes may
affect provider performance? - How does medical culture affect provider
performance? - How do providers relate to clients and the
community? - What systems and social issues affect provider
performance? - Why might a provider avoid providing IUDS?
4Providers - Who are they, anyway?
5Thinking About the Provider
- Personal Characteristics
- Technical Competence
- Needs and Rewards
- Control/Convenience/Comfort
- Medical Culture
- Empowerment/Proactivity
- Links to Client/Community
- Systems Issues
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7Personal Characteristics
- Personality
- Work Attitude/Inclination
- Altruism/Motivation
- Humanness
- Value System
- Gender, Age etc.
8Technical Competence
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Self-efficacy
9Performance Improvement An Alternative Approach
- Seeks to understand the myriad elements that
influence provider and organizational performance
and considers the full range of possible
interventions to make improvements.
Source Stolovitch and Keeps 1992.
10What Do Providers Need?
- Material Necessities
- Family
- Security
- Psychic fulfillment - status, affiliation etc.
- Other Basic
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Photo by Marianne Elias
Photo by Marianne Elias
14Providers May Face Daunting Constraints
- Problems with reimbursement, supplies, and
equipment - Lack of physical space
- Poor training and supervision
- Lack of transportation
- Bureaucratic obstacles
- Scheduling difficulties
- Lack of physical security
Source Khan, Patel and Gupta 1995.
- Pace
- Stress
- Easiness
- Timing
- Predictability
- Physical Aspects
- Clinic Flow
16Photo by Lamia Jaroudi
Photo by Sereen Thaddeus
17Procedural Barriers as Rationale to Reduce
- Procedural barriers to service delivery, such as
requiring women to be menstruating to receive
contraceptives, may allow providers a
legitimate rationale to regulate and reduce
their workload, even though it means clients may
not receive services. -
- Source Stanback et al 1997.
18Scheduling and Time Regulation
- Scheduling is a method often used to control
volume and pace of work. - In Brazil, a study found appointments only
accepted on certain days of the week, and clients
standing in line for hours to get appointments as
far as one or two months in advance.
Source Diaz et al 1999.
19Medical Culture
- Hierarchical
- Work routines
- Division of labor
- Rituals
- Technical versus Human
- Insulation
- Curative
Source Shelton, Angle and Jacobstein 1992.
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23What Key Provider Attribute Does this Slide
24How Does the Provider Link to the
- Knowledge about the community
- Affinity
- Affiliation/Roots
- Class/Race/Gender, etc.
- Social Distance
- Power Imbalance
- Favoritism
25Key Social Issue for Providers
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27What Systems and Social Issues Influence
- Creative Financing
- Bureaucracy/Personnel Systems
- Peer/Social Network Influences
- Scarce Resources
- Supervision
- Socio-Cultural Environment
28Provider Social Issue
Photo by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication
29Two RealitiesHealth District Study
- Health System to Deliver Services (official
- Health System to Provide a Job (other reality)
- Training to Improve Performance
- Training to Provide Income
- Personnel System for Rewards and Sanctions
- Informal methods for Rewards and Sanctions
- Right Skills for Each Health Job
- Various Health Jobs Interchangeable
- Reporting for Decision-making/Quality
- Reporting as an End in Itself
Source Aitken J-M. 1994.
30Why might a provider avoid IUDs?
- More work!
- Supplies and equipment required
- Proper training required
- Low FrequencyLow confidence
- Misconceptions about IUDs
- Social distance
- Personal risk (HIV, etc)
Sources Hajii and Laksisir 1996 Stanback,
Omondi-Odhiambo, Omundo 1995 Johnson, Katz and
Janowitz 2000.
31Some Provider Thoughts on the IUD
sometimes we are in a rush and there are many
patientsmany times we choose the easiest
method. A doctor in El Salvador
Well, we have been trained, but I have never had
the opportunity to perform the procedure. Anot
her doctor in El Salvador
32More Provider Thoughts on the IUD
... patients were forced to buy gloves so even
that one contributed to the failures. She will
go because she has no money and does not come
back again. Provider in Kenya
Maybe you have a small cutyou could get
infected. Another provider in Kenya
It is a lot to do if you are busy. Another
provider in Kenya
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34Summary Provider Perspective
- We really need to know more about providers.
- Providers are different, but have certain common
patterns. - Key motivations are financial, status, helping,
appreciation, control of environment, and social
norms of behaviorask yourself whats in it for
them. - As with anyone, if we want providers to do more
work, we need to justify it with them. - We must be prepared to address the unpopular
issues that are often not discussed. - We need to find out more about the providers way
of looking at the world.
35There are some wonderful providers out there
doing great work!