Title: Renovations Task Force
1Renovations Task Force
- Presentation and Recommendation
2Renovations Task Force Process
- Took into consideration
- the new Mission and Vision of CLPC,
- the recommendations of Wyn Arn and Peter Pizor,
church consultants hired by CLPC. - Congregational input from the recent survey,
- the experience and existing facilities of other
successful churches in the area, - the Leading of the Holy Spirit through much
discussion and prayer.
3Renovations Task Force Process
- Sought to translate the vision God was giving us
into plan for our facilities. - Met with program staff, elders, and dayschool,
- retained Ambrose architects to work in the
translation process, - looked at multiple alternatives to renovate the
current Christian Education facility. - And our conclusion was
4CE Renovation Insight
- Even renovated expanded, CE is too small
- Program needs not met - particularly in future
- High cost of code compliance
- Unknown structural integrity of west end
- Finished product will be to small
- Useful life only extended 15 years
5Proposed Comprehensive Facilities Improvements
- A New CE Building of 24,000 sq. ft.
- Church Life Center Renovation
- Build out east and south sides, 4,400 sq. ft.
- Remodel former Shalom offices
- Sanctuary Building
- Former administration offices removed to expand
Narthex - Former Pastors offices converted to large
classroom - Roof, wall and window damage repaired
6(No Transcript)
7Proposed Comprehensive Campus Improvements
- Parking
- Repave the west lot
- Create 60 to 65 new spaces
- Canopy for Sanctuary drop-off
- Other Campus enhancements
- Carillon
- Landscaping
- Covered walkway between buildings
81 CE 2. Carillion 3. Parking 4. Covered Drop
Off 5. Church Life Center 6. Drop Off
9(No Transcript)
10Christian Education RebuildingFlexible Decision
11Expanded CLPC Vision RequiresDedicated
- Proposed Project Cost
- Share per Family (750)
- Share per week
- 4 Million
- 2.8M CE Building
- 1.2M Other Costs
- 175 per month
- 44 per week
What might this mean?
12How do we deal with the uncertainty ofthe
Capital Campaign outcome?
- Strategy 1 Successful 3 year capital campaign!
- Goal of 5M 4M new construction 1M debt
elimination - Funded with a construction loan and a short-term
mortgage (2yrs) to cover cash flow - Strategy 2 Additional 3 year campaign
(2006-2009) for residual debt elimination - Common among growing churches that capital
campaigns are phased in 3 year increments - Funded by extending mortgage to 2009
- Strategy 3 Defer some improvements
- Such as carillon, covered drop-off, part of new
CE building 2nd floor buildout - Strategy 4 Reverse Decision and Renovate CE
13Strategy 3 Project Deferral Options
- Committee Perspective
- Everything is needed for our church to move
forward in its expanded mission and vision - However -- Strictly from financial perspective
- Project costs could be reduced by up to 750,000
(20) through deleting or deferring features
from the design - Possible savings from Other Project Costs
- Possible savings from deferred CE Building
outfitting or other compromises - NOT RECOMMENDED if pursuing vision is important
14Possible Project Deferrals
15Strategy 4Reverse Decision Remediate/Renovate
CE Building
- Committee Perspective
- Incompatible with expanded CLPC vision
- Cannot justify in terms of desired future for
CLPC - Growing congregation
- Flexible and expanding Programs to meet greater
community needs - Warm, inviting, and accessible atmosphere
- Can only marginally serve CLPC today
- However -- Strictly from financial perspective
- Project costs can be cut by over half
- Latest decision point is mid-summer
16Comparison of Project CostBetween Renovating CE
and Rebuilding CE
17Comparison of Investment Value to CLPC Vision
Renovate CE
Rebuild CE
- Recover current program space
- Facility constrains ability to pursue expanded
vision - No Front Door critical to visitors
- Office placement confusing to visitors with
difficult accessibility for some - Offices adequate for needs of today
- Inadequate dedicated and easily accessible
storage - major constraint to programs and
interior aesthetics - Campus improvements to help exterior aesthetics
-- but we still look like an office complex
- Expand program space
- Dedicated youth wing
- Tailored facility for innovative, flexible, and
adaptive outreach - Facility can support expanded programs as CLPC
vision is realized - Offices to support larger operations meeting the
needs of tomorrow - Adequate storage placed near greatest program
needs - Campus designed to project warmth of the spirit
and openly inviting for all of community and we
look like a church!
18So the Choice Becomes
- Invest to Serve Ourselves Today
- Invest so we can Serve Others Tomorrow
Our decision is the demonstration of our
commitment to realizing the larger CLPC Vision in
the service of God in this community
19Is this the final opportunity for review?
- This is just the beginning to authorize detailed
design on the project. - Basic Floor Plans will be presented in late
Spring. - Â
- Completed design Development Drawings and
financial plan reviewed and approved by session
and presented to the congregation for approval
this summer.
20Requested Actions for Today
- That Session be authorized to retain the
architectural firm of Ambrose, McEnany and House
to develop plans for a new Christian Education
Building and to target presentation of the final
project design and financial plans for the
congregations approval in summer of 2003. - That Session concurrently direct Ambrose, McEnany
and House to develop plans for the completion of
the second floor of the Church Life Center, with
the understanding that this construction is to
commence after receiving congregational approval
at the summer 2003 meeting.