Title: Winter Street Bridge PROJECT UPDATE
1Winter Street Bridge PROJECT UPDATE
2Winter Street/I-95 InterchangeWaltham, MA
3Existing Interchange Issues
Reservoir Contamination Potential
Future Capacity Exceeded
Deficient Vertical Clearance/ Damaged Bridge
Undesirable Weave Movements
High Turning Volume
4Proposed Interchange Improvements
Totten Pond Road/Winter Street/Wyman
Street/Third Avenue Intersection
2nd Avenue/ Winter Street Intersection
Collector/ Distributor Road
Winter Street Bridge
5Winter Street/Second AvenueIntersection
62nd Avenue/Winter Street Intersection
All Movements Preserved
Exclusive Right Turn Lane (No Signal)
7Existing Winter Street Bridge
8Winter Street Bridge
7 Lanes
Period Pedestrian Lighting
4 Lanes
Route 128 I-95 SB
Route 128 I-95 NB
Low Vertical Clearance
Multiple Utility Bays
Temporary Bridge Repair Beam
16-6 (5.0m) Vertical Clearance
Route 128 I-95 SB
Collector/ Distributor
Route 128 I-95 NB
- Enhanced Architectural Treatment
- Concrete Forming Details
- Concrete Beams
9Totten Pond Road/Wyman Street/Third Avenue
10Totten Pond Road/Winter Street/Wyman Street/Third
Avenue Intersection
Number of Intersection Approach Lanes Increased
Intersection Movements Simplified Capacity
Increased to Meet Demand
Pedestrian Access Maintained
11Construction Staging
12Construction Staging
Temporary Bridge
Temporary Roadway Realignment
Staging for Up to 6 Feet Additional Fill Height
All Movements Maintained
13Proposed Bridge Cross Section
14Proposed Bridge Lighting
15Proposed Bridge
16Drainage Master Plan
17Project Schedule
- Bid Opening held on 09/22/04 -- 21 mil. low bid
from Roads Construction Corporation - MHD to issue Notice to Proceed 01/20/05
- Executed Agreement finalized 02/13/05
- Contractor submitted schedule of operations to
MHD for approval by 02/13/05 - Pre-Construction meetings held at the end of
February, 2005 with construction starting at the
beginning of March, 2005.
- Franklin G. Ching, Ph.D., P.E.
- City of Waltham Transportation Department
- 119 School Street
- Waltham, MA 02451