Title: The Role of Pesticide Safety Education
1The Role of Pesticide Safety Education
- Joanne Kick-Raack
- The Ohio State University Extension
2Different Viewpoints of Certification Training
- Means to get a job, keep a job or get a
promotion/raise - Way to enhance companys credibility, marketing
tool - Necessary/Unnecessary cost
- Indoctrination-deliberately tell them what to
think, believe and do. - Provide information and develop skills for good
decision making and practices
3- Education plays a key role
- In influencing human decisions, attitudes, and
behavior in the real world by providing reliable
information and developing critical
decision-making skills - And ultimately reaching human and environmental
protection goals
4Integrated Pesticide Risk Reduction Program
- Proper registration and labeling
- Enforcement
- Education
5Importance of Training
- One of the most important underlying
philosophies of FIFRA relates to knowledge and
competency. What really happened was that
Congress had given formal endorsement to the
principle that training is a reliable and
workable ingredient in a regulatory process. It
is the legal recognition of the essentiality of
education and the competent person. - John Osmun, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University
6- Congress also amended FIFRA to clarify EPAs
obligation to appropriate funds annually, on a
matching basis, for training.
7- Less than 1 of federal funding provided for
FIFRA related activities (registration,
regulation, and enforcement) is used to train or
educate the individual responsible for selecting,
applying, storing, and disposing of a pesticide - AAPSE Strategic Plan
8- Laws and enforcement themselves do not
necessarily teach correct action/practices - Set standards but may not always explain or help
people meet those standards. - Applicators need knowledge not entirely
conveyable through labeling. - Do not contaminate water on a label, storage
and disposal - Recordkeeping regulations etc.
9What is the end goal?
- The applicator/worker is protected
- The water is clean
- Endangered species survive
- Food is safe
- Children are healthy
- Labels, laws, enforcement and education are tools
to achieve the goalnot the goal themselves
- Means to reach/influence every applicator who
does come through the system - The opportunity to build and measure competence
- Share enforcement actions in training
- Enforcement is essential deterrent and can be
educational but also can often be after the
fact complaint driven - Drift has occurred
- A spill wasnt handled
- A worker is sick
11Risk reduction needs to be proactive
- TQAtotal quality assurance
- You cant build in quality at the end of
production by inspecting - The individuals involved in the production
process have to be doing a quality job and know
what they are doing - In other words, its ultimately the applicator
who protects the environment and humans
12Provide Consistency
- Exams, manuals and teaching should be in
alignment - Standards should reflect what a competent
applicator NEEDS to know and address real world
situations - Too many inconsistencies obscure the message
13Balanced Viewpoint
- Not the pro-pesticide view
- Not the anti-pesticide view
- Information in the public interest, based on
science and based on values
14Education in the Public Interest
- Public perception generally is that universities
are unbiased, most reliable source of information - Public more likely to trust risk mitigation
efforts by public institutions--maintain
credibility of pesticide regulation programs - Also need to collaborate with industry/environment
al partners
15A fundamental truth..
- Learning is ultimately controlled by the learner
- Ultimately protecting people and the environment
is controlled by the applicator
- People can know whats proper and legal and
choose to do otherwisefor many reasons - Financial costgain may outweigh consequences
like fines - Ex. Revenue generated or the cost of buying new
equipment - Personal cost--too difficult/time consuming
- Invincibility thinking
- Perceived lack of relevance
17Individual Responsibility
- Plato argued that good people do not need laws to
act responsibly and bad people will find a way
around the law - Most people chose to do the right thing if they
understand and agree with the consequences - Education promotes understanding
- Always will be people who defy the law regardless
of enforcement consequences and education
18Performance measures/outcomes
- Education can help achieve outcomes
- Challenge--Things that are easy to measure often
dont matter. and the things that really matter
often arent easy to measure. - Ex. How many spills, poisonings etc. have been
averted because of good education?
19- If you think education is costly, you havent
priced ignorance - Ex. of lack of educationSuperfund methyl
parathion cases.
- Certification and training is the mechanism to
reach every licensed applicator - Proactive approach not reactive
- Key to individuals reaching competency,
increasing competency and staying updated - Plays a key role in influencing human
decisions in the real world - Although it is not the ONLY influence
- Key component in reaching human health and
environmental protection goals
21students cannot be mere sponges, absorbing the
wisdom of a teachers lecture. Rather, they
must realistically engage subject matter and
actively practice the art of critical thinking
(Meyers, 1986, p.9)