Title: Pesticide Facts: Regulatory Controls
1Pesticide FactsRegulatoryControls
- Carol Ramsay
- Pesticide Education Specialist
2State Pesticide Regulators
- WA Dept. of Agriculture (WSDA)
- Product Registration
- Pesticide Compliance
- Applicator Licensing
- WA Dept. of Ecology (DOE)
- Special permits for applying anypesticide into
water (Dept. of Health)
3Laws regarding pesticide salesand use
- Federal
- FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
Rodenticide Act - US EPA - delegated state authority to WA Dept.
of Agriculture (WSDA) - State
- RCW 15.58 and WAC 17.21
- General Rules related to Pesticide Use
- Administered by WA Dept. of Agriculture
4Testing Prior to Registration
- Manufacturer conducts tests
- EPA scientists review data make decisions on
approval of the labeled product - Efficacy or performance
- Acute and chronic toxicity
- Degradation and mobility
- Environment and wildlife
- Residue testing (food feed crops)
5WSDA Pesticide Registration
- General Use products
- Home and garden products
- Professional grade products
- Restricted Use products for professionals
- Because of human health or environmental concerns
- Restricted Use by US EPA
- Restricted Use by WSDA
6Mosquito Pesticides
- Home and Garden products
- Aquatic larvicides exempt from Restricted Use
status - Adulticides
- Professional Use products
- Aquatic larvicides
- All uses require application by a certified
applicator and a pollutant discharge permit - Adulticides
7Mosquito Control Products
Remember All non home garden LARVICIDES
are Restricted Use
- Adulticides
- Repellants
- Knockdown and Kill
- Larvicides
- Petroleum oils
- Insect growth regulators
- Microbial (bacteria)
- Organophosphates
8Restricted Use Pesticide
- Can only be purchased by a Certified Applicator
or their authorized agent - Can only be used by a Certified Applicator or
person under their direct supervision
9WSDA Applicator Licensing
- Examination process to document ability of person
to understand - Pesticide laws
- Label comprehension
- Human health and environmental safety
- Proper pesticide handling practices
- IPM basics
- Pest management overview
10Certified Applicators in WA
- Public Operator
- Commercial Applicator/Operator
- Private-Commercial Applicator
- Private Applicator
- NOT consultants or dealers
11Public Operator
- Works for public agency or public utility (city,
county, state, federal) - License only valid for work being done on the
job with that agency. Not valid if not employed
or not working for agency. - Can provide advice as well
12Commercial Applicator/Operator
- Commercial Applicator
- Head of business - Joint license for a single
person, can provide advice as well - Certified in all categories for which the company
does business - Commercial Operator
- Employed by a Commercial Applicator
- Exam endorsement for areas in which they work
- Only valid while employed
- Can provide advice as well
13Private-Commercial Applicator
- Applies to private property (owner or employee)
that does not produce an agricultural commodity. - Apartment complex, housing association,
commercial building grounds manager - Private golf course grounds manager
- Tribal nations, non agriculture
14Private Applicator
- Owner or employee of farm, dairy, ranch, forest,
nursery, or greenhouse - Producing an agricultural commodity or associated
15Who must be certified to APPLY?
- Any person applying or supervising the use of a
restricted use pesticide - Any person who is in the business of applying
pesticides (for hire) - Any public employee who applies general use
pesticides through power equipment
16Who must be certified to CONSULT?
- Any person who provides advice regarding the
selection or use of any non-home and garden
pesticide - Public Consultant (i.e. WSU employees)
- Commercial Consultant
- Dealer-Manager (within distribution facility)
- Public or Commercial Applicators/Operators can
17Mosquito ControlExams and Endorsements Required
- Public, Commercial, Private-Commercial
- Statewide Pest Control (PHPC)
- Public Health Pest Control
- Larvicides into water
- Adulticides
- Aquatic Pest Control
- Larvicides into water
- Adulticides (assoc. w/ aquatic situations)
- only categories which allow larviciding
Applicators Operators Consultants
Must pass Laws Safety Exam
18- Exams/Endorsement for Adulticides onlyPublic,
Commercial, and Private-Commercial - Agric. Insect Disease - any agricultural site
allowed by label - Turf Ornamental Insect Disease - any turf or
ornamental site allowed by label - PCO General - any residential or commercial
building site for indoor or perimeter spray
treatments allowed by label - Livestock Pest Control - on and around livestock
19Mosquito ControlExams and Endorsements Required
- Private farm, forest, nursery, greenhouse
- Private applicator - Adulticides, or larvicides
into water wholly-contained on their agricultural
property - Private applicator plus Aquatic Pest Control -
larvicides into water that moves off the
20WSDA Exam Locations
- Yakima or Olympia - Every Tuesday
- Other WSDA Offices
- Spokane, Wenatchee, Mt. Vernon
- Monthly - check website
- Moses Lake - bimonthly
- Private Applicator only - some county Extension
Offices for a 10 exam fee
1-877-301-4555 press 1, 1, 1 to location
21Annual Pesticide License Fees
22Maintain License
- Annual fee - renewal notice in November, reports
recertification credits as well - Recertification requirements
- Private Applicator - 20 credits in 5 years, not
to exceed 8 in any single year - All others - 40 credits in 5 years, not to exceed
15 in any single year - Examination option - every 5 years
23Pesticide Compliance
- Must follow all label directions and precautions
- Can only use on sites listed on the label
- It is a violation of federal law to use this
product in a manner inconsistent with its
labeling. - Chemical trespass concerns
24Pesticide Compliance
- School and Day Care notification and posting
rules are in effect for public health pesticide
applications - Landscape posting rules not in effect for public
health pesticide applications - Senstive Person Registry Notification rules not
in effect , but I would encourage it
25Any questions regarding WSDA requirements?
- Onto WA Dept. of Ecology NPDES Permit
26Laws regarding placing any pesticide into water
- Federal - Clean Water Act
- US EPA - delegate state authority to WA Dept. of
Ecology (DOE) - State - RCW 90.48.020
- Administered by WA Dept. of Ecology
- 9th Circuit Court of Appeals did not exempt
applicators from the need to obtain a permit to
discharge pesticides into water
27NPDES Permit
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
permit - Exempts applicator from any liability stemming
from a legal pesticide application into water
that followed the guidelines of the NPDES permit
for that application
28Aquatic Mosquito Control NPDES Permit
- WA Dept. of Ecology general permit covering
larvicide applications into water for control of
mosquito larvae - WA Dept. of Health joined DOE permit for public
health control
29Aquatic Mosquito Control NPDES Permit
- Entities can apply to DOH to become part of the
NPDES permit - It may fall to your local health district
- Entities mosquito control districts,
municipalities, school districts, counties,
public agencies, home owner associations, private
firms, farms, etc (the landholder).
30NPDES Permit Requirements (1)
- Annual application fee - 310
- Covered, if through Dept. of Health
- 38 days pre-application public notification
- Covered, if through Dept. of Health
- Education and outreach
- Covered, if through Dept. of Health
- SEPA (State Envir. Policy Act) review
- Covered, if through Dept. of Health
31NPDES Permit Requirements (2)
- Adopt IPM/BMP measures in Ecologys Best
Management Practices for Mosquito Control - http//www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/pesticides/fina
nal.pdf - Or
- Submit your own IPM/BMPs measures with your
application for approval
32NPDES - IPM basis
- Minimize contact with people and mosquito
breeding sites - Monitoring mosquito populations and disease
incidence - May be mosquito species-specific
- Establish action thresholds for control
- Mosquito treatment using IPM
33NPDES - BMP basis for small areas of concern
- Conduct education and outreach to areas of
control - Eliminate mosquito breeding sites (standing
water) - Use of repellants
- Protections for domestic animals
- Track avian, equine, and human surveillance data
- Action thresholds and IPM strategies
34NPDES BMP basis for wide-areas of concern
- New construction sites, drainage and water
treatment facilities, residential and commercial
occupants, farms, and irrigation districts
35NPDES BMP basis for wide-areas of concern
- Education and outreach to areas of control
- Minimize mosquito breeding sites
- Use of repellants
- Protections of domestic animals
- Repellants and vaccines
- Track avian, equine, and human surveillance data
- Action thresholds and IPM strategies
36DOE Permitted Larvicides
- Monomolecular surface film - (suffocation)
- Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (bacteria)
- Bacillus sphaericus (bacteria)
- Methoprene (arthropod-specific growth regulator)
- Petroluem distillates
- Temephos (organophosphate)
- Malathion (organophosphate)
Must be registered in WA and approved by DOE
37Any questions regarding WA Dept. of
Ecology(Dept. of Health) NPDES permits?
- Onto WSU Pesticide Resources
38WSU Pesticide Education
- Web site
- http//pep.wsu.edu
- Schedule for Pre-license courses
- Schedule for Recertification course
- Special courses and conferences
- Fact Sheets
- Pesticide Licensing for Professional Mosquito
Control - Prevention and Control of Mosquitoes
39Study Manuals for Licensing
- WA Pesticide Laws and Safety, MISC0056 - for
everyone except private applicators - Categories have similar names
- Public Health Pest Control exam Public Health
Pest Control manual, WSU Extension publication
MISC0151 - Order from Extension Bulletins Office
- Toll free phone 1-800-723-1763
- Website http//pubs.wsu.edu/
40Public Health Pest Control Licensing Short
- Laws Safety, plus Public Health Pest Control
- 2-day with exam --gt April 15,16
- Public Health Pest Control
- 1-day with exam
- July and August in Eastern Western WA
- Carol Ramsay, contact ramsay_at_wsu.edu
- http//pep.wsu.edu
41Pesticide Personnel at WSU
- Carol Ramsay - Pesticide Education Specialist
- Carrie Foss - Community IPM Coordinator
- Catherine Daniels - Pest Mgmt. Resource Manager
- Art Antonelli - Urban/Livestock Entomologist
- Doug Walsh - Agricultural IPM Specialist
- Allan Felsot - Environmental Toxicologist
42WSU - WNV Web Site linkshttp//wnv.wsu.edu
- Pesticide Education Programhttp//pep.wsu.edu
- WSDA Pesticide Licensinghttp//www.wa.gov/agr/Pes
tFert/LicensingEd/default.htm - WA Dept. of Ecology NPDES permithttp//www.ecy.wa
.gov/programs/wq/pesticides/index.html - WA Dept. of Health West Nile Virushttp//www.doh.
43Pesticide Education Program
Thank You for Your Participation
Carol Ramsay